Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Keep beating that dead horse Hoid ride 'er to the finish line lol

Oh now........................................

let HOID have his little bitty piece of childish fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Goading Colpy over his presentation of valid statistics that LIE-berals DO NOT want to talk about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At least HOID has STOPPED trying to justify LIE-beral economic policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is that not progress of a sort?????????????????????????

And just think..................................

if HOID gets too depressed.................................................

he might just go SHOOT himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And ignite a whole new argument about how LIE-beral gun laws................................

FAIL to keep firearms out of the hands of IMBECILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC

1. Don't care about gun homicides,

2. Are stupid, and/or

3. Pick the low-hanging fruit.

This is really freakin' simple, leftards. I'm going to make your argument for you. . .

The overwhelming majority of gun deaths, criminal, suicide, or accidental, in North America are done with handguns. Rifles, shotguns, "weapons of war," and all other long guns account for about 5% of gun deaths.

A handgun is underpowered and horribly inaccurate. It is utterly inferior to a long gun in every way except one: concealability.

In the U.S., there is a very good case to be made that handguns are not militia weapons, so the Second Amendment doesn't apply.

There y'go. There's your argument, that has a half-assed chance of actually prevailing. But you won't make it. Why not? Because you're virtue-signalling assholes and cowards who want to ban scary black guns that cause a tiny fraction of the gun deaths. Or possibly because you're elitist racists who don't give a shit about kids gunned down in the 'hood, the barrio, or the reservation, and you only get all sorrowful when it's white middle-class kids in nice white high schools.

And those, dearly beloved, are the damn facts. Deal with 'em.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
It would make more sense if anyone was arguing with you about it.
I'll give you credit for consistency in your hysteria. You want every gun in Canada and the U.S. banned, though you never quite get around to explaining how you're going to round up the half-billion guns in private hands.

But you'll have to give me that most of the leftards are wailing about "AR-15s!" (without even knowing what the f*ck an AR-15 is), which cause a microscopic fraction of gun deaths.

I haven't heard one. . . single. . . gun-banner (oh, excuse me! "advocate of reasonable gun control") on this board ever once single out handguns as the meat of the problem.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
I'll give you credit for consistency in your hysteria. You want every gun in Canada and the U.S. banned, though you never quite get around to explaining how you're going to round up the half-billion guns in private hands.

But you'll have to give me that most of the leftards are wailing about "AR-15s!" (without even knowing what the f*ck an AR-15 is), which cause a microscopic fraction of gun deaths.

I haven't heard one. . . single. . . gun-banner (oh, excuse me! "advocate of reasonable gun control") on this board ever once single out handguns as the meat of the problem.
That russian girl was sentenced to jail today. She had the NRA on a string.


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
1. Don't care about gun homicides,
2. Are stupid, and/or
3. Pick the low-hanging fruit.
This is really freakin' simple, leftards. I'm going to make your argument for you. . .
The overwhelming majority of gun deaths, criminal, suicide, or accidental, in North America are done with handguns. Rifles, shotguns, "weapons of war," and all other long guns account for about 5% of gun deaths.
A handgun is underpowered and horribly inaccurate. It is utterly inferior to a long gun in every way except one: concealability.
In the U.S., there is a very good case to be made that handguns are not militia weapons, so the Second Amendment doesn't apply.
There y'go. There's your argument, that has a half-assed chance of actually prevailing. But you won't make it. Why not? Because you're virtue-signalling assholes and cowards who want to ban scary black guns that cause a tiny fraction of the gun deaths. Or possibly because you're elitist racists who don't give a shit about kids gunned down in the 'hood, the barrio, or the reservation, and you only get all sorrowful when it's white middle-class kids in nice white high schools.
And those, dearly beloved, are the damn facts. Deal with 'em.

Archers carried daggers. Militia carried handguns.


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
Course you do. It's deeply ingrained in your culture to shoot first and ask questions later. Goes right back to your very beginnings.

And what is ingrained in your culture? Shoot second? And if that doesn't work out for you, someone else asks questions for you?

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Do let me know if you ever have something intelligent to contribute.
Do let us know when your testosterone-fueled gun masterbation meets the fundamentals of human existence for the rest of us peaceful folk.

People like you don't really fit in, do you?

..except, of course in your freakishly fukced up counutry.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Do let us know when your testosterone-fueled gun masterbation meets the fundamentals of human existence for the rest of us peaceful folk.
People like you don't really fit in, do you?
..except, of course in your freakishly fukced up counutry.
I said "something intelligent."

If that's your idea of an insult, the Canadian Navy is even more a bunch of Girl Scouts than generally advertised.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Do let me know if you ever have something intelligent to contribute.

I doubt that you're ever heard of it but there was a good book in circulation at one time, probably published back in the 1940s, the author's name was Dale Carnegie and I think the title of the book may have been "How to Win Friends and Influence People". It's good reading. You might want to check around and see if there's a copy still in circulation. I think you might learn a lot from it. Just saying!