WTF are you daft ya poxy troll..
The vaccine is the only thing that will arrest this virus
once and for all..
I am sick and tired of these anti-vaccines troll clogging up the hospitals..
If you don’t believe in Government, or Science, or Vaccine then why is 78% of COVID patients in the hospital unvaccinated..
Why bother going to a Government run hospital where the first thing they give you is Monoclonal Antibodies and Vaccine to try and cure you from COVID..
Seriously, the Hospital needs to start asking, 1. have you had your vaccine, and 2. any medical reason why you didn’t.. if the answer is NO..
Back of the line and shove ya into a tent in the parking lot..
Fuck all you anti-vaxxers, we are going into a 4th lockdown and masks again because of selfish ignorant pricks that don’t have the balls of a man to stay home when they get sick and die..