Does the rain come down from the cloud?


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
I suspect Mohammed was a charlatan and too lazy to get a real job- you've been deceived I'm afraid.(same for Jesus and Moses)

Be afraid for yourself; surely you are confounded. Moses, Jesus and Mohammed are the teachers of humanity; certainly the disbelievers are never better than the prophets of God, nor are their parties and programs better than the apostles of God.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
I suspect Mohammed was a charlatan and too lazy to get a real job- you've been deceived I'm afraid.(same for Jesus and Moses)

Be afraid for yourself; because the antagonists of the apostles will be losers; surely you are confounded.

Moses, Jesus and Mohammed are the teachers of humanity;

certainly the disbelievers are never better than the prophets of God, nor are their parties and programs better than the apostles of God.


Council Member
Sep 28, 2007
Ardrossan, Alberta
They were charlatans who made it all up- All the apostles and prophets were liars and made this up so you and your fellow zealots would support them monetarily- I am the only true prophet of God, and God has told me to tell you to get a life and quit bothering him.

Saint Lester ofr Ardrossan


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
They were charlatans who made it all up- All the apostles and prophets were liars and made this up so you and your fellow zealots would support them monetarily- I am the only true prophet of God, and God has told me to tell you to get a life and quit bothering him.

Saint Lester ofr Ardrossan

Moses, Jesus and Mohammed were true prophets of God; while you are a liar; you may be a prophet of the Devil, and you prophesied a lie. God has not sent you, but Satan suggested to you, and you are his servant.

This is in the Quran 80: 40-42
وَوُجُوهٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ عَلَيْهَا غَبَرَةٌ . تَرْهَقُهَا قَتَرَةٌ . أُوْلَئِكَ هُمُ الْكَفَرَةُ الْفَجَرَةُ
The explanation:
(And some faces, on that day, shall be covered with blackness and depression.

Overburdened with straitened livelihood [of the after-death world.]

Such are the unbelievers, the evil-doers.)

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Such are the unbelievers, the evil-doers.
That's the kind of thing that really pisses me off about people like you. You're so convinced you're absolutely right that anyone who disagrees with you must be not only wrong, but evil. And the only things you can produce to justify your position are logically invalid old arguments from authority. You believe I'm not only wrong, but actively evil, a harshly judgmental view that you cannot possibly justify on any logically valid grounds. We unbelievers will at least give you the benefit of the doubt. We don't think you're evil, but we do think you're an ignorant, arrogant fool. When people believe they have absolute knowledge, with no test in reality, which you do, as you have abundantly demonstrated here, they do awful things to others if they can, human history bulges with examples. Your religious beliefs have poisoned your mind, they prevent you from understanding reality, they lead you into error and folly and bad judgments, and I have nothing but contempt for them, and you.
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Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
That's the kind of thing that really pisses me off about people like you. You're so convinced you're absolutely right that anyone who disagrees with you must be not only wrong, but evil. And the only things you can produce to justify your position are logically invalid old arguments from authority. You believe I'm not only wrong, but actively evil, a harshly judgmental view that you cannot possibly justify on any logically valid grounds. We unbelievers will at least give you the benefit of the doubt. We don't think you're evil, but we do think you're an ignorant, arrogant fool. When people believe they have absolute knowledge, with no test in reality, which you do, as you have abundantly demonstrated here, they do awful things to others if they can, human history bulges with examples. Your religious beliefs have poisoned your mind, they prevent you from understanding reality, they lead you into error and folly and bad judgments, and I have nothing but contempt for them, and you.

During all the past posts and replies you kept up saying: non-sense, foolish, ignorant, not scientific … then repeat the same rhythm … non-sense, foolish, ignorant, not scientific and went on like this.

And all the time, I kept replying to you with all respect and admiration of your science and physics. But then, I was obliged to reply to you as such.

It may be I am in a valley and you are in another valley; for example in this latter topic: once you saw any Quranic revelation, you react in this negative way, without observing any argument.

There were some who attended Prophet Mohammed's instructions, then when they left they asked the others: "What he has just said?"

