Ezra Levant Makes Sense


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
No, I don't smoke pot because it's not healthy... or, sorry, I meant because it's not a mainstream idea yet.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Unless you lock step along with sjp, you are a conservative Machjo.

I support gay rights...

I support Native rights and reperations...

I support Prochoice...

I do not believe that religion has a place in our schools or our Gov't...

And yet, in sjp foggy eyes, I'm his typical caricature of a right winger.

Go figure.

Seems to the simplest way to be labeled a Con or right winger with sjp, is to disagree with him.

Interesting. Now on the moral front, I do oppose gay marriage and abortion, and that religion does have a place in ur schools as long as it's introduced in a respectful manner to all religions (I do think Ontario should stop giving Catholic Schools special treatment though and make them all equal). I'm also for capital punishment in some cases.

As for native rights and reparations, I'm not sure what exactly you mean by that so I won't comment on that specifically. But I will say that it's time Canada abide by all its treaties with the First Nations and that it abide by all international laws respecting the preservation of indigenous cultures, etc. If that's what you meant, then I agree with you. If not, then I can't comment without knowing more. I'm also in favour, at least as a temporary policy, to allow each school the freedom to teach the second language of its choice, and that includes First Nations languages, and not French or English necessarily, thus putting all these languages on a more equal footing.

So am I a conservative? I bet SJP's brain will be working overtime on that one, with my ideas being all over the spectrum.

Having said all this, though, my views on personal morality issues are not likely to influence my vote as much as my views on international issues, which are much more progressive.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Machjo, correct me if I am wrong, but aren’t you a social conservative? What are your views on abortion, death penalty, gay marriage? On multiculturalism? Would you support tax increase by a government under any circumstances (such as to get rid of the budget deficit)?


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Never mind, Machjo, you already answered my question, even as I was writing the previous post. That is what I thought, you are conservative on social issues.

Conservatism is not a monolith; there are all kinds of conservatives. There are economic conservatives (who are ideologically opposed to tax increases, no matter what the reason, or who opposed a legally mandated minimum wage). There are foreign policy conservatives. There are social conservatives.

I think you re a social conservative.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Machjo, correct me if I am wrong, but aren’t you a social conservative? What are your views on abortion, death penalty, gay marriage? On multiculturalism? Would you support tax increase by a government under any circumstances (such as to get rid of the budget deficit)?

Morally, I do oppose gay marriage, abortion, and support the death penalty in some cases. In that respect, I'm a social conservative on issues of pesonal morality. Bear in mind though that these views are not as likely to influence my voting pattern as my sociallyprogressive views on international relations.

I would support a tax increase by the government to pay off the budget deficit. In fact, I'd strongly oppose tax cuts until the deficit is paid off.

As for multiculturalism, I'm a supporter of universal bilingualism with each person learning his own language plus a universal auxiliary language. Short term, adopt, create or revise such an easy-to-learn language, and then allow schools to teach it. Medium term, make it a compulsory second language. And long-term, make it the official international auxiliary language. That could even apply to Canada, whereby all Canadians, be they English Canadians, French Canadians, or First Nations, or Inuit, could each learn their own language plus the IAL and rely on their seocond language for communication with anyone outside their native indigenous community. I would say that many of my internationalist views are so progressive as to put the NDP to shame!

So my views on personal morality are conservative enough to put the Consrvative Party to shame. My views on international relations are progressive enough to put the NDP to shame. Overall, my internationalist views will override my views on personal morality if I have to choose between them. So, where would you now pidgeon-hole me along the spectrum? Coudyou even guess what party I'm likely to vote for?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Never mind, Machjo, you already answered my question, even as I was writing the previous post. That is what I thought, you are conservative on social issues.

Conservatism is not a monolith; there are all kinds of conservatives. There are economic conservatives (who are ideologically opposed to tax increases, no matter what the reason, or who opposed a legally mandated minimum wage). There are foreign policy conservatives. There are social conservatives.

I think you re a social conservative.

