Farmer Shoots at Thief


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Colpy says:I see no reason one should have to stand aside and allow himself to be robbed.
In most cases, standing aside will probably save your life. Much more valuable than anything you own. If you see someone stealing from you, you think that gives a person the right to attempt to kill by shooting at them? Someone would have to be attempting to kill me or someone else before I would consider shooting at all.


Tough call.

I do think I have every right to prevent someone stealing from me.......and I also have every right to defend myself.

It is not that I think my TV, or my ATV (I hate the things) is more important than a human life.....far, far from it.........but when someone is abusing me, denying me the right to my property........that right may well be more important than their is THEIR choice to steal, THEIR choice to attempt to deny me my rights, I am merely trying to preserve my own right, therefore I do not consider myself culpable when they suffer the consequences of THEIR actions.

Which, if they push the matter hard, might be a load of OO buckshot.

I would not punish the attempt to steal, but I would shoot to prevent the theft.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
do you know what kind of sh!t you'd be in if your dog bites someone, wether they are intruding or not?
do you know that if a prick cut himself while climbing in the window he just broke to gain access to your place, he can sue you?
the pricks have more rights than the victims these days!!!!!
The dog spends two weeks in confinment until proven to be have it's shots THAT IS ALL. No more no less. Put bars on your windows so they aren't an access point and no we aren't American so no they can't sue you. keep trying.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
If he had time to get and load a weapon he had time to pick up a phone and dial 9-11.

Not sure about where he lives but around here calling the cops does absolutely nothing. Our County has close to 80 townships and if we're lucky there are 2 cops on duty overnight. Theft is becoming a big problem in rural areas because the bad guys know there probably isn't a cop within 30 miles.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Not sure about where he lives but around here calling the cops does absolutely nothing. Our County has close to 80 townships and if we're lucky there are 2 cops on duty overnight. Theft is becoming a big problem in rural areas because the bad guys know there probably isn't a cop within 30 miles.

Knight is up around Clive, AB., north of you a couple of hours.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Cannuck....Don't stand up.

I live in the world's worst neighbourhood. My doors are strong and windows barred and alarmed. 2 flower pots stoeln in 20 some years in the worst neighbourhood in the world shows that my **** is secure and shows that I'm diligent about securing my property. As for not being seen....items left in the open for all to see leaves them to be fair game. It's kinda of tough to steal something you don't know exists.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
You and Knight (as well as you and I) live in two totally different worlds. My door is never locked. The keys to my vehicles are always in the ignition. Just because something is in plain view does not mean stealing it is acceptable. I think that is part of the bigger problem when people accept thievery as a basic part of life and one of the reasons I moved out of the city. It amazes me at what my family in Edmonton accepts.

As for Karrie's idea that one should just let insurance cover it, a $500 deductible every time something gets stolen gets pretty pricey after a while.

I don't think this guy should have shot at these guys but I do understand the frustration. Back when gas was well over $1 a liter, hearing of some farmer that had gas stolen was a daily occurrence around here. There must be a better way to protect ones property. I suggest making tasers legal. The cops tell me they are safe and effective.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Just because something is in plain view does not mean stealing it is acceptable. I think that is part of the bigger problem when people accept thievery as a basic part of life
I have to accept thievery because everyone else is too tight assed and accepts poverty. Crime always follows poverty trends. The more poverty the more crime. This is why i do my bit to fight poverty because it is far far easier to deal with than crime. I'm known in my neighbourhood as someoen who gives a ****. maybe that is why I've only had the two flower pots stolen?

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Shooting at someone and running them down isn't something done while placid now is it? if it were then I'd really be concerned of his mental state.

Now how would one make a citizens arrest if one can't apprehend the culprit ... or do all cops have rage problems? Believe me.... I would certainly trust a farmer with a shotgun ahead of a cop with a taser....


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
One thing I keep seeing here is a lack of understanding of the nature of theft in the country.

It isn't like in the city. Thieves have upwards of half an hour from being noticed to get away.

This isn't police being slow or lazy, in the city population density means you are never more than 5 minutes of roaring police officers showing up.

In the country, when the cops speed like a bat out of hell with cherries blazing, it is still half an hour, and thats with them doing a buck fifty.

In this amount of time thieves bring tools. They will jump start cars, cut open bolts and use an acetalyne torch to cut welds.

There is no police to help you out in the country. In some parts of the country help is hours away.

There should either be different standards for the country in terms of self protection or the city folks should watch their taxes skyrocket to give those in the country the same kinds of response time.

Can you afford paying another 10-20% of your pay?


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
One thing I keep seeing here is a lack of understanding of the nature of theft in the country.

That's right. Many times it is organized, as opposed to a crime of opportunity and the perpetrators are usually not impoverished. They are just smart enough to know that there is usually a lot of stuff to be had an lots of time to take it.

As for the poverty angle, most of the farmers I know would help a perfect stranger if they knocked on his door and asked for help. Three years ago we responded to a vehicle rollover involving a car full of kids. They were fleeing a farm yard after they got caught steeling gas. I know the farmer well and had they knocked on his door and asked for it he would have filled their tank.