Yes, Bill Gates believes the world is over populated and that is why abortions should be readily available to all, doesn't matter how far along anyone is - even at 9 months, the "fetus" can be killed. I'm sure he must have supported China's 1 child policy too. Since he's so wealthy, he's decided that he knows what's good for everyone since he's so "special". Doesn't matter that he lives in a humongous house with all kinds of gadgets that we could only dream of having in our own homes. But really, we're just peons and need to listen to what he has to say since he's so "important".Sadly, with more military deaths to come. This is not about a virus at all anymore. I am now of the belief that these covid vaccines are meant to try and depopulate the world thanks to Bill Gates to hell as he has prescribed for humanity. If what I have heard and read is correct, we may start to see hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people start to die off in the next two years. Sounds incredible but hey, we never know, eh?
Of course the only way to know if this is all for real or not is to try and keep tabs on the world's population in the next two years. If the population of the world starts to drop off, in the numbers I mentioned above, then we will now know for sure that these covid vaccines were meant to murder people.
I don't begrudge him his wealth but I personally don't need to take advice from him nor should anyone else if they don't want to.