This is in the Quran 47: 16
وَمِنْهُم مَّن يَسْتَمِعُ إِلَيْكَ حَتَّى إِذَا خَرَجُوا مِنْ عِندِكَ قَالُوا لِلَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْعِلْمَ مَاذَا قَالَ آنِفًا أُوْلَئِكَ الَّذِينَ طَبَعَ اللَّهُ عَلَى قُلُوبِهِمْ وَاتَّبَعُوا أَهْوَاءهُمْ
The explanation:
(Some of them listen to you [Mohammed], then when they [: the listeners and the writers of the Quran] go out from you[r meeting],

they [: the listeners] say to those [writers] having knowledge: "What is it that he [: Mohammed] has just said!?"

On the hearts of such [men] God has stamped [with the 'Rayn', which is like the rust that is on the iron], and they follow their vain desires.)

I say: then give the logical arguments and scientific proofs, instead of attacking the Quran, the prophet and anyone that say the Quranic quotations.



Council Member
Sep 28, 2007
Ardrossan, Alberta
You are not just in another valley you are in another valley on another planet, I am not an evil person just somebody who likes to know the truth and that truth is nowhere to be found in the torah,bible or quran. these bizarre things you ask about whereas you write something and see if you can get some gullible fool to accept them. if I ask a question here in this thread I can be assured that dexter will tell me the truth as he knows it and explain it to me if I'm too thick in the head to understand. However, you on the other hand spout nonsense that even I know to be ridiculous lies and sheer fantasy.


New Member
Feb 28, 2008
I can’t remember the source but it went something like this. Religion is a crutch for weak minded people. This Quran bull is no more valid than the bible. It’s all crap made up by other people either trying to explain things they couldn’t explain or were afraid of, or their attempts to control other people.
There is no God. God was created by people not vice versa. Eanassir is just another example fundamentalist religious zealot unable to think for themselves.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
I say: then give the logical arguments and scientific proofs...
I have, repeatedly, in this thread and others, and so have other people. I'm a patient man eanassir, but I've lost it with you. You're not paying attention and you're not thinking. You just revert back to some verse from the Quran in support of your pseudo scientific nonsense, and you really have to stretch for an interpretation to make it appear even marginally relevant. I can cite the Bible in support of a flat earth, the stars being the light of heaven shining through pinholes in the dome of the sky, and other such nonsense. You're using the Quran the same way, you haven't been right about anything significant yet, and you won't be as long as you rely on the Quran as a scientific authority.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
You are not just in another valley you are in another valley on another planet, I am not an evil person just somebody who likes to know the truth and that truth is nowhere to be found in the torah,bible or quran. these bizarre things you ask about whereas you write something and see if you can get some gullible fool to accept them. if I ask a question here in this thread I can be assured that dexter will tell me the truth as he knows it and explain it to me if I'm too thick in the head to understand. However, you on the other hand spout nonsense that even I know to be ridiculous lies and sheer fantasy.

If you truly want to read and study the Quran, then at least see:
A. J. Arberry: The Koran interpreted; (although such translation of the meaning is much defective.)
(you can download it here easily)

And see the three books at our websites, which are an introduction to the interpretation of the Glorious Quran:



Jun 23, 2006


Electoral Member
May 14, 2007
Surely there must be a forum rule against recruiting for a death cult...Anyway I'm going to use my ignore button so I'm not tempted into fruitless discussion anymore, hopefully non response should end the stupid posts. Bye eanassir , enjoy your shouting in the dark ages..............again..........


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
This Quran bull is no more valid than the bible.

The Quran is different from the Torah of Ezra

The Old Testament includes many books:

The Book of Genesis: this originally was not revealed to Moses; but they inherited it from the time of Prophet Abraham; it includes many things about the creation of the heavens and the earth, the story of Adam and Eve, the story of the old prophets before the coming of Moses.
Then God – be glorified – wrote for Moses the Ten Commandments: a guidance to all humanity.

Then came the first four books, attributed to the time of Moses: including the Law of God, the history of their exodus, and the Deuteronomy Book: in which the items of the Law were repeated.

Then came the Books of the prophets: to each prophet there is his book.

The volume of this Torah was extensively large; there was no paper with them at that time; so they wrote it down on the parchment, which is the gazelle skin. There was one copy wrapped with silk and stored in the Temple at Jerusalem.

Of course, many of Jews at that time had – in their houses – some of the text or few pages of this Torah, which they used in their prayers; but the complete book was kept in the temple.

