The defectiveness of the created being is relative to the absolute completeness of God...
he creature is defective while the Creator is absolutely perfect and non-defective.
The created being must be defective or else he will be a god: i.e. the limitedness of the created being regarding his power, his weight, his length, his limited eye-sight, his hearing, his intelligence, his knowledge ... all these are limited and restricted.
E.g. man must eat or else he will die, and if he eats he must pass bowel motion and defecation and urination.
This argument in the Quran is about Christ, and other prophets: proving they were only human beings not gods.
Quran 5: 75, which means:
The Messiah, son of Mary, was only a messenger, [so many] messengers before him passed away [so why do you glorify him alone, excluding others?]
His mother was a true believer [in the Ten Commandments of her Lord];
[the Messiah and his mother] both ate food [and anyone eats food, has to relieve nature, therefore how could they be gods?]
See [Mohammed] how We make clear the revelations to them; then see how perverted they are [away from the truth!])
While the creation of any creature is marvelous... God created his creatures in a most perfect creation in the way that He wants to create them.
The demonstration of the marvels of the creation of man for example: is the defects in the physiology, genetics, the various infections, and other diseases which happen to man, and will demonstrate the marvel of the creation of man: when we see the genetic defect produces many abnormal forms and we will know the chromosomes and the genes .. etc.
Quran 32: 7, which means:
[God] Who created all things well [perfected.])
It means: perfect in the way God wants it. Therefore, see the marvels of man's creation: how his heart works from his uterine life and during his life in the World till his death, the respiratory system works from birth till death, the alimentary system works till man's death in such perfect way that scientists still studying and not reaching to know every detail in this marvelous creation. The same is true about every creature and his special environment.