Fuck Joe Biden and anyone who voted for him


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Blah, Fox News and CNN are just two turds on opposite sides of the same shit pile.

And in Canada we are unlucky enough to have those three leftist lieberal media party shit spreaders around like CTV/CBC/GloBull where the three of those shit spreaders are stuck and are sitting in the middle of their own created stinky shit hole pile. Those three lefty lieberal bunch of Pravda comrade buffoons are always spreading shit around. When near any of those shit spreaders above they do smell just like shit. One can smell them coming a mile away. :ROFLMAO:
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Now they are close to true herd immunity like Sweden

And in Norway, they have now got rid of all of their covid restrictions and are now treating covid as just your average flu that comes around every year in every country around the world. Good on Norway. Hopefully, many more sane countries will start to do the same.

I cannot see Canada ever doing anything like what Norway has just done for a very very long while yet. After all, our political Marxists dictating politicians and the corporate globalist owned MSM along with the so called lying health officials and experts will all keep trying to keep this covid hoax alive and well for as long as they can. The goal of the Canadian government today is not to try and make Canadians happy. Their goal is to try and make the state more powerful than what it is already thanx to this covid bull shit.

After all, our comrade dictator politicians in Canada just love their new found control and censorship that they now have and enjoy over we the stunned sheeple. Our politicians refuse to and will not subscribe to the many other treatment methods and medicines like Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine as examples nor will they ever try herd immunity in Canada. It's all just about pushing everyone to take their covid experimental vaccine jabs.

I am pretty dam sure that pretty much, if not all, of our dear political leaders and those so called health experts like Bonnie the commie Henry and communist T. Tam do have plenty of stocks and shares with big pharma. Otherwise, why would those buffoons keep trying to force vaccinations jabs on all Canadians then?



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Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek