Does Israel have a right to exist?


House Member
Dec 18, 2005
perhaps in a sence but they tend to see themselfs as Jewish people and I tend to go along with that, as long as they know they are a Zionist. *shrugs*

Hell you can call yourself anything and I wouldn't care but Isreal was more or less created by Northern Europeans and still by in large ran by Northern Europeans. (With some eceptiuon to Northern Europeans and the few Arab/middle eastern jewish people left and largely disenfranchised African Jewish peoples)


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
To all the "what's and why's" of my comment...

Got your attention did I?


You were speaking of the Jewish people as if they were chunks of meat.

These are people with rights and the desire to have a place on earth in which to live - whether assigned to them or not - and
the pontificating here as if they were some idiot tribe wandering the earth creating disease makes me wonder if you realize how close you are in disregarding them as humans.


Electoral Member
Apr 8, 2006
you must be joking

chunks of meat

because i empathize with their plight

talk about turning truth on its head!!!


House Member
Dec 18, 2005
Wednesday's Child said:
To all the "what's and why's" of my comment...

Got your attention did I?


You were speaking of the Jewish people as if they were chunks of meat.

These are people with rights and the desire to have a place on earth in which to live - whether assigned to them or not - and
the pontificating here as if they were some idiot tribe wandering the earth creating disease makes me wonder if you realize how close you are in disregarding them as humans.

Wednesday's Child, with all due respect, so are the Palistinian peoples, and they live under much more harsh conditions then the Isrealies and are pretty much at the mercy of the Isrealies so well of course I'm going to highlight that the Zionists who control Isreal arn't even from the middle east (or are now only 2nd or 3rd gen). Of course they are there now and have rights to share the land but they do not see these rights they only see their soul rights to these lands. Of course so does the Palistinians unfortunitly.

Isrealies and Palistinians are both Human beings and if anything i said says antyhing else I would like to clear it up now that I believe both sides should consider human rights and persicute those who ignore them.


Senate Member
Re: RE: Does Israel have a right to exist?

cortezzz said:
The strongest argument, in my view, that supports isreals right to exist--
is the viscious, perseqution of the jewish people, by mostly europeans---
obviously-- the nazis, but also others--

i try not to take sides in the isreali-palestinian conflict--- i see both sides as victims

isreal has a right to exist
but so does palestine

I agree.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005

Stop taking things personally as if directed at you.

If you haven't said anything you feel you need to defend....don't look for things....I read no bigotry in your posts .... was there???

And as you and Toro both wrote....I also agree.....both the States of Israel and Palestine have every right to exist - in peace.

It does nothing to promote this peaceful coexistence if people are constantly erupting about how at fault either side this topic it was apparently the Jews ... in others ...the Palestinians....

It does not solve the problem. But then perhaps nobody wants to.

Again I repeat - I often read about Canadian "hate laws" and then read posts such as this demeaning the people of Israel - whether they are right or wrong in their assumed land grabbing..... there are far worse human rights abuses going on in this world and we rarely see them discussed with such venom as is directed at Jews.

I repeat - is there bigotry against Jews here?


House Member
Jan 31, 2006
Wednesday's Child I feel the same way, I often feel that the slant always points to "It's Israel's fault". It's a two way street and both sides need to find a resolution, there is enough anger on both sides and it not helping the situation.

Johnny Utah

Council Member
Mar 11, 2006
Israel has a right to exist and defend itself when attacked. The Palestinians have a right to their own state, but as long as Terrorist groups Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad launch attack against Israel from within Palestinian areas a Palestine State will never be.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
RE: Does Israel have a ri

Isreal and the US have consistantly blocked and tharwted
negotiations to arrive at a diplomatic settlement, Isreal has ignored with impunity many UN resolutions, the relationship between the two peoples is one sided and rigged against the aspirations of the Palestinians, still the answer to the threads question is yes, Isreal has a right to exist but when will palistine have that same right, I side with the Palistinians they are the underdogs, I have little sympathy for Isrealies.If you want to shit on someone try the Godwhack that originated this thread.


House Member
Dec 18, 2005
God I'm sick of the nut job right and the loony left which doesn't see the middle ground in any issue. BOTH sides are wrong, both have killed thousands of innocents. ISREAL unlike the USA has not only done this with overwhelming military tech, but also at times brutally to innocent people. In the 80's Isreal was imbarised when the world found out that the top brass in the IDF gave orders for the soldurers to break arms and legs of Palistinian boys who's only crimes were protesting. Isreal like Palistine is BRUTAL!!! Wrong and both sides often go against international laws.

The only way for us to solve this problem is to stop taking sides to the one we think is in the right because both sides are so far in the wrong you are deluding yourself and buying into either sides propaganda if you think anything else.

