Federal Carbon Tax ruled to be constitutional


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Exactly as predicted.

As all things do it will eventually wind it way way through all these lower courts until the SC takes it up.

It would seem to be a slam dunk for the feds but who can say?
No slam dunk. Considering the carbon tax isn't equal among the provinces, there's no way in hell the tax is constitutional. If it is constitutional, then why does Quebec get away with charging 1/3 LESS than the federal tax amount? Yep, everyone else has to cough up $30 a tonne but Quebec only has to cough up $20 a tonne.

The other issue is, according to our Constitution the natural resources within a province belong to said province. So how is it that the Fed can interfere in the exploitation of those provincial resources? Either the provinces have full domain over their resources or they don't. It's a little late in the game for the Fed to suddenly decide the rules no longer apply without adjusting the Constitution. Oh wait, it's a bunch of ALT-left racist trash running the country. I keep forgetting they exempt themselves from the rules and laws they demand everyone else obey.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Premier Scott Moe praises Alberta court decision calling carbon tax unconstitutional

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe says his resolve has been strengthened in his government's ongoing battle against the federal carbon tax after Alberta's Court of Appeal ruled the tax unconstitutional on Monday.

Alberta is the third province to have its courts weigh in on the carbon tax but is the only province to find the tax unconstitutional. Courts in Saskatchewan and Ontario had previously decided the government was within its power to impose the tax.
"Today's ruling confirms that the federal government has no right to impose a carbon tax on some provinces but not others, based on how each province has chosen to legislate its own constitutional power," Moe said in Saskatoon after the 4-1 decision was made public.
Alberta judges ruled that the regulation of greenhouse gases is not a national responsibility and the carbon tax itself was labelled a "constitutional Trojan horse" of overreaching executive powers that could impede provinces in the future.
Moe said this now means Saskatchewan can re-examine its Prairie Resilience plan, a plan which did not include a price on carbon.
Moe called on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to shelve the carbon tax: "it's the right thing to do, on behalf of Canadians," Moe said.
"It isn't reducing our carbon emissions," he said. "Most certainly, I will speak to Saskatchewan: the carbon tax does nothing to reduce our carbon emissions; it reduces our economic opportunity."
Studies of B.C.'s carbon tax, which started in 2008, have found that emissions declined in that province after the tax was introduced.
Saskatchewan's greenhouse gas emissions are the highest in Canada per capita, at 66.9 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents, according to the Canada Energy Regulator. The national equivalent is 19.4 tonnes.
The Supreme Court of Canada is scheduled to hear two days of arguments March 24 and 25.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
No slam dunk. Considering the carbon tax isn't equal among the provinces, there's no way in hell the tax is constitutional. If it is constitutional, then why does Quebec get away with charging 1/3 LESS than the federal tax amount? Yep, everyone else has to cough up $30 a tonne but Quebec only has to cough up $20 a tonne.
The other issue is, according to our Constitution the natural resources within a province belong to said province. So how is it that the Fed can interfere in the exploitation of those provincial resources? Either the provinces have full domain over their resources or they don't. It's a little late in the game for the Fed to suddenly decide the rules no longer apply without adjusting the Constitution. Oh wait, it's a bunch of ALT-left racist trash running the country. I keep forgetting they exempt themselves from the rules and laws they demand everyone else obey.

Ont. and Que. doesn't have to pay Carbon tax on imported oil which is a head scratcher as well, must be less Carbon produced by foreign oil?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Or stunned.
That's you in a nut shell. And the author is correct. Constitutionally the provinces have domain over the natural resources that exist within their borders. And yet the Fed has worked hard to prevent one province in particular from realizing its resource potential. What's the sense in having domain over natural resources when the Fed can come along and prevent you from exploiting those resources? Or you and your foreign-funded ALT-left racist buddies who don't want to see the Natives gain some economic independence.

Face it, you're just racist f*cking garbage. Just like the rest of the ALT-left dregs out there. You don't give one goddam shit about anyone outside of how you can use them to further your dehumanizing, authoritarian agenda.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Ont. and Que. doesn't have to pay Carbon tax on imported oil which is a head scratcher as well, must be less Carbon produced by foreign oil?
Oh for sure man. If you listen to the enviro-tards Canadian oil is a about a gazillion times more carbon intensive that "traditional" oil deposits.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I guess Juniors carbon tax might not be constitutional after all...

Federal carbon pricing law unconstitutional, Alberta Court of Appeal rules

Majority opinion called the federal act 'a constitutional Trojan horse'

In a 4-1 decision, the Court of Appeal of Alberta has found the the federal government's Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act to be unconstitutional as it poses unlimited intrusion on provincial jurisdiction.

The appeal court decision, released Monday, rejects Ottawa's argument that regulation of greenhouse gas emissions is an issue of national concern, citing the division of powers in the constitution that gives the provinces responsibility for non-renewal resources.

