No one in France asked them to come. Germany has the same problem, although currently to a lesser extent.
My g/f who lives in Germany said that the citizens were really upset with the government when they let all the immigrants in and provided them with absolutely everything at the expense of Germans.
She told me about how the Germans were offering food & water to the immigrants when they initially came into the country, just as the French did. A lot of the immigrants refused to accept what was offered and/or threw away a lot of what was being given to them. The Germans were welcoming but the immigrants were very unappreciative, complaining about living conditions that were being paid for by the Germans & how Germans were forced to leave their apartments to go elsewhere so as to accommodate the immigrants; how gyms & parks were closed to citizens because of the immigrants etc.
Her dad was in a care facility & she had to make arrangements for him to go elsewhere as the facility was being emptied so that renovations could take place for the immigrants. She said she had a hell of a time trying to find someplace else for her dad that would be able to accommodate his needs. He's since passed away but how many others were affected in the same way.
Unfortunately, governments world-wide take actions without determining the consequences of said actions down the road and so everyone has to suffer because they couldn't take the time to figure out that maybe they shouldn't allow millions of immigrants into their country without knowing where they'd go and how they were going to be integrated. Maybe it should have been thousands instead so they could properly deal with the influx. But no, just open up the borders & let nature take it's course (so to speak).