Election day

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Assuming Trudeau will get his spanking, but another minority…& assuming O’Toole will get the popular vote…here’s the two things to bet on:

1) how many more votes will O’Toole have than Trudeau (I’m guessing 1/4 million) ?

2) how long until the Liberals pull a Feminist move on JT & throw him under the bus (I’m guessing Nov 21st/2021) ?

3) Seat Counts between Libs & Cons?
(I’m guessing Libs 138, Cons 130)

4) How insufferable will Jagnut be on a scale of 1-10 (1 being the least & 10 being the worst)…& guessing Singh at about a 7 on this scale.

Where do you folks figure things will land on the above four points???

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Following this on CTV. Out on the East Coast in the Liberal Stronghold of the Maritimes so far:

Libs: 24 (-5)
Con: 9 (+5)
NDP: 0
BQ: 0
GRN: 0
PPC: 0

33/338 so far….

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Kelly McParland http://apple.news/AFgtrgn-zSN6xlx_ExK65zQ reminds us that this election cost $600 million to hold (that’s roughly $16 per Canadian, and about $35 per vote), and that the only real return is a festering of regional resentments. “One entire side of the country — everything west of Ontario — is hostile territory,” writes McParland of Liberal support in Western Canada. Meanwhile, every single major party is tripping over each other to offer no-strings-attached money and power to Quebec.