doctor charged with forcing oral sex on patients


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Anyone been following this?

The Crown and a key defence witness in the sexual assault trial of Toronto anesthesiologist George Doodnaught clashed Tuesday over whether the accused would have risked triggering a “bite-down reflex” by forcing sedated patients to fellate him.

Anesthetist Orlando Hung, one of the final defence witnesses in the months-long trial, said patients under conscious sedation may reflexively clamp their teeth together if a stimulus is placed in their mouth. His testimony bolsters the anticipated defence argument that Dr. Doodnaught would never have taken such a risk with his own genitalia.

“A bite-down reflex occurs when you have a stimulus of some kind… in the oral cavity,” Dr. Hung testified, citing the example of a breathing tube. “It’s just a reflex that you bite.”

Dr. Doodnaught, who worked behind a sterile screen separating him from the surgical team at North York General Hospital, stands charged with molesting 21 sedated patients over a four-year period ending in 2010. Allegations range from kissing, to fondling, to forced fellatio on the drugged and vulnerable women.

Crown attorney David Wright suggested there was never any real risk that patients would clamp down on Dr. Doodnaught’s *****, noting the bite-down reflex was “very rare” and there were no scientific studies to show it occurred among consciously sedated patients, as opposed to those under general anesthetic. The women in question were under conscious sedation at the time of the alleged assaults, connoting a greater level of awareness.


Mr. Wright heaped skepticism on the notion that patients who were lightly sedated — leaving them “co-operative, oriented and tranquil” — would reflexively bite down when something was placed in their mouth.

“A patient in that circumstance can have the bite-down reflex?” he asked.
“You have to have a stimulus… It’s possible [in this state] that you will bite down,” Dr. Hung testified.

Speaking to the details of the allegations, the Crown asked whether a doctor could realistically manipulate a consciously sedated patient’s body by turning their head to the side, opening their mouth and placing a “soft object” inside — all while the patient remained in a “twilight state” on the operating table.

“It would be very difficult,” Dr. Hung responded. “When you have someone under light anesthesia, they usually fight you… The moment you stimulate them, [the patient] will wake up.”

Dr. Hung, who cited a number of cases in which patients have levelled false sexual accusations against doctors, said while sedated patients may later recall conversations and other events that occur in the operating room, those recollections can be inaccurate due to “the influence of so many drugs.”

Mr. Wright asked why, considering the litany of allegations against Dr. Doodnaught, none involved male patients.

“It is absolutely extraordinary that no males have come forward complaining of sexual assault,” he said.
Dr. Hung said the literature shows both men and women sometimes report sexual dreams while under the influence of sedatives, but as to the prevalence of female patients coming forward in the Doodnaught case: “I cannot explain why.”
The trial continues Wednesday.

People ‘bite down’ under sedation, says defence witness in trial of doctor charged with forcing oral sex on patients | National Post


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Why with all these cases do they need the screen??
the whole thing is confusing....when I first read about this case...apparently a woman reported him to his superior and described the whole situation in detail...she was told he had never been accused of anything prior and they tried to blow it off (no pun intended, or maybe ya know) anyway...she pursued it, found out he had indeed been accused prior she then went public and a whole slew of other women have turned up


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Weird. It is a bit surprising that anyone is allowed to be alone with a drugged and unconscious patient. Shouldnt there be more than one?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Weird. It is a bit surprising that anyone is allowed to be alone with a drugged and unconscious patient. Shouldnt there be more than one?
Shortages of Anesthesiologists across the country.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Dr. George Doodnaught's victims describe their broken lives at sentencing hearing

By Michele Mandel ,Toronto Sun

First posted: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 10:28 AM EST | Updated: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 08:27 PM EST

TORONTO - Finally, it was their turn.

They had once been strapped to his operating table, rendered immobile, their very life in his hands as “the Gasman” played with his drugs and sexually assaulted them.

But now Dr. George Doodnaught was the one helpless and under attack. Like his 21 victims before, the convicted sex offender was now constrained and at their mercy.

Forced to sit in court and listen to their anguished victim impact statements, the suspended anesthesiologist was lashed over and over again by their blows of breathtaking anger as they urged the judge to lock him away.

“When sedated, you are unable to fight, being left totally vulnerable at the hands of a monster,” one victim told Justice David McCombs. “Mr. Doodnaught was the monster in the dark that has now been stopped thanks to you.”

Doodnaught, 65, was convicted last November of sexually assaulting 21 surgical patients while he had them in a semi-conscious state — all but one at North York General Hospital — between 2006 and 2010.

With the court packed with many of his victims, Crown attorney David Wright asked the judge to sentence Doodnaught to 12 to 15 years in prison. Defence lawyer Brian Greenspan insisted his client wasn’t a monster but a person convicted of “vile acts” who should still receive a stiff term of eight to 10 years.

“George Doodnaught is a serial sexual predator,” argued Wright. And his prey, he said, were women who were especially vulnerable — patients recently widowed or extremely nervous about their operations. He “groomed” them by speaking to them before their procedures, reassuring them that they were in good hands.

And then behind the sterile screen, he used their bodies to pleasure himself.

“He gambled that the drugs’ amnesic effects would prevent recall and even if there was recall, no one would believe a woman under their influence,” the prosecutor said.

And for the longest time, nobody did. Doodnaught became increasingly bold after each reported complaint was dismissed by doctors as impossible.

“They tried to tell me that the anesthesia was the cause of the problem — I knew it was not,” recalled the first woman who complained in 2006.

She was terrified during his attack that if she cried out, he would inject her with something that would leave her paralyzed. The hospital assured her that Doodnaught would be closely supervised. But he was not.

After police dismissed another patient complaint in January 2009, he must have felt invincible. “Emboldened, he sexually assaulted 15 more patients,” Wright said.

The serial attacker even had the audacity to tell some of his victims that they were the ones who had fondled him. One even apologized to Doodnaught.

But now they know the truth. One after another, his victims described lives now ruined by panic attacks, nightmares, humiliation and a loss of sexual intimacy with their partners.

“You stole the basic human right of who will touch my body,” said an angry breast cancer survivor groped by Doodnaught. “I will never have it in me to forgive you.”

In February 2010 alone, Doodnaught assaulted four women, three through forced oral sex.

“I thought I was in a safe place that was supposed to protect and make me better. Instead it took my sanity away,” said one of the four as she looked at her attacker. “I went in for an operation and came out a broken woman, a wounded woman, a woman who will never be able to trust again.”

His 21st victim, the patient who finally brought him down, said he robbed her of the woman she used to be — she’s so devastated by post traumatic stress disorder that she can’t return to work or leave the house without her husband. “His selfish abuse of power and authority changed who I am.”

She then turned to face the sick sexual predator who stuck his ***** in her mouth while she underwent a hysterectomy “I hope your horrible, filthy, deviant actions and the choices you have made will haunt you for the rest of your life.”

McCombs will deliver his sentence Feb. 25 and rejected a call by prosecutors to revoke Doodnaught’s bail and take him into custody. The father of five hadn’t yet said goodbye to his two young sons.
North York anesthesiologist Dr. George Doodnaught leaves court Monday, January 14, 2013. He is accused of sexually assaulting sedated patients. (Craig Robertson/Toronto Sun)

Dr. George Doodnaught's victims describe their broken lives at sentencing hearing | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
Getting a conviction on testimony based on hallucinations has set a dangerous precedent and has weakened our ability for a fair trial. I guess I can now sue the province for not protecting me from the bogeyman when I was young and I would probably win that one as well.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
MANDEL: 'Arrogant' doc convicted of sex crimes rightly denied parole
Michele Mandel
April 23, 2019
April 23, 2019 8:56 PM EDT
Dr. George Doodnaught. (Craig Robertson/Toronto Sun)
What a fall from grace for the arrogant former anesthesiologist who is now a cleaner in his minimum-security prison in Gravenhurst.
And so George Doodnaught will remain, at least for the next year. In recently-released reasons for why he was denied both full and day parole at a hearing two weeks ago, the parole board maintains the disgraced doctor still refuses to accept the harm he did to the 21 women he sexually assaulted as they lay sedated and helpless on the operating table — all but one at North York General Hospital — until he was finally arrested in 2010.
The remorseless 70-year-old has two months to appeal the decision.
“At today’s hearing, you continued to maintain that you did not commit any of the sexual assaults that you were convicted of, and that the victims had experienced sexual hallucinations as a result of the anaesthetic drugs and your pioneering technique,” the board wrote in its decision.
Doodnaught was then questioned why his “pioneering technique” only involved pinching the abdomens and breasts of female patients to determine the extent of the anaesthetics and why only female patients experienced what he claimed to be sexual hallucinations.
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“Your responses were seen as attempts to rationalize and justify your actions which, in turn, demonstrated your well documented arrogance and lack of insight into why your actions/techniques were inappropriate,” the board wrote.
Doodnaught’s answers, the panel said, also reflected a “demeaning attitude toward women that both justifies and supports sexual offending.”
Convicted of assaulting 21 patients, the College of Physicians and Surgeons found Doodnaught actually had 31 female victims, with his crimes dating back to 1992. In addition to revoking his licence to practise medicine last year, the college ordered him to pay $497,860 to cover counselling costs.
Yet according to his corrections officer, he was still introducing himself as an anesthesiologist.
Doodnaught began serving his 10-year sentence after losing his appeal in 2014. Five years in, he claimed on his parole application that he now accepted full responsibility for his convictions and for taking “advantage of the power and control” he had over the patients.
The parole board saw right through him: “You thought that that was what the board would want to hear in order for you to be granted parole.”
The father of three adult sons, Doodnaught also has two younger boys with his third wife, who surprisingly continues to stand by her man. “Your wife, while she does concede that some of your behaviour in the operating room may have been inappropriate, does not believe you to be guilty of the sexual assault offences you were convicted of.”
Doodnaught tried to reassure the board that he plans to be a house husband for his family and poses no danger on his release.
A December 2018 psychological risk assessment did find him at a low range for sexual reoffending. But the kicker was this: His motivation for treatment was found to be below average since “you did not see a need for change as you were generally satisfied with yourself.”
And while the Correctional Service of Canada had recommended day parole and possible halfway houses had agreed to accept him, the parole board found Doodnaught can’t be trusted in the community just yet.
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He still doesn’t get it.
“You continue to be satisfied with who you are and the board is of the opinion that your community support network will not serve as the protective factor that one would expect, given that they have not served to challenge your thinking and/or had any impact towards positive change,” the panel wrote.
“The board concludes that you will present an undue risk to society if released and that your release will not contribute to the protection of society by facilitating your reintegration into society as a law-abiding citizen.”
So thankfully, back to cleaning he goes.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
"Just close your eyes and open wide..."
Wieners for lunch at your house eh?