Disgraced Former PM (Harper) Denounces Trump at Trade Meeting


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Dumb and Dumber

Trump poised to 'reverse' seven decades U.S. foreign policy: Harper

OTTAWA -- Former prime minister Stephen Harper says Donald Trump's presidency is a major source of international uncertainty that will "reverse" seven decades of U.S. foreign policy.

Harper delivers that assessment today in a speech in New Delhi, the speaking notes for which were obtained by The Canadian Press.

He says Trump's foreign policy will scale back U.S. involvement in global affairs and be guided by narrow economic interests, while coming to view China as a "geopolitical adversary."

The speech comes on the eve of Trump's inauguration, and represents Harper's most sweeping foreign policy pronouncement since he lost power in October 2015.

The Liberal government says it is seeking common ground with the Trump administration on promoting middle-class growth, but Harper says friends and allies of the U.S. -- he doesn't mention Canada by name -- will have to bring "real assets" to the table.

Trump has said he wants other NATO members to spend more in the alliance while his incoming commerce secretary is promising a sweeping overhaul of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Trump poised to 'reverse' seven decades U.S. foreign policy: Harper - Article - BNN


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Harper, you incompetent, corrupt little jerk... you shill and quisling. As a failed Prime Minister you grovelled before your masters in the Global Free Market Oligarchies.. to which you sold your country out, with the help your stuttering sidekick Flaherty, who had no more vision than the small town, retail Chamber of Commerce President (from whence he sprung).

Like Chretien and Mulroney before him Harper's angling for a top post in the supranational agencies and corporations which controlled the World Economy.. completely unaware that the entire structure is in a terminal crisis. They are huddled in Davos, with their lackeys and mules, trying to regroup.. but it looks more like a last redoubt for a collapsing ideology than a sober reassessment of a viable agenda. It's the Wolf's Lair.. or the Fuhrer Bunker.

Trump has more guts, class and honesty in his little finger than you have in your whole corpse Stephen... you little crudball.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
One good thing about Trump pushing hard against NAFTA: it might make Canada less smug.

Suddenly, Canada might have no choice but to happily through Canadian Content rules and the supply-management system out of the window in order to save free trade with the US. good riddance!

Harper, you incompetent, corrupt little jerk... you shill and quisling. As a failed Prime Minister you grovelled before your masters in the Global Free Market Oligarchies.. to which you sold your country out, with the help your stuttering sidekick Flaherty, who had no more vision than the small town, retail Chamber of Commerce President (from whence he sprung).

Like Chretien and Mulroney before him Harper's angling for a top post in the supranational agencies and corporations which controlled the World Economy.. completely unaware that the entire structure is in a terminal crisis. They are huddled in Davos, with their lackeys and mules, trying to regroup.. but it looks more like a last redoubt for a collapsing ideology than a sober reassessment of a viable agenda. It's the Wolf's Lair.. or the Fuhrer Bunker.

Trump has more guts, class and honesty in his little finger than you have in your whole corpse Stephen... you little crudball.

I agree. It's about time that each municipality adopted its own high tariff policy.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
"Disgraced Harper"? What nonsense,

The Conservatives finally lost an election after a decade and not by a landslide. Harper is no more disgraced than Paul Martin, John Turner, Pierre Trudeau were after losing an election.

Nonsense, using terms like that to describe a perfectly peaceful democratic change. We have elections here and periodically, we change our governments. There is no disgrace in that.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
"Disgraced Harper"? What nonsense,

The Conservatives finally lost an election after a decade and not by a landslide. Harper is no more disgraced than Paul Martin, John Turner, Pierre Trudeau were after losing an election.

Nonsense, using terms like that to describe a perfectly peaceful democratic change. We have elections here and periodically, we change our governments. There is no disgrace in that.

I was not a harper voter, but at least you have some common sense and truth to your post, the other
description is way off the mark, along with many on this thread.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Pathetic troll makes yet another Trump thread as he desperately tries to avoid answering the age old question, How did wind turbines save Ontario?


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Pathetic troll makes yet another Trump thread as he desperately tries to avoid answering the age old question, How did wind turbines save Ontario?

Ontario was suffering from to many birds. Thankfully the wind turbine killed millions and continue to kill millions every year. Resulting in saving Ontario from bird overpopulation. It's all part of our progressive mentalflake plan to save Ontario and also the world from the weather fluctuations.