You also have no idea what you are yelling about.
LIE-berals have completely LOST IT where drug addiction and natives are concerned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At every turn LIE-berals are more focused on buying votes than in resolving problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LIE-beral policy is so BAD they have no idea what to do with addicts in the big city- much less how to deal with addicts on a native reserve where undercover cops stand out like a sore thumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Officials declare state of emergency over drug crisis on Stoney Nakoda First Nation. By Michele Jarvie, Postmedia. First posted: Sunday, July 24, 2016 07:10 PM EDT | Updated: Monday, July 25, 2016 11:26 AM EDT
(With some comments of my own in brackets):
Topic: The opioid crisis. The three First Nations bands near Morley are in a crisis situation over extremely high rates of prescription drug addictions and overdoses among members.
With addiction rates surging as high as 60% among adult members of the reserve, Stoney Nakoda has declared a state of emergency.
“We had something like 139 deaths attributed to opiates within a two-year period on the nation,” said Lindsay Blackett, CEO of the Chiniki band, one of three that comprise Stoney Nakoda.
“There’s only 6,000 people on the whole reserve so that’s a significant number vis-à-vis the population.”
A program started in 1986 monitors the use of medications prone to misuse and abuse. The Triplicate Prescription Program (TPP) is administered by the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta and includes agencies like Alberta Health, Alberta College of Pharmacists and Alberta Dental Association.
The program collects prescribing and dispensing data for a range of drugs including fentanyl, methadone and Oxycodone.
With Alberta physicians being the highest prescribers of codeine-containing medications in the country, according to the CPSA, painkillers containing codeine and two widely used anti-anxiety drugs, Ativan and Valium, were added to the watch list in 2015.
If the TPP system detects certain parameters, such as clients using more than one pharmacy or doctor, or getting more than a certain amount of drugs, a letter is sent to the prescribing physician. Last year, 3,277 warning letters were sent.
(And does ANYBODY MONITOR the results-if any-that are produced by the warning letter? Given the alleged 60 percent addiction rates, my guess is Not Often!)
“There are very specific flags that would result in a letter being sent,” said Donna Call, a media spokesperson for the College.
An adviser meets with the physician to discuss the treatment plan, and where necessary, provide more education and resources to improve prescribing practices. Call said discipline would only be considered if a physician is found to be engaging in criminal behaviour or refuses a recommended intervention.
(Oh right-a doctor who is being bribed or blackmailed into supplying LOTS of Opiates will be VERY RESPONSIVE to `education` from `do-good` donkeys. They or the patients might even start using forged documents and fake names for their prescriptions-I am sure that sort of thing will cure the problem?)
The CPSA recognized the issue in its April newsletter, The Messenger. “We recognize physician prescribing habits are a direct contributor to opiates misuse.” It has developed some initiatives to address that including high-risk interventions with physicians whose prescribing practices could lead to harm, and computerized comparisons of prescribing.
(Prescribing practices have been recognized as a problem in Toronto area methadone clinics even with easy access to medical records and police oversight and its still a problem. How much harder will the `cure` be out in the woods?)
Prescription drug abuse has a tragic history on many of Canada’s reserves despite the efforts of indigenous leaders and health officials to combat the problem.
Between 1986 and 1988, at least 42 indigenous people died from prescription drug overdoses.
In 1994, the Alberta Chief Medical Examiner and the College of Physicians and Surgeons investigated 15 overdose deaths on the Eden Valley reserve, population 450, and how easily and often the victims got their pills from doctors.
And in 1997, the federal Auditor-General condemned health programs for indigenous people, saying prescription drug abuse on Alberta reserves was the highest in the country. The stats showed that in one three-month period in 1996, more than 700 First Nations people across the country received at least 50 prescriptions and almost 1,600 were prescribed more than 15 different drugs. In both cases, Alberta accounted for more than half the national total.
A followup A-G report in 2006 found little had changed. “We found that some of the recommendations that would likely make a significant difference in the lives and well-being of First Nations people and Inuit were not being implemented or that progress was unsatisfactory,” read Sheila Fraser’s Status Report.
(In other words either doctor greed or doctor fear are thwarting legitimate efforts to regulate deadly drugs- as has been happening in Toronto methadone clinics!)
It found that Health Canada had not conducted any analysis of prescription drug use or analyzed data on drug-related deaths of its clients since 1999. The audit also determined that the number of clients obtaining more than 50 prescriptions over a three-month period had almost tripled compared with the 2000 audit.
(This lack of Health Canada action is apparently a direct result of over-lapping areas of responsibility-provincial health care managers and federal health care types each looking to the other for leadership. With resource funds limited by LIE-beral funding of the civil service gravy train-the more money spent on perks and frills and solid gold pensions for civil service Hogs-the LESS MONEY there is for solving real problems! With the added bonus that LIE-berals do not want to expose the native voters they have bought. at our cost, as drug addled twits- there might be calls to alter LIE-beral policy if such a scandalous exposure was made! )
mjarvie at postmedia