The majority opinion called the federal act "a constitutional Trojan horse" and a "grand entrance hall into every head of provincial power."

The carbon tax SCAM that is so ESSENTIAL to LIE-beral re-election HOPES............................

because it is expected to provide a NICE NEW GRAVY SUPPLY for LIE-berals BUYING VOTES..................................

is EXACTLY the sort of TWISTED deceitful policy so BELOVED by LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One MAJOR ISSUE with the carbon tax SCAM is that it IS NOT APPLIED EQUALLY TO ALL CITIZENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some provinces WILL PAY proportionately MORE THAN OTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For instance - ALBERTA AND ONTARI-OWE WILL PAY MORE than either Quebec or New Brunswick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another issue is that the CARBON TAX REBATE - that amazing slice of FAUX LIE-beral economic magic........................

that LIE-berals INSIST will BOTH RAISE LOTS OF NEW REVENUE FOR "GREEN PROJECTS"...........................


IS NOT being paid out in any FAIR WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cdns are ALREADY OUTRAGED BY THE DISCRIMINATORY WAY that LIE-berals are handing out federal transfers...................

to provinces that ARE MOST LIKELY TO SUPPORT LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course the new gravy from the carbon tax SCAM will make this LIE-beral BIGOTRY EVEN WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Ontari-owe Ford govt went to war with Our idiot Boy over the carbon tax scam.........................

and lost - simply because Ottawa DOES HAVE the legal right to impose taxes...........................

ON ALL CDNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By contrast - The Alberta Court has served notice on Ottawa that trying to PREVENT A PROVINCIAL GOVT..............................

from developing certain industries by taxing them VERY HEAVILY ..............................................

OR BY IMPOSING ONEROUS LEGAL REQUIREMENTS and restrictions...........................

such as imposing INSANE DEMANDS FOR CONSULTATION WITH NATIVES on the provincial govt.......................

SIMPLY BECAUSE OTTAWA IS BIASED AND DISAPPROVING of a project...........................

IS NOT LEGAL as development of industry is a PROVINCIAL RESPONSIBILITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Further- there IS THE HUGE NATIONAL ISSUE OF THE RULE OF LAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The majority of natives along the Northern Gateway Pipeline WANT THE PROJECT COMPLETED........................

so they can win jobs and cash from it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is only a RADICAL MINORITY WITHIN A MINORITY - that opposes the pipelines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ottawa has NOW called into doubt whether majority rule ACTUALLY MEANS ANYTHING IN CANADA ANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are looking at a MINORITY within the native community - defying THEIR OWN ELECTED LEADERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WITH THE SUPPORT OF A FEDERAL LIE-BERAL MINORITY GOVT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy himself DOES NOT REPRESENT THE MAJORITY OF CDNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Exactly as predicted.

As all things do it will eventually wind it way way through all these lower courts until the SC takes it up.

It would seem to be a slam dunk for the feds but who can say?

A 4 to 1 decision.... Poor ole tater tot is crapping bricks about now, but to what will be a big surprise for junior, Kenney (and Moe's) next step is to withdraw AB and SK's contributions to CPP.

.... There goes the Lib Party's voter base


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
A 4 to 1 decision.... Poor ole tater tot is crapping bricks about now, but to what will be a big surprise for junior, Kenney (and Moe's) next step is to withdraw AB and SK's contributions to CPP.
.... There goes the Lib Party's voter base
That makes for a super big conundrum. CPP is now the biggest farmland owner in Canada.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
'It will be a good court fight': Alberta carbon tax ruling sets stage for Sask. Supreme Court case

