Vanni Fucci said:
I'll bet you were one of those people that still believ the whole WMD story too... :roll:
No I don't believe it, since you asked the question. I never did.
Vanni Fucci said:
...and my anger has nothing to do with whether or not you snapped anger is directed at your blase attitude towards the crimes against humanity that are being perpetrated by your military at the behest of your government...
You really need to govern your emotions a little bit Vanni, no offense. But crimes against humanity is YOUR opinion. There are just as many people in the world who do not think the way you do. And I DO NOT, condone crimes against humanity for crying outloud.
Vanni Fucci said:
If I were to say that the 911 victims deserved to die that day, that would probably set you off...and rightly so...
Yes, I would, because they were people going to work, like those in London yesterday. But I have a hard time having sympathy for people that have "allegedly" attacked my country. this doesn't mean I mock torture, this means I think its not there, not to the extent everyone claims it is.
Vanni Fucci said:
How is condoning the torture of those who have not been found guilty any different? How is supporting the flagrant contravention of the Geneva Convention any different.
The problem lies, that you believe the US government is intentionally torturing people at Gitmo. My issue is, that there is most likely -- I stress mostly likely -- a couple of nasty bastards within the army that implement it. That's our difference of opinion.
Vanni Fucci said:
Millions died in World Wars I and II to prevent crap like this from happening...and you're acting like it's one big joke...that it's ok for the US to torture whomever they wish, because they feed them quiche...
Yeah, millions died in WWI & WWII and among them many Americans, and yet even there, people rush to crticise our participation. So, I'm sorry if I have a short fuse, but everywhere I turn there is extreme left criticism. It's as if the purpose of the US is to destroy everyone on the planet. I don't think so!!!!
Vanni Fucci said:
I thought you were bigger than that, ITN...I guess I was wrong...
Well, I'm sorry to dissapoint you, but you have to realize, I can't keep being badgered because I have a different opinion than someone else. And on occassion, I snap back. I can never recall, inciting anyone unless I was provoked. And If did so, to you, then it was not intentional and I apologize if I did.
And pardon me for being blunt, but I'm alot bigger than you can imagine.