Did Prophet Mohammed doubt about his apostle-hood?

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Most people including even Muslims do not know that Prophet Mohammed doubted about his apostle-hood. But later on he became certain and believed firmly that he was God's messenger to his people and to all mankind, and genie kind.
"[When the revelation was brought down to the Prophet – salam to him – at the start, he conceived doubt about it when he saw his people denying and ridiculing him, and they said to him: “The one who brings the revelation to you is one of the genie, and is not an angel.”

So God wanted to confirm his heart for his mission and to remove the doubt from him in order to carry out the mission with zeal, and with a firm will and determination; therefore, He revealed to him many revelations to confirm him to carry out the mission; among such revelations were these abbreviated letters:]"

Soora 36
(In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)
36: 1. Ya. Sien.
[These abbreviated Arabic letters mean:]
(Be Certain and Comply.)
36: 2. [I swear] by the Quran and its wisdom!
36: 3. Surely, you are one of the messengers. b
36: 4. [Following] on a standard [straight and correct] way. c
36: 5. A revelation [coming] from [God] the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful.
36: 6. That you [Mohammed] may warn a people whose fathers were not warned [by any messenger before you], therefore they are unaware [of the Next Life.]

[Then God – be glorified – started to dispraise the associaters and their stubbornness, and He said:]
36: 7. The sentence [to punish them] has been deservedly decided against most of them, therefore they believe not [because they follow their fathers blindly.]

[Then God – be glorified – described the condition of their fathers and the chastisement which they suffered in the Barzakh world: the world of souls or the Afterlife, and He said:]
36: 8. We laid chains, [binding their hands] onto their necks, reaching under [their] beards so they 'lifted up their heads and closed their eyes'.
36: 9. And We laid a bar [of lava] before them and another behind them, and [thus] We overwhelmed them [with the smoke and fire of volcanoes], so that they could not see.

[Then God – be glorified – started again to mention the living ones among such associaters and He said:]
36: 10. It is the same to them whether you [Mohammed] warn them or you warn them not, they believe not e.
36: 11. You [Mohammed] only warn him who follows the admonition [of the Quran]f and fears [God] Most Gracious in secret g, so give him the good news of forgiveness and excellent reward [in the Next Life.] )


b It means: their hands, are bound to their necks, so the chains reached under their beards.
c i.e. they lifted up their heads on account of the tight chains, and they lowered their eye-sight because of the sun rays and the fire of volcanoes.
e In you, Mohammed, on account of their ignorance, stubbornness and their following their grandfathers blindly.

See the detailed explanation of this great soora of the Quran here:

Here is also the nice recitation of this soora by an excellent Egyptian reciter of the Quran:

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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
You are a liar and one insisting on lies.
Anyhow, the Muslims lied before you concerning this point and others.
So because of your insisting on this and you dare transgressing on God's messenger, you will certainly receive your God's punishment which you may not believe now but will certainly receive sooner or later. At least you should not have taken such words against the noble Prophet Mohammed with certainty, but your insisting on them indicates you are unfair and inclining to the falsehood rather than seeking about the truth.
If you were God fearing, you would not dare say such words against His messenger.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The hypocrites among the Children of Israel hurt their Prophet Moses:
God - be glorified - in the Quran warned the believers against hurting Prophet Mohammed like what the hypocrites among the Israelite had hurt Moses in the past.

[When the battle of Bani Quraizha took place, some of the hypocrites said: “The Prophet killed them in order to take their wealth; therefore, this aya was revealed:]
Quran 33: 69, which means:
(O believers, be not [with your Prophet] as those [the Children of Israel] who hurt Moses a, but God declared him quit of what they said b; and, before God, [Moses] is honorable c)

a When they said: He cleft the earth open with Karon [Korah] in order to take his treasuries.
b So that He cleft the earth open with his treasuries also, lest they should ascribe to Moses the coveting of the wealth.
c i.e. having honor and respect.

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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The hypocrites among the Children of Israel hurt their Prophet Moses:
God - be glorified - in the Quran warned the believers against hurting Prophet Mohammed like what the hypocrites among the Israelite had hurt Moses in the past.

[When the battle of Bani Quraizha took place, some of the hypocrites said: “The Prophet killed them in order to take their wealth; therefore, this aya was revealed:]
Quran 33: 69, which means:
(O believers, be not [with your Prophet] as those [the Children of Israel] who hurt Moses a, but God declared him quit of what they said b; and, before God, [Moses] is honorable c)

a When they said: He cleft the earth open with Karon [Korah] in order to take his treasuries.
b So that He cleft the earth open with his treasuries also, lest they should ascribe to Moses the coveting of the wealth.
c i.e. having honor and respect.

They hurt the hell outta the faithful in '67.

"It helps if you can arrange to fight Arabs."
--Moshe Dayan
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017

Much, much, much later.

And it won't be by a crowd of raggedy-ass Muzzies with no fire discipline and filthy weapons.
Muslims now have fallen in the idolatry: the glorification of the imams, prophets, and righteous men; they sanctify the tombs of these righteous men; such tombs have become like the idols. This had been the case of Jews and Christians before them; mostly Jews in fact who sanctified the tombs. While Christians sanctify the cross and the Christ and his mother and the saints.
Anyhow, when Muslims devote themselves to God alone and get rid of such idolatry, they will be dignified and will defeat their enemy.
In such case, they will overcome their enemy, even with simple weapon, and if they have no weapon, they will overcome their enemy by stones and by hands even.

Quran 48: 22-23, which mean:
(22. If the disbelievers [of Mecca] had fought you [at Hudaybiyyah, and had not made peace treaty with you], they would then have turned their backs [in flight], and would have found neither patron [to aid them] nor helper [to help them against you.]
23. Such was God's way [of dealing with His servants] which passed away before [for the past nations: to help His messengers against their enemies]; and you will never find any changing of the way of God['s dealing : to help His messengers.])


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Just took Kherson. On to the border!
The West: the NATO now fight against Russia; the wood of the fire is the Ukrainian Zionists.
All of these are losers: Ukraine, the USA, the EU, and Russia.
N.B. The Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv could not help their brothers in Ukraine, fearing of the revenge of Russia, and they failed the Ukrainian for this reason, but they try to help them by provoking the American and the European against the Russian.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Continuation of the first post in this thread:
So the Prophet doubted in himself about his apostle-hood, but when succession of a large number the ayat was revealed, then his faith was strengthened and he become certain that he was God's messenger undoubtedly, and he went on inviting people to worship God alone without associate or peer, and did not feaer the large number of the idolaters .. till a large number of people converted and became Muslims.
The Quran aya 2: 285 was revealed to him:

[When Prophet Mohammed – salam to him – received the revelation, his people denied him at the beginning and said: ("If our Lord pleased [to send any apostles], He would send down angels [from heaven and send them to us, instead of sending humans like ourselves]"), and they ridiculed him; so he conceived some doubt about himself, and felt himself belittled, and said [to himself]: "If I had been any prophet, then they would have believed me, and have not mocked me."
So God – be glorified – revealed many ayat [or Quran revelations] to affirm his will and assure his heart, until Mohammed became certain that he was a prophet, and started to invite people to God with a strong heart and a firm will; therefore, afterwards, this aya was revealed:]

(286. The messenger [Mohammed] has now believed in [the revelation] revealed to him from his Lord ; and the believers [have also believed])



Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Most people including even Muslims do not know that Prophet Mohammed doubted about his apostle-hood. But later on he became certain and believed firmly that he was God's messenger to his people and to all mankind, and genie kind.

So HE believed it.

That doesn't mean he WAS God's messenger. He just believed it.

Sorry, by your own words have you shown the truth.

He's no more an apostle than the guy in the Psych ward claiming to be Jesus.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
So HE believed it.

That doesn't mean he WAS God's messenger. He just believed it.

Sorry, by your own words have you shown the truth.

He's no more an apostle than the guy in the Psych ward claiming to be Jesus.
Yet you think a man can be a woman and vice versa . Who elongated in a phych ward ?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Hebrews: Jesus was a heretic.

Christians: Jesus is the Son of God.

Muslims: Jesus is a prophet but not the Son of God.

So, we got three religions that all believe in the same god (and even the same prophets with a couple of exceptions). just a little bit differently. And the centuries of violence caused over those differences is fucking inexcusable. And that includes all the sectarian bullshit within each religion too.

Your god is not only fake, he's a serious fucking asshole in all three religions. Yeah, I wanna bow down to some psychopathic asshole. Even in the 10 Commandments he comes across as a petty, insecure, jealous little douche.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
His doubt then his certainty is a proof that he is God's messenger:

This is the proof he was a true messenger of God, and was not a cheater: he doubted in himself [when he saw most people deny him at the beginning] then he became certain with his belief when the Quran revelation continued in different situations and instances.

"[At the beginning, when the revelation to the prophet – salam to him – commenced, and he invited his people to the Islam, they refused to convert and become Muslims, but they started to ridicule him, and they said: "The one who brought to you the revelation is one of the genie and is not in fact an angel; and had God wanted to send a messenger, He should have sent some of the angels."
So the prophet returned conceiving within himself some doubt about that, and felt inferiority, and he thought: If truly I had been any prophet and if that which I heard had been true, then these men should have believed in me."

Therefore, these ayat were revealed to him in order to assure him, and to affirm him in his mission, and so that he should not hesitate:]

Quran 10: 94-97, which mean:
(94. And if you [Mohammed] are in doubt of [the revelation] that We have sent down to you, then question those [Jews] who read the Scripture [that was] before you [about their prophets: were they angels or human beings like you?]
The truth, indeed, has come to you from your Lord [not from genies];
so be not of those who waver.

95. Nor do you cry lies to God's revelations; for then you will lose [the prophet-hood.]

96. They will not believe: those [associaters] against whom God's word [of punishment] is pronounced [: for in fact they deserve the punishment, because they are wrongdoers and therefore, God does not guide them.])

The detailed explanation of these ayat by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly:
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