Funeral for Officer Sgt Ryan Russell - Some people are just plain Ignorant


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Love that term, Sanitary Engineers, right up there with Car Groomer. Amazing how we change language and assign terms to what many, not i would state are at the lower end of the social employment structure in the West. They do not know how well a garbageman is paid.
I do not care how many attended, why would I. Why would I get upset about that. I certainly would not make dumb ass comments about it. Why such a question?

Goober, you want to go back and take note of WHO I quoted and thus WHO the question was directed at? Or are so stuck on yourself that you think every post is directed directly to you?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Goober, you want to go back and take note of WHO I quoted and thus WHO the question was directed at? Or are so stuck on yourself that you think every post is directed directly to you?

Gerry - My apologies for that. I was wrong.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
and if 12,000 "sanitary engineers" from across North America want to attend the funeral of a fellow "garbage man" would you begrudge them that?

Yeah, I would.

Wouldn't happen though, disruptions of this magnitude are only reserved for police and firefighters.....everyone else is just fodder.

I respect the men and women out there that put their lives in the path of danger so im safer at night. I work a dangerous job, and i garuntee its more dangerous than what half of you guys do for work. But if i see something i dont want to do, i dont have to do it. If a cop sees someone he doesnt want to do, he has no choice but to do it. Thats why i suppourt this big funeral for one of our fallen.

Hope he wears a rubber.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
So, how many is too many?

Like I said, a private funeral with family and friends just like most of mass media falling all over themselves trying to get a shot of the grieving union grand provincial flags at half mast......just a time for the family to grieve.

They are no more important than a guy who picks up the trash to a guy building your home....they all have families, they all have a duty and they all know the risks.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Like I said, a private funeral with family and friends just like most of mass media falling all over themselves trying to get a shot of the grieving union grand provincial flags at half mast......just a time for the family to grieve.

They are no more important than a guy who picks up the trash to a guy building your home....they all have families, they all have a duty and they all know the risks.

Such a sad little man, with such little understanding. I truly feel sorry for you.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Excellent rebuttle....when you can't answer use an ad hominem.

I've answered and I'm sure you don't like the truth that has been spoken. You don't understand, and I do feel sorry for you.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
I've answered and I'm sure you don't like the truth that has been spoken. You don't understand, and I do feel sorry for you.

You answered blathered on about how much you think a garbage mans life is beneath that of a cop and asked me how much is too many.

Then you used an ad hominem.


What insult are you going to use next to hurt my wittle feelings?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
You answered blathered on about how much you think a garbage mans life is beneath that of a cop and asked me how much is too many.

Then you used an ad hominem.


What insult are you going to use next to hurt my wittle feelings?

Oh... My.... God, you're even stupider than I thought. At no time did I insult Garbage men. I used them as an example because YOU brought them up. IMNSHO anyone and everyone has the right to the kind of funeral that this officer recieved. Anyone should have the right to show their love, and support for someone that has died. Unlike you who wants to restrict people.

Plus, to "hurt your feelings" would require you to have some, something you have shown you don't have.


Time Out
Jun 1, 2007
Gerrhy....are you gay?

Oh... My.... God, you're even stupider than I thought. At no time did I insult Garbage men. I used them as an example because YOU brought them up. IMNSHO anyone and everyone has the right to the kind of funeral that this officer recieved. Anyone should have the right to show their love, and support for someone that has died. Unlike you who wants to restrict people.

Plus, to "hurt your feelings" would require you to have some, something you have shown you don't have.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
That would be in regard to back, shoulder and other strains from heavy, physically demanding work - From not lifting correctly or overweight garbage can/bags. Did they mention that??

If I am in error then what are the major hazards??

Traffic, bio hazards, sharps.

If a cop sees someone he doesnt want to do, he has no choice but to do it.

I think you've been watching too much Hollywood lately.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Oh... My.... God, you're even stupider than I thought. At no time did I insult Garbage men. I used them as an example because YOU brought them up. IMNSHO anyone and everyone has the right to the kind of funeral that this officer recieved. Anyone should have the right to show their love, and support for someone that has died. Unlike you who wants to restrict people.

Plus, to "hurt your feelings" would require you to have some, something you have shown you don't have.

Stupider isn't a word.

I never brought up garbage men....have a closer look at the thread.

Everyone has a right to mas hysteria?

Where did I say I want to restrict anything? All I said was that it was pretty sick how one group of people gets placed at a higher level than others.

Remember that next time you read the story of a construction worker who gets killed on the job.....oh....but wait...unless you read the back pages of the paper you won't hear about it, nor will the funeral be covered, nor will flags be placed at half mast, nor will their be mass disruptions.....a private funeral for family, friends and a few co-workers to grieve. As it should be.

If you want to parade this guys body all over the place because it makes you feel all warm a cozy inside go right ahead.

Even the military dosen't act this way, they have a day on Nov 11 as does the labour movement to remember those that have perished in the line of duty.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
a private funeral for family, friends and a few co-workers to grieve. As it should be.

