Famous Canadians

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Okay, I confess, when I saw the last post before today was three months ago, I didn't go back and read the whole thread. :smile:


New Member
Jul 11, 2009
Albert H. Murray:The Greatest Game Ever Played

Bet you don't know much about this pioneering Canadian professional golfer, Albert Murray, who became "The Youngest" pro golfer at 15 yeras old in 1902. He walked, played on and revamped the very ground where golf was first played on this continent. Step back in time and see my new website dedicated to this pioneer in professional golf with rare photos and stories.

Albert H. Murray 1887-1974


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

Jim Perry. Now there is a class act.


Prime Minister
May 16, 2010
Spruce Grove, Alberta
Hey folks,

I'm currently working on a new section of Canadian Content which I hope will become the biggest online resource for Canadians looking for information about famous Canadians such as actors, actresses, inventers, political figures, international stars, and basically anybody who is or has been prominant on both the Canadian and World stages.

Examples would be:

Celine Dion
Tommy Douglas
Terry Fox
Shania Twain
Bryan Adams
Jim Carrey


I know many of you are proud Canadians, so what I'm asking is: If you have any interest in any piticular famous Canadians, would you mind writing 2 - 3 paragraphs or more about this person? You can even send in a photo of this person so that it may be featured along side the article.

You may email all submissions to me at webteam@canadiancontent.net

Please include your name (or writers' alias) and any other info you'd like to include in the peice.

Diana Krall - world known Jazz Musician, Artist.

wow, I don't know if I can write something.

How about Lorne Michaels, without whom there wouldn't be Mike Myers, Dan Akroyd, etc etc etc

he's their Father????? 8O

funny how only 2 people Mentioned Diana Krall...


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
Do the Dionne Quintuplets qualify?

They were famous for being born.

Did anyone put down Barbara Ann Scott?
Last edited:


New Member
Rush as a band, yes..

But Rush as indiviual musicians?

yep...i think so..

Geddy Lee, one of the most profound bass players ever to rock...jsut listen..
Alex Lifeson, one of the most infuencial guitar players of all time in modern rock..ever...EVER!!
and...Neil Peart....i don't need to say anything to back this up here...

entre nous:

What the heck r u listening 2??? - Page 329 - The Lord of the Boardshttp://www.thelordoftheboards.com

the funniest part of this is that i'm not really even into the band that much....but i tell ya..i salute 'em..thats for sure!!

nicole <3


New Member
Feb 8, 2012
Jordan Bionda and his family especially his brother Joel Bionda of Tux Night Club have been thieves their entire life they have stolen money from literally hundreds of people Jordan Bionda has a Criminal record for fraud and his father the dubious and infamous amateur at best lacrosse player Jack Bionda ..... was charged for running a pyramid scheme in the early 80s and so was Jordan Bionda and Jordan Bionda the ever dutiful son fell on the proverbial sword to protect his thieving father and Huntsville actually named a hockey arena after this guy.......anyway Jordan Biondas latest criminal activity was to take about 2.5 million usd from a number of people and told them that the money would be safe in his hands......lol he has no concept of respect or truth......and 5 years later not one of these people has received a penny back from him.......in fact my investigator has dug up a transcript from the Supreme Court of Ontario where Joel Bionda , that is Jordan Biondas brother actually admits to assisting his brother Jordan Bionda hide One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars US (1,500,000.00 usd) and admitted in the examination under oath that he laundered money in the bahamas for his brother........the court file number if anyone is interested in looking this up is 07 CV 327417PD2 and in that same action a judgement was given against Jordan Bionda for perpetrating a fraud in the amount of $2,333,027.51 and he has still not paid one cent back notwithstanding that jdgement of the Superior Court of Ontario. there is also a judgement against Jordan Bionda and his sometimes girlfriend and co conspirator Marcia Mackesy, the self proclaimed athlete for another $120,000 for not paying rent and this judgement can be found in the Superior Court of Ontario by looking up Court File number 105/07 Jordan Bionda tried to appeal this decision and the court of appeal had little good to say about Jordan Bionda or the other Defendant in the action i encourage you to read for yourself the Court of Appeal decision which i have posted here for your quick reference and how the Justice in that instance saw right through the treachery of Jordan Bionda and his henchmen co conspirator family some of the relevant portions of the decision of the justice of the Court of Appeal can be viewed on kycnews.com the Biondas have not paid one dime and has been in continuous breach of several court orders


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Jordan Bionda and his family especially his brother Joel Bionda of Tux Night Club have been thieves their entire life they have stolen money from literally hundreds of people Jordan Bionda has a Criminal record for fraud and his father the dubious and infamous amateur at best lacrosse player Jack Bionda ..... was charged for running a pyramid scheme in the early 80s and so was Jordan Bionda and Jordan Bionda the ever dutiful son fell on the proverbial sword to protect his thieving father and Huntsville actually named a hockey arena after this guy.......anyway Jordan Biondas latest criminal activity was to take about 2.5 million usd from a number of people and told them that the money would be safe in his hands......lol he has no concept of respect or truth......and 5 years later not one of these people has received a penny back from him.......in fact my investigator has dug up a transcript from the Supreme Court of Ontario where Joel Bionda , that is Jordan Biondas brother actually admits to assisting his brother Jordan Bionda hide One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars US (1,500,000.00 usd) and admitted in the examination under oath that he laundered money in the bahamas for his brother........the court file number if anyone is interested in looking this up is 07 CV 327417PD2 and in that same action a judgement was given against Jordan Bionda for perpetrating a fraud in the amount of $2,333,027.51 and he has still not paid one cent back notwithstanding that jdgement of the Superior Court of Ontario. there is also a judgement against Jordan Bionda and his sometimes girlfriend and co conspirator Marcia Mackesy, the self proclaimed athlete for another $120,000 for not paying rent and this judgement can be found in the Superior Court of Ontario by looking up Court File number 105/07 Jordan Bionda tried to appeal this decision and the court of appeal had little good to say about Jordan Bionda or the other Defendant in the action i encourage you to read for yourself the Court of Appeal decision which i have posted here for your quick reference and how the Justice in that instance saw right through the treachery of Jordan Bionda and his henchmen co conspirator family some of the relevant portions of the decision of the justice of the Court of Appeal can be viewed on kycnews.com the Biondas have not paid one dime and has been in continuous breach of several court orders

INFAMOUS might be a better description! :lol:


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
William Stephensen he was the great allied spy known as the man called Intrepid.
during WWII
Dr Norman Bethune who first used blood plasma on the battlefield during the Spanish
Civil War in the 1930's He later went to China and repaired the wounded for Mao,
he has a shrine dedicated to him in China.

Lorne Green of the TV westerns, he was once called the voice of doom when he was
a CBC news man during world war two.

Wilf Carter the country singer, who pioneered country music in the early days.
Hank Snow was from Nova Scotia. also a country singer.
Gordon Lightfoot one of the grate folk singers

Joey Smallwood the Premier who brought Newfoundland into Canadian Confederation.