The legal battle over the carbon tax will soon reach Canada's highest court with Saskatchewan playing a major role — and a lower court ruling on Monday has increased the drama.
On Monday, the Alberta Court of Appeal ruled the federal carbon tax to be unconstitutional in a 4 to 1 decision.
Two rulings from Saskatchewan (3-2) and Ontario (4-1) went in favour of the federal government's position.
Both Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe and Alberta Premier Jason Kenney were claiming the Alberta ruling as a victory for their case against the federal government's federal carbon pricing system.
The ruling sets the stage for next month's Supreme Court of Canada hearing. Canada's highest court will hear the cases of Saskatchewan and Ontario.
'It's the longest judgment I have ever seen'
"It will be a good court fight for sure. And it's not an easy case for the Supreme Court to decide," said John Whyte, a constitutional law expert at the University of Regina.
"There are 228 pages, 857 paragraphs. It's the longest judgment I have ever seen and it is well-argued, very well-argued, very precisely argued and makes as strong a case as ever possible for the invalidity of the carbon tax," Whyte said.
"I thought that the federal case was not a slam dunk but strong. But four judges going with the provincial claim of unconstitutionality was a little surprising," Whyte said.
Whyte said his "hunch" was that the top court would mirror the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal split decision.
"It's anything but an open and shut case."
Carbon tax a 'constitutional Trojan horse'
The Supreme Court of Canada chose not to wait until after the Alberta decision was rendered to set its hearing for Saskatchewan and Ontario, but that does not mean the Alberta ruling will be set aside.
The Alberta decision "is going to have an impact on the upcoming Supreme Court of Canada hearing no doubt," said Dwight Newman, constitutional law professor at the University of Saskatchewan.
The 4-1 Alberta decision rejected Ottawa's argument that regulation of greenhouse gas emissions is an issue of national concern, citing the division of powers in the constitution that gives the provinces responsibility for non-renewable resources.
The majority opinion called the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act "a constitutional Trojan horse."
Newman said the majority of Alberta justices concluded that if the legislation stood it will "greatly expand the powers of the federal government. What they've called, in this very memorable phrase, a constitutional Trojan horse."
Premiers renew call to cancel tax
Alberta Premier Jason Kenney said the court ruling should force the federal government to cancel the tax in his province.
Newman said that argument can be made.
"Based on this decision there is a basis to say that in Alberta the determination of the law at this point is that the tax is indeed illegal."
On Monday, Moe said the federal government should cancel the tax pending the highest court's decision.
"We would ask that the Trudeau government pull the carbon tax off of Canadians here and re-engage with Canadians in a much more collaborative manner," Moe said Monday.
Federal Environment Minister Johnathan Wilkinson said he is confident in Ottawa's position.
"We look forward to the Supreme Court which is the ultimate arbiter of issues around differing interpretations of jurisdiction to be making the ultimate determination in March," Wilkinson said.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
A change of government will cancel the provincial carbon taxes?

Also, I don't believe there is a federal party without a carbon tax plan.

POOR STUPID hemerHOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He quakes in his boots every time he thinks of Ottawa - WITHOUT Our idiot Boy there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HemerHOID IGNORES THE REALITY THAT IT IS ONLY LIE-berals who plan to drive up the cost of fossil fuel

SO HIGH THAT WE ORDINARY PEOPLE CAN NEVER AFFORD TO USE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course civil service union HOGS will get grand new gobs of gravy..........................

SO THEY can continue to enjoy a GRAND CARBON FOOT PRINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As Our idiot Boy is demonstrating with his handling of native protestors............................

he IS PREPARED TO DESTROY THE CDN ECONOMY................................

just so long as he gets to keep on virtue signalling for his SHRINKING POOL OF SUPPORTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JUST LOOK AT THE TROUBLE FACING JACKASS JOHN TORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I saw Jackass John Tory - the Toronto mayor on the news last night - February 24, 2020, and it is obvious that Doug Ford has WON ANOTHER BATTLE against the Toronto HOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes!! For many decades now- provincial LIE-berals have been buying Toronto HOG votes by supplying Toronto with TEN TIMES MORE IN PROVINCIAL TRANSFER FUNDING PER CITIZEN - than they gave to any other Ontari-owe municipality - and of course Ford is working to END that gross HOG entitlement!!

As a result of those decades of LIE-beral ENTITLEMENT - Toronto ENJOYS THE LOWEST PROPERTY TAXES of any GTA community and has better deals for access to recreational activities as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Further - Toronto has access to TWICE AS MANY HOSPITAL BEDS per population as is the case in a place like Durham Region!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the last decade - Toronto leaders have fumbled to reduce their HOG ENTITLEMENTS - the most notable event being the choice to use private contractors to pick up garbage in half of Toronto - with the dividing line between union HOGS and non union workers being Young St!!

Toronto Silly Hall WAS DRIVEN TO THIS DRASTIC ACTION because of the HIGH RATE OF ABSENTEEISM of HOG workers - who book off whenever they feel like it with NO LOSS OF PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THUS Toronto can hire FOR PROFIT CONTRACTORS to pick up garbage - AND STILL SAVE SOME MONEY - because contractors CONTROL ABSENTEEISM COSTS - which HOG UNIONS DO NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Naturally govt HOGS screamed loud and long over this loss of good union jobs and the resulting focus on shaky HOG work ethic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And HOGS screamed LOUDER STILL when their JOBS FOR LIFE DEAL was scaled back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As it stands now - HOG EMPLOYEES WITH AT LEAST 15 years of govt service ARE GUARANTEED A JOB FOR LIFE - no matter the cost to the public!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And of course HOGS WANT THAT JOBS FOR LIFE DEAL RESTORED - as Jackass John MADE CLEAR on the news!! Thus the DIFFICULTY of coming to some deal with the HOG outside workers union !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jackass John is of course GREATLY VEXED that Doug Ford would cut back the flow of provincial gravy to HOGTOWN and make his life difficult!! Jackass John does not care that Ontari-owe is the most indebted province or state on the planet!!

