Rubbish. No organization on Earth is perfect. Mistakes happen. You can't disregard their science just because they have made mistakes. If there are mistakes in the investigations, then that is another thing altogether.
No organization is perfect?
Then I guess that East Anglia is the perfect poster child for that sentiment considering the frauds detailed in the leaked emails (and not denied I might add) misrepresentation and the exit of the disgraced head of the department. Top it all off by the loss of irreplaceable data that will forever prevent the replication of any future studies. Talk all you like about the integrity of the copied data, but in the end, not only will ever truly know if it is pure, there will never be an opportunity to scrutinize the originals.
That, Tonnington, is truly pathetic.
If you're going to disregard everything that the IPCC might touch on in their work, then you have nothing constructive to add to this discussion.
Why on Earth would I apply an ounce of weight to an organization that has consistently acted in the most unprofessional and unscientific manner imaginable... Only a fool would regard their work and conclusions as reputable.
I already gave you a link to NASA data. You can get all of their station data at the GIStemp website.
And I responded with the reality that NASA was hit with multiple Freedom of Information Act motions over the denial of access to data throughout this entire debate.
Why is that so hard for you to understand?
I gave you the only feasible explanation. What you choose to do with that information is up to you. But don't try to tell me that I haven't had anything to say on these issues. If you paid attention and actually read the links I provide, you might gain some understanding.
You did no such thing. You are unable to provide any form of model that will clearly determine that anthropogenic sources as causation while SIMULTANEOUSLY explaining the periods is glaciation prior to humanity.
I think you and I are about done now.
Ofcourse you're done... You have no answers and are intimidated by someone that refuses march lockstep with those that maintain blind faith.