Then when Nabuchodonosor attacked Palestine, destroyed the city of Jerusalem and its temple, and Nabuchodonosor tore up that true Torah. Therefore they lost it. They went in their captivity of Babylon, where they stayed for seventy years, after which they returned to Palestine.

When they returned to Palestine, they had not the true Torah; so they started to collect the texts known by heart by many of Jews, and some of the preserved pages, until they collected four books by four of their religious men; they presented these supposed Torah, but the responsible men among them refused to accept such books according to the missing and adding of many things.

Then the priest Ezra son of Siraeh came, who was a calligrapher in the court of Nabuchodonosor; who gave him some authority over the Children of Israel. This Ezra or Esdras made a trick that succeeded: he wrote every word of his Torah, then left a blank space where the word God should be then he wrote in that blank space the word God with an invisible ink: the silver nitrate solution; he learnt this trick at Babylon.

He said to them God would write that word, but they should put it under the sky so that God may write it, then when the colorless writing became oxidized with the effect of the sunlight, they were convinced that God Himself did write that writing.
Then they started to glorify Ezra until some of them said he was the son of God.
The Torah [or Hebrew Bible] of Ezra

In fact, the Quran is like the original true Torah, not like this distorted Torah of Ezra.

So this is the difference: the Old Testament you read in English is only the translation from a translation: from a Latin book which is a translation of the Torah of Ezra, not the Torah of God.



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
You just revert back to some verse from the Quran in support of your pseudo scientific nonsense, and you really have to stretch for an interpretation to make it appear even marginally relevant. I can cite the Bible in support of a flat earth, the stars being the light of heaven shining through pinholes in the dome of the sky, and other such nonsense. You're using the Quran the same way, you haven't been right about anything significant yet, and you won't be as long as you rely on the Quran as a scientific authority.

The Torah of Ezra enhanced the atheism

The Dangers of the Torah of Ezra:
  • There are many books that had been lost from the original Torah.
  • He concealed the description of Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed; because Mohammed is one of the Arab, and Ezra hated the Arab.This lead many to deny Jesus and Mohammed.
  • There are many lies against the prophets of God: which encouraged many people to commit many sins; because they say: the apostles and prophets did so and so, and they were prophets, then how about us when we are ordinary people?
  • There are many mistakes in the Torah of Ezra: like the story of Adam and Eve and many other mistakes, which might have given some hints to erroneous theories like the Theory of Evolution: e.g. the serpent spoke to Eve, and God said to the serpent that it will move on its belly from now on …
  • There are many mistakes that distorted many laws of the retaliation and the punishment of the theft, the inheritance : they give a big deal to the older son …etc.
These things and many others in the Torah of Ezra, included in the Old Testament have lead to the atheism and encouraged the anti-religion ideas in the West; because they see such things are not logical.

While nothing of that is in the Glorious Quran;
for this reason, I mention the text in Arabic and give the meaning in English,

so that no one may think that the English translation is the Quran; but the Quran is the word of God in Arabic, and only its meaning is in English.



Jun 23, 2006
Almost this picture by Hermanntrude is of the cumulonimbus type of cloud??

the picture is a cloud, probably cumulonimbus or maybe just a large cumulus. Please note the rain coming out if it. I should also add that not all clouds are made of snow, some are simly small rain droplets.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
the picture is a cloud, probably cumulonimbus or maybe just a large cumulus. Please note the rain coming out if it. I should also add that not all clouds are made of snow, some are simly small rain droplets.

Please, hermanntrude, give us the coption that originally accompanied this image; because it looks like a shadow of this cloud rather than a rain from this far distance; I can hardly see the rain when it is away from me by some meters only. Or this is a kind of strange downpouring like out of a bucket.

Moreover, the rain comes from among or from through the cloud, as described by some of the ayat of the Quran; it means the cloud melt some of the snow that is in the sky, and then this molten snow that was transfromed into water will cause more coalescence of more water drops causing large rain drops to come from such kind of cloud; refer to the original post.

The cloud divides into three kinds, according to its height and constituents:
  1. the high (cirrus) including ice.
  2. the middle (alto) including ice and water
  3. the low including water only.
Such cumulonimbus extends usually from the low to the high altitudes; it causes melting of that snow, which will appear as if the rain comes from the cloud itself; while in fact it come from its midst and through it.