Is there truly a silver bullet for either side? There are arguments for both sides.
No, there is no silver bullet. The case is, there are mounds of evidence from Physicists, Chemists, Biologists, Climatologists, even Mathematicians and Statisticians. It's all converging, multiple lines of work that have built up the theory. That's why it's called a theory.
There are scientists who are trying to pick away at it, like any other theory in the history of science. Very notable if you can, highly unlikely.
All the newspapers that talk endlessly about Gore this and Gore that, and the scientists who are saying he's wrong. Well there is no liability in the print for things like that. The public relies on a media that makes it's living at showing you what they think is the story. It's a distraction that has been perverted into truth. Media= editorial, always.
After years of this being in the news, and people witnessing changes around the world, public opinion has embraced that theory which shows we are at least part of the cause, and most likely the largest single contributor right now. So there are those in the media and their friends who have tried to campaign against it since the issue first arose, and they will continue to do so.
Change is a coming. Carbon taxes will be a reality. Standardized renewable portfolios will be mandatory. Cap and trades will be mandatory. Those with the trillion dollar infrastructure will have to take a hit, after decades of growing fat.
At this point now, it is they who need the silver bullet.