Do we need an "Ontario Language Charter"?

What kind of language charter should Ontario have?

  • One similar to the one in the OP.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A very different one from the one in the OP.

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • None.

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Other answer.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
How would they decide if they don't understand each other?

That's why I'd proposed that governments would have to function in the official local language. The onus would be on the individual to know the local official language.

Besides, even now with Official Bilingualism, if an Innu doesn't know English and finds himself in Court in Ottawa or even Calgary, we will provide interpretation or other means of ensuring justice be done. So not much would change on that front. For the most part it would be a matter of reducing buraucracy in other areas of government by no longer requiring all to be translated between English and French from coast to coast to coast.

Heck, even the NDP seems to agree with more regionalized language policies:

NDP adopts policy favouring use of French in federally-regulated workplaces


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Define local?

Documents discussing funding for a local project, or a regional infrastructure project involving local communities all of which share the same official local language. For instance, why would we need to translate documents pertaining to the building and replacing of a bridge near Tadoussac where few know English for at least a 50 mile radius?

Or why would we need to translate a report concerning the regional impact of a hydro electric project in BC into French?

Why would we need pamphlets in French in a Federal office in Calgary? Or in English in Baie St Paul?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Will reading up on the history of free trade, read up on the history of Europe and it's tiny little States each with their own languages or dialect. How well did that work out for them?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Will reading up on the history of free trade, read up on the history of Europe and it's tiny little States each with their own languages or dialect. How well did that work out for them?

In Europe they now have much more freedom than we do to travel and work outside their borders and trade with one another.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Can a Welshman understand a Celtic?

I don't have the statistics, but in the vast majority of cases, I'm sure they can. Can an Englishman understand a Frenchman? Porbably 90% of the time they can't. But hey, those who know the local lingo are free to seek out opportunities across Europe. I think in that sense Europe is a grand experiment in supranational governance, thus also meaning an exptension of democracy and capitalism and, yes, I suppose socialism too. It means the supranationalization of Europe, expanded borders and thus more freedom.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Predominantly French-speaking country or not, most businesses would recognize the local market. Why should government not be run like a business in that respect?

And what do you mean about French being 'dangerous'? What, it allows them to avoid speeding tickets?

Actually, the idea presented in th eOP would sudeenly make it more difficult to escape speeding tickets on the basis of language since then the onus would be on the person to know the dominant local language.

And so this would allos for smaller government by no longer requiring as many translation and interpretation services. Making English compulsory nationwide would merely create a large Federal translation and interpretation bureaucracy in Quebec.

Sounds like Taxslave likes to be a slave to taxes.

Not at all. The federal government or indeed any government should not have to pay for translation services. That would be up to the person that can't speak english to pay for. That is why one official language, to cut waste in government.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Canada = 33 million
UK = 62 million

Meaning less than 2.0 times Canada's population can fit in the UK

The Welsh language *IS* Celtic as opposed to English which is West-Germanic.
I'd pay money to hear a Newf say "Hey buddy! Haben sie noch extra cod?"


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Not at all. The federal government or indeed any government should not have to pay for translation services. That would be up to the person that can't speak english to pay for. That is why one official language, to cut waste in government.

I could agree to that to a degree. In that case, if you go into an area where you don't speak the local official language, then you accept full responsibility if there are any issues. That could be fair enough.


New Member
Jul 16, 2011
When will this nonsense stop on forcing bilingualism on students. It is the english language in this country that is suffering.Bilingual people can,t spell properly or speak either one properly.Nothing is more assuring than to hear a person say a word in the opposite language because they can,t remember the word in the language they are speaking.Americans have a better pronounciation of the english language than we do and they always pronounce their G. Sad but true.In this country the french are allowed to be french but the rest of us have to be multicultural.Call this country bilingual if you want but the undeniable fact is the english language is the much greater majority in this country.What will it take to make politicians not look the other way to facts. Does everyone know that the ontario gov. is registering immigrants as francophones, due to their dwindling population in On. regardless of what their country or heritage may be ? Don,t believe me? check it out for yourself.The gov. is hell bent on this bs while keeping the majority in the dark.What will it take to end this nonsense and declare english as ontario,s official language?