Isreal and Palistine have the right to be. Neither side is willing to make a comprise and thus really if Isreal or Palistine had the balls they would ask for third party arbitration by the UN to make borders for them. Both sides know they won't get all the land they believe is there menifest destiny and thats a big problem. But with our support they've been able to substain this conflic without coming to a comprimise.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
Sassylassie said:
Wednesday's Child I feel the same way, I often feel that the slant always points to "It's Israel's fault". It's a two way street and both sides need to find a resolution, there is enough anger on both sides and it not helping the situation.

Hi Sassy - I am always pleased when you see what I am up to.

I've seen much worse than this thread - but I was afraid it was going to go so many others do.....

What is the point of "hate speech laws" when only specific groups are protected from down and dirty discussion. It's hypocritical.

The situation in Israel should have been settled years ago, and both groups are being used as political pawns.... it is sickening because the "groups" are comprised of, women and children.

If two distinct groups living in one geographical location continue looking to others to settle their problems (those who have other agenda items than peace)....they will never attain coexistence. It has to come from within the two groups...who finally realize their salvation and the future of their peoples lie in their wise compromise. Compromise is better than death no?

It should not be the patting on the head by the U.S. using the Israelis as their "outpost" in the middle east, or the Arab nations coaching the Palestinians (when they wouldn't let them live in their own countries)....both groups have been outcasts for eons ..... and they continue to allow other nations dictate their

Meanwhile the outsiders either hate one or the other....because that is the real agenda...keep the hate going.... keep the unrest in the middle east nations hot and heavy so the attention is deflected from the real issues of the future of the people of those lands.

Apparently politics and religion do mix only when it is convenient - rarely can one argue religious law and philosophy when devout believers will die for their cause. The danger of the location is it is the religious birthplace of major religious groups and belongs to no one - but all. This is against mankind's idea of ownership in toto.

What better way to do it than perpetuate the hate ... it is far easier to focus on two small groups in a small area of land, than to regard the real planning for the future of the middle east nations who should be uplifting their people to current modern convenience and prosperity - for all, not just the wealthy few.

The endless sound-bite "middle east talks"....pure playacting! Theatre diabolique!


Electoral Member
Apr 8, 2006
i have to agree with you

i cringe every time i hear them talk about
---the peace process---

these groups are definitely being used in a very cynical way

--there we agree on something

your avatar is stunning by the way


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Re: RE: Does Israel have a ri

darkbeaver said:
Isreal and the US have consistantly blocked and tharwted
negotiations to arrive at a diplomatic settlement, Isreal has ignored with impunity many UN resolutions, the relationship between the two peoples is one sided and rigged against the aspirations of the Palestinians, still the answer to the threads question is yes, Isreal has a right to exist but when will palistine have that same right, I side with the Palistinians they are the underdogs, I have little sympathy for Isrealies.If you want to shit on someone try the Godwhack that originated this thread.

Wrong again.

Israeli PM Barak offered the Palestinians a STATE which consisted of 97% of the West Bank and Gaza.

His reward was the Second Intifada.

I think Arafat realized he needed the Great Satan Jr. to distract his people from Fatah's corrupt, murderous ways.

The Palestinians are expert at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
RE: Does Israel have a ri

I disagree with everything she says, shes offered no solution and taken no side and seems to point to an eguality that does not exist, one side has choice and the other does not, one side has a top ten military the other has pipe bombs, planning for the middle east is not done in or by the people of the middle east, and if it was the problem would have been a matter of history decades ago. And as for Isreal being controled by someone, give me a break. The middle is not a direction it's a destination that has no definition yet.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Re: RE: Does Israel have a ri

I think not said:
darkbeaver said:
Isreal has a right to exist but when will palistine have that same right

When the Islamofascist terrorists stop blowing up children in schools, markets and buses.

Violent senceless death bothers you does it? Well me too, so lets add up the violent senceless deaths committed by both sides in the dispute and declare a winner, and what would the prize be I wonder? Schools markets and children have been targets on both sides, niether side can claim innocence in that regard so the only determiner is numbers. Quess who wins, nobody. Quess who looses, everybody.


New Member
Apr 18, 2006
Israel has as much "right" to exist as any other nation. I don't have a problem with their existing, I have a problem with how the Israeli people behave.

We tore down one wall and these folk threw up another!

We're all anxious about human rights and democracy and freedom and these folk seem to be doing everything they can to disallow Palestinians from enjoying the same human rights and freedoms as the Israeli people. Not only have they built another wall, the "democracy" shared by Israel with the Palestinians wouln't be accepted by any other people or nation on earth.

Exist yes, create a world unto themselves NO!