Funeral for Officer Sgt Ryan Russell - Some people are just plain Ignorant


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
After much debate with various people about this topic, it seems that a funeral of this grandeur is acceptable because of the job. In other words, other citizens and their duties aren't as valued...teachers, doctors, professors, librarians, garbage workers etc. To expand, I haven't seen or heard of a funeral that large for any of these people. Did they use tax dollars to pay for this? Absolutely. Do your research. Officers that were flown in from other areas had their flight/accomodations covered by tax payers. As a tax payer, I would rather my money go to a funeral of a single mother who lossed her child due to police brutality (as was the case at York University when the police claimed that the youth had a "heart attack"). Nobody on this forum is denying the fact that what occured was sad and deserves respect. But to have our national flag at half guard? To have 12, 000 people attend...and please don't be ignorant that no tax payers money came to set up the arrangements etc., because we did pay for it. 12,000 off duty at one given time? Security of the event? "Free buses" from the T.T.C.? Well who pays for the buses anyways ;)

This is their job. They choose to be police officers. They are getting paid for it. They know what their job entails. A death in 9 years for the Toronto squad testifies to the safety of the job. I agree that a regular funeral, as any of us would receive, should have been conducted. As someone who has had more negative encounters with the police than positives, this further demonstrates the fact of their "brotherhood" and do whatever they want attitude and perspective on society.
For G20, I peacefully went downtown and was restricted as to what I could do and where I could go and was asked to leave at certain points...Why? If I was showing the same brotherhood to a cause that I believe is just?
Let's continue to empower the same officers that squell any attempt that citizens have to protest etc. The same officers that continually abuse their citizens. They want to have a massive funeral downtown because a co-worker fell? No! Would the city shut down a street because someone else died?

Would I rely on police to save my children from harm? Absolutely! That is what I AM PAYING FOR! THAT IS THEIR JOB! The officer did not volunteer to try to stop the snowplow! That is his job! People die on the job everyday...Anyhow, I just think that this "spectacle" further demonstrates how some jobs are valued and appreciated more in society than others and what a mixed message we are sending our youth.

I imagine this is your kinder side showing - Yes they volunteer - Something you may have a problem with as it is spread throughout - Volunteer - get ready to die. Perhaps the other way would be better - Conscription for all professsions that place their life on the line - Myself I would take the voulunteer as they are motivated.
Something again you would not understand - What motivates them -

Police Officers, Firefighters, Soldiers and others that put their life on the line share a bond that you could never understand - The reason you would never understand is simple - I read your post and you are simple as well. That is just my opinion though, warts and all.


May 24, 2006
Like I said, a private funeral with family and friends just like most of mass media falling all over themselves trying to get a shot of the grieving union grand provincial flags at half mast......just a time for the family to grieve.

They are no more important than a guy who picks up the trash to a guy building your home....they all have families, they all have a duty and they all know the risks.

What a moronic comment. The job of a cop is to protect the public, putting their life on the line without a second thought. What does a garbage man do?? Near the bottom of the picking order line in the grand scheme of things....


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Rag Picker is a highly dignified term I might add for Supply Tech in the Army - We carried everyones wants and needs on our backs. So a sanitation Worker does not and and I mean NOT mean the term Rag Picker. Damm it, I was a Rag Picker.

What a moronic comment. The job of a cop is to protect the public, putting their life on the line without a second thought. What does a garbage man do?? Near the bottom of the picking order line in the grand scheme of things....
Risus - i agree with your 1st comment but on you last I cannot. If a man makes an honest living, regardless of what he/ she does, is there shame in that. I think not. That is how I was raised. An honest dollar for an honest days work, no shame in that, nor should society look upon it as such, this is not India with the Caste System. and certainly no pecking order regarding honest work in this country should ever be tolerated.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006