But Jackass John IS SMART ENOUGH to recognize Ford will NOT RELENT!!!!!
Thus Jackass John is FORCED TO GROW A SPINE and use it to stand up to the HOGS and tell them NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Toronto Silly Hall has just rammed through the LARGEST BUDGET INCREASE they dared to hit voters with and now there simply is NO MORE GRAVY AVAILABLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jackass John wants to hit up the federal govt for funds for housing illegals - as he should - but Our idiot Boy has a MINORITY GOVT and thus has limited ability to act on HOG desires!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even worse - Ottawa faces a PERFECT STORM of expenses - with LOST TAX REVENUE from our paralysed economy - and policing and legal costs for corralling rebellious natives - and medical costs for dealing with the Wuhan Virus - not to mention the give aways Our idiot Boy has already made in his foolhardy search for a United Nations Security Council Seat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With all the issues facing LIE-berals, they simply HAVE NO TIME OR GRAVY for the likes of Jackass John!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes - poor Jackass is going to have to run an election campaign in 2022 - that will have him facing a HORDE of disgruntled HOGS and unhappy voters - all of whom are painfully aware that it is HOG unions that are pillaging our economy with endless strikes and HUGE DEMANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
looks like the ball of twine is unraveling faster than trudeau ever imagined

YES.............NOTHING LIKE A LITTLE PRACTICE..............................

TO GET THE ARGUMENT JUST RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And in related news - the cost of the Wuhan Virus is going to SERIOUSLY CUT INTO

the supply of LIE-beral gravy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy is going to have a VERY HARD TIME .............................

BUYING THE VOTES HE NEEDS to prop up his dying minority govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The great majority of Cdns think Our idiot Boy is handling the native blockades VERY BADLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
He's lost control completely.

Our idiot Boy is still nominally in charge for now.............................

and Conservatives do not plan to pick a leader til June...........................

that means Our idiot Boy has SOME HARD BARGAINING to do.......................

with the idiot cousins the NDPees and Greenies - and Bloc Heads as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

before Conservatives get organized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I stand by my prediction that Our idiot Boy will last until spring 2021.........................

although admittedly he has been hit harder by the native blockades than I expected.............................

so maybe he surprise me and he will be gone sooner???????????????????


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Farmers frustrated with federal decision to move forward with carbon tax increase amid pandemic

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the government will move forward with its plan to increase the carbon tax to $30 per tonne from $20 on April 1.
The statement comes after he didn’t offer a clear answer to reporters during a press conference on March 27.
“We know that we need to do things to make sure that we’re both supporting families through ordinary times and through difficult times and moving forward on continuing the fight against climate change, which remains even at a time of immediate crisis and pandemic,” Trudeau said.
The prime minister added the rebate will offer Canadians another stream of income, as many are unable to work during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Farmers in Western Canada have been fighting the carbon tax since it was implemented.
The Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan (APAS) said farmers lost about eight per cent of their income from the tax last year.

READ MORE: Farm income to fall by up to 12% due to the carbon tax: APAS

“We have to pay that tax and there is no way to pass that along through our commodity prices. We’re on a world market and you can’t add two per cent on the price of your wheat because of carbon tax,” APAS president Todd Lewis said.
However, it isn’t clear how the price of oil will play a factor on farmers income in 2020.
On March 30, oil prices fell eight per cent.

READ MORE: Oil price plunges to 2002 lows amid global coronavirus shutdown

Producers are frustrated by the decision given the current state of the economy.
“To raise a tax when we really don’t know what is going to happen … you know, look at what has happened in the last two weeks,” Jason Hennes said.
The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) said the bump is a funny way to say thank you to essential businesses like grocers and farmers.
“As governments work to help Canadians get through economic challenges, minimizing the tax burden must be a central element,” federal director Aaron Wudrick said.

B.C.’s provincial government is delaying its bump from $40 to $45, which was planned to change this week.
The Supreme Court of Canada postponed Saskatchewan’s carbon tax appeal, which was originally set for last week.

Questions about COVID-19? Here are some things you need to know:

Health officials caution against all international travel. Returning travellers are legally obligated to self-isolate for 14 days, beginning March 26, in case they develop symptoms and to prevent spreading the virus to others. Some provinces and territories have also implemented additional recommendations or enforcement measures to ensure those returning to the area self-isolate.
Symptoms can include fever, cough and difficulty breathing — very similar to a cold or flu. Some people can develop a more severe illness. People most at risk of this include older adults and people with severe chronic medical conditions like heart, lung or kidney disease. If you develop symptoms, contact public health authorities.
To prevent the virus from spreading, experts recommend frequent handwashing and coughing into your sleeve. They also recommend minimizing contact with others, staying home as much as possible and maintaining a distance of two metres from other people if you go out.


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
As a tool to control something, a tax can be useful, says almost every economist (both left and right) ever.