Why does there need to be rules as to what should or shouldn't happen with regards to memorial/funeral services. If construction workers want to put on a big display every time a construction worker dies, they should have that right. Ultimately, it's up to the family of the deceased and clearly (since they allowed this) they are fine with it.

Oh... My.... God, you're even stupider than I thought. At no time did I insult Garbage men. I used them as an example because YOU brought them up.

That would have been RCS. He was the one that had to rate the importance of workers like it was relevant.


New Member
Jan 20, 2011
After much debate with various people about this topic, it seems that a funeral of this grandeur is acceptable because of the job. In other words, other citizens and their duties aren't as valued...teachers, doctors, professors, librarians, garbage workers etc. To expand, I haven't seen or heard of a funeral that large for any of these people. Did they use tax dollars to pay for this? Absolutely. Do your research. Officers that were flown in from other areas had their flight/accomodations covered by tax payers. As a tax payer, I would rather my money go to a funeral of a single mother who lossed her child due to police brutality (as was the case at York University when the police claimed that the youth had a "heart attack"). Nobody on this forum is denying the fact that what occured was sad and deserves respect. But to have our national flag at half guard? To have 12, 000 people attend...and please don't be ignorant that no tax payers money came to set up the arrangements etc., because we did pay for it. 12,000 off duty at one given time? Security of the event? "Free buses" from the T.T.C.? Well who pays for the buses anyways ;)

This is their job. They choose to be police officers. They are getting paid for it. They know what their job entails. A death in 9 years for the Toronto squad testifies to the safety of the job. I agree that a regular funeral, as any of us would receive, should have been conducted. As someone who has had more negative encounters with the police than positives, this further demonstrates the fact of their "brotherhood" and do whatever they want attitude and perspective on society.
For G20, I peacefully went downtown and was restricted as to what I could do and where I could go and was asked to leave at certain points...Why? If I was showing the same brotherhood to a cause that I believe is just?
Let's continue to empower the same officers that squell any attempt that citizens have to protest etc. The same officers that continually abuse their citizens. They want to have a massive funeral downtown because a co-worker fell? No! Would the city shut down a street because someone else died?

Would I rely on police to save my children from harm? Absolutely! That is what I AM PAYING FOR! THAT IS THEIR JOB! The officer did not volunteer to try to stop the snowplow! That is his job! People die on the job everyday...Anyhow, I just think that this "spectacle" further demonstrates how some jobs are valued and appreciated more in society than others and what a mixed message we are sending our youth.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
I, on the otherhand, saw this funeral as an expression of caring about a young man whose value to society was unquestioned. We are all poorer for the loss of Sgt Ryan Russell, just as we are at the loss of anyone who had contributed so much to the betterment of their world.


Jan 6, 2007
Ive seen televised coverage of a teacher's funeral. Weeping students and teachers and family alike. I saw an article in People magazine today showing images from the funeral of a college lacrosse player murdered by her boyfriend... a campus full of candle carrying students... reporters were present, photographers. The notion that widespread mourning, pomp and circumstance, surrounds only the deaths of officers or statesmen, etc., is bull. The idea that anyone needs to reign in their greif for the sensibilities of a few curmudgeons is absurd.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Ive seen televised coverage of a teacher's funeral. Weeping students and teachers and family alike. I saw an article in People magazine today showing images from the funeral of a college lacrosse player murdered by her boyfriend... a campus full of candle carrying students... reporters were present, photographers. The notion that widespread mourning, pomp and circumstance, surrounds only the deaths of officers or statesmen, etc., is bull. The idea that anyone needs to reign in their greif for the sensibilities of a few curmudgeons is absurd.

I've seen coverage of funerals as well on tv and watching people cry on cue once the camera gets on them.

The next time someone who works for us that isn't a cop or firefighter dies and every flag in the province is at half mast I'll by into it's not just them.

You know, I would like to know what this funeral cost to the tax payer. Street closers, security, paid days off....etc etc.

Like I said, if they want to parade the body around for every body in the country to shed crocodile tears that's fine by me, but it says something about a society that puts some way ahead of others.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Was at a hazard assessment seminar recently that was taught by a City of Calgary employee. After thorough hazard assessments of every municipal position it was determined that "the" most hazardous position in the city was that of garbage man. I know how I risk being labeled a troll for pointing out your ignorance once again but inquiring minds like to know this type of stuff.

I'll spare you pointing out your obvious character flaw. I worked as sanitation worker, and in a wide array of other jobs.

Presently I drive a truck and am tasked with moving in around vehicles that are often unpredictable and dangerous. The responsibility that comes with my job may not seem like much to you or anyone else, but I am not immune to the fact that a fatal error on my part or even just bad luck could result in a catastrophic tragedy. That said, I do not consider my line of work to be the same as a police officer, or a fire fighter or a soldier.

I know that is hard to wrap your rag picking head around Cannuck, but its the best answer you'll get. Been there done that, not the same.