GOLDSTEIN: Canada’s divider-in-chief is Trudeau, not Poilievre


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Oh I agree he is. And he's... well, an idiot. More than, and the sooner he's gone, the better we'd be, if only there was another choice possible. There isn't though and that's the worst part. But I also didn't vote and won't vote for his entitled ass again so...
It's not that he's an idiot. We've had idiots before, idiots are survivable. What he is doing will cause irreperable harm to Canada that cannot be undone for at least a generation. You need to understand that virtually ANY choice is better. I'd vote for Jagmeet if i thought it would get rid of justin. THis is't just "the other guy is bad because he's the other guy", this is REALLY bad no matter what party he's with.
But I look back at Harper who ordered that scientists not say a word about their work to anyone as a huge issue in pushing his own orthodoxy.
He didn't actually do that. I know that's the perception on the left but that's not what happened. He forbid scientists about speaking in public appearances about their own work. That's because they had a bad habit of making money off of doing so and being dramatic about it. Anyone ELSE including other scientists were free to talk to their heart's content and the work ITSELF was published and available to all.

He wasn't 'muzzling' their work - he was taking away their extra profits. And that changed the nature of their work - it didn't pay to do research that was super popular with various special interest groups anymore.
I also despised his closing down of Vet offices and merging them with Service Canada; IMO that was not a smart move even if it might have been 'to save money'. To me it was insulting as Vets, IMO, should have their own offices to focus on the special services they need both in and out of military service.
Sure. Bad move. He wasn't perfect.
There's little piddly stuff I also don't agree with. Just like Trudeau.

Like I said, I think for both they were more about being PM than giving a shit about Canada.
Harper actually did a lot of good for canada. You'll notice there was no seperation talk when he was around, teh bloc was knocked back to a total of 4 seats, the economy prospered during a freaking recession and we were hailed as one of the best examples of how to handle that.

Justin isn't doing "little things" wrong. He is destroying the country's financial future and he's dividing people on purpose for political gain.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Oh I agree he is. And he's... well, an idiot. More than, and the sooner he's gone, the better we'd be, if only there was another choice possible. There isn't though and that's the worst part. But I also didn't vote and won't vote for his entitled ass again so...

But I look back at Harper who ordered that scientists not say a word about their work to anyone as a huge issue in pushing his own orthodoxy.

I also despised his closing down of Vet offices and merging them with Service Canada; IMO that was not a smart move even if it might have been 'to save money'. To me it was insulting as Vets, IMO, should have their own offices to focus on the special services they need both in and out of military service.

There's little piddly stuff I also don't agree with. Just like Trudeau.

Like I said, I think for both they were more about being PM than giving a shit about Canada.
All employees of the government are subject to non disclosure agreements . Those same ones you are condemning under Harper are still in place under Trudeau as they were under Cretien .
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Oh I agree he is. And he's... well, an idiot. More than, and the sooner he's gone, the better we'd be, if only there was another choice possible. There isn't though and that's the worst part. But I also didn't vote and won't vote for his entitled ass again so...

But I look back at Harper who ordered that scientists not say a word about their work to anyone as a huge issue in pushing his own orthodoxy.

I also despised his closing down of Vet offices and merging them with Service Canada; IMO that was not a smart move even if it might have been 'to save money'. To me it was insulting as Vets, IMO, should have their own offices to focus on the special services they need both in and out of military service.

There's little piddly stuff I also don't agree with. Just like Trudeau.

Like I said, I think for both they were more about being PM than giving a shit about Canada.
I agree with you regarding the vet issue. That was demeaning to those who have risked their lives. But as I said, he wasn't perfect but the majority of his policies were good ones - not all but most.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
We agree with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau urging all political leaders to avoid using incendiary rhetoric and to denounce intimidation and threats of violence against politicians.

As long as he includes himself!!!

Trudeau and the Liberals have aimed all of their fire on this issue at Conservative leadership campaign frontrunner Pierre Poilievre to solve this problem because, they say, it starts and ends with his tacit support of racists, misogynists and right-wing extremists.

Poilievre has dismissed the allegation, noting in the wake of the verbal harassment of Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland by a man who swore at her, called her a traitor and told her to leave Alberta, that such behaviour was unacceptable and must stop.

Including the abuse levelled against his family to the point where, he said, he had to hire private security to protect them.

So we’re all agreed. Threats are unacceptable and political leaders should denounce them and be mindful of their own rhetoric.

But that includes Trudeau, who weaponized vaccine mandates during the last election using an age-old tactic of political leaders in hard times — creating a scapegoat.

In this case, it was the unvaccinated. Abandoning his previous positions against vaccine mandates and passports as divisive, Trudeau condemned the unvaccinated. Extremists used Trudeau’s divisive rhetoric to their advantage — mounting an attack not just against vaccine mandates but against government itself.

Post-election, Liberal MP Joel Lightbound called out Trudeau in a stunning rebuke, given how the PM typically deals with caucus dissent (see Jody Wilson-Raybould, Jane Philpott).

“It’s time to stop dividing Canadians, to stop pitting one part of the population against another,” Lightbound said.

“I can’t help but notice with regret that both (the) tone and the policies of my government changed dramatically on the eve and during the last election campaign.

“From a positive and unifying approach, a decision was made to wedge, to divide and stigmatize … This is not a risk we ought to be taking lightly.”

A recent national survey by Leger found 61% of Canadians agreed Trudeau is divisive because he “often favours certain groups and regions of the country over others, which has created national unity issues.” Only 22% disagreed. The rest were unsure.

Trudeau should look in the mirror.

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