I also oppose a minimum wage, ye would support giving workers more of a say in company management. So is that conservative or progressive?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
By the way, I also often sympathise with anarchists too and see no contradiction. Sure an anarchist society might not be able to enforce social conservative views, but it would break down national boundaries. It's something I could see as a compromise, which also shows how my social conservative views, though existant, really do take a backseat to my more progressive views.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
We need an abortion law: the absense of a law makes all abortion legal, even that in very late pregnancy, that is an abomination.
BTW, I am willing to see the issue settled with a compromise.....no abortion after 4 months unless the physical health of the mother is threatened.....
An "extremist", by definition, takes the extreme view that there should be no law at all. :)

Execution of mass murders only, after proving beyond all doubt their guilt in three separate murder trials.

Gays have every right to live as they choose........I want gays to have full rights of pension, support, and "next of kin" priviledges in times of sickness or death of a partner. I would prefer that be called "civil union"........

Multiculturalism is the idieology of morons. It is cultural suicide.

I support a national health care system........that provides free health care to those that need it....in fact, I support a system that also supplies needed medication.

I support a safety net for those unable to work.

I strongly support unions.

I think bankers should all be shot. :) (starting with John McCallum)

I support free post-secondary education....but only for the top third scorers in University entrance tests.

I support a strong military....

I would like to see a military and trade alliance among the world's English-speaking
nations....Canada, the USA, Great Britain, Australia, India, New Zealand....

We might need to invade Pakistan......soon.

I think qualified people should be allowed to carry handguns concealed.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
I should just point out that I said I sympathize with anarchism and not necessarily that I follow it myself. I'm simply pointing out that though I disagree with many anarchist views, that I still admire its desire to break down national boundaries.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Colpie, you support unions?8O

Personally, I don't really. I like the idea of workers co-ops. That way, they have to put some of their money where their mouth is. Am I being too conservative now?

As for health care, I'd say let it get funded by personal contributions. That way, we can dictate what is covered and what isn't. Some operations are unnecessary.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
By the way, I also often sympathise with anarchists too and see no contradiction. Sure an anarchist society might not be able to enforce social conservative views, but it would break down national boundaries. It's something I could see as a compromise, which also shows how my social conservative views, though existant, really do take a backseat to my more progressive views.

Have you read Ursula Le Guinn’s ‘The Left Hand of Darkness’? There she has described a working anarchy. I don’t know how well it would work in practice, but on planet Annarras, it seems to work quite well.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Honestly, I don't think anarchy would work. I'm a world federalist myself, but do have the point in common with anarchists of breaking down national boundaries. That's why I say I sympahise with them and not that I am of them.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder.

I've been absent from this thread since I bid adieu to SirJosephPorter in my post #47, on April 18th.

Needless to say, I am delighted to see that I was ahead of my time. I am delighted to see all the inevitable developments since. I am delighted that I am not the only one (by definition, on the extreme fringe) who finally managed to see thru a pompous peacock.

He will get the silent treatment from me from now on.

How about you?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder.

I've been absent from this thread since I bid adieu to SirJosephPorter in my post #47, on April 18th.

Needless to say, I am delighted to see that I was ahead of my time. I am delighted to see all the inevitable developments since. I am delighted that I am not the only one (by definition, on the extreme fringe) who finally managed to see thru a pompous peacock.

He will get the silent treatment from me from now on.

How about you?

I think we all saw through him.....we just held out hope that he had the IQ level of your average small dog, and could be trained to overcome his bad habits.

we were wrong.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Colpie, don't give up on him so fast. Remember, he's a voter. It's in all our best interests to change his blind devotion to what we might call the new ideology of 'mainstreamism', exhibiting a fear of any new idea, not wanting to rock the boat, etc.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"Colpie, don't give up on him so fast. Remember, he's a voter. It's in all our best interests to change his blind devotion to what we might call the new ideology of 'mainstreamism', exhibiting a fear of any new idea, not wanting to rock the boat, etc."

False hope, Machjo! There is a company in Akron, Ohio that constantly reminds me of SirJosephPorter.


And we all know what cement is: all mixed up and permanently set.