Did Prophet Mohammed doubt about his apostle-hood?

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
How dare you speak about God Almighty in this way?
Why get upset when you are doing more lying than anyone else, every time you put words in God's mouth.

You deflect and preach instead of telling us why your God makes souls of different values?

If you want converts, you have to argue them into it.

You are not doing decent apologetic, when running away from doing them.


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The word itself means submit which says a lot. It is indeed the religion of peace as it claims; there is indeed, nothing more peaceful than a graveyard.
In the post #38 the second text you claimed as quotation of my words; it is not my words.

Anyhow, I'll answer you, atheists!

You said: the word itself means: submit says a lot.

You don't know what 'religion' is: it is the obedience to God.. so it is more than 'respect' it is the 'servitude' to God: this is God: Who is more worthy of glorification and man is more worthy to be His servant.
The disbeliever and atheist is haughty over his Lord Who created him and bestowed on him all the blessings and yet the disbeliever is haughty against God Almighty and the Creator.

Quran 4: 173, which means:
(So those who believe and do righteous works, He will give them their wages [in full, with no decrease]; and He will even increase them out of His grace [and generosity.]
While those who disdain [His worship] and are arrogant, He will torment them [in Hell] with a painful torment; and, apart from God, they will not find for themselves, any patron or savior.


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
If he doesn’t like it he knows where to find me. Haven’t heard from him so far, and since he exists only in your imagination I don’t expect to.
Certainly, He knows, hears, sees and can do everything,
God sent His revelations in the Torah, the Gospel and the Quran.
I am certain about God Most Gracious, and I am not imagining, while you ignore and disregard His existence, which does not change the truth.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Certainly, He knows, hears, sees and can do everything,
He knows when you’ve been sleeping, & and knows when you’re awake. He knows when you’ve been good or bad, so be good for goodness sake. Sounds so familiar…
God sent His revelations in the Torah, the Gospel and the Quran.
I am certain about God Most Gracious, and I am not imagining, while you ignore and disregard His existence, which does not change the truth.
You’ve gotta work on your sales pitch.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Been doing it for decades. Took no harm from it so far.
Quran 2: 15, which means:
(God [Himself] does mock them [by postponing their punishment] h , offering them [wealth] to let them wander on blindly with their arrogance. i )

h And He does not hasten to bring it on them in this life of the World .
i Like the blind who does not see the reality of things.


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
No, the free will defense doesn't work. If god wanted us to be a certain way, he could have made us that way, given us free will and also given us a better moral sense so we'd be more likely to make correct moral choices, or at least correct in his terms. Our moral failings are his failings. Besides, one of the keystone ideas of Islam is that all things are as god wills, "In sha'Allah" as you might say, so no one's will but his can really be free. I am as I am because it's his will, nothing I can do about it.
You are completely and obviously wrong.
God gives free will to man, and he is not like the bee which works guided only by its instinct.
Therefore, your moral failure is your own failure, and you cannot escape the responsibility of your deeds with this pretext.
"In sha Allah" means if God wills, because God has full control of His creation and the success of every work is according to His grace.
Unless there is the free will, no responsibility of any work of man.

Quran 66: 7, which means:
([Then the angels will say to them:] "O disbelievers make no excuses today; you are only requited for [the deeds of falsehood and wickedness] that you did [in the life of the World.]")


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
You're telling me I should love and worship this character and at the same time tremble in fear of him, ... tyrant.
And as in the First Commandment: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind."
As Prophet and King Solomon said: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge."

This is like a powerful and just governor: the citizen loves him for his good work, and at the same time man fears of his punishment if he transgresses on others or violates the law.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
It is said that God mandated 'personkind' to have free will ha ha ! Or is that too complex for the religious trolls here.
Since this invisible Big Head In The Sky has never been seen by by competent sane observers, it is all moot.
The Torah, Tanach, New Testament, Quran were all written by gullible well meaning fools, Bronze Age barbarians, and an illiterate blood thirsty merchant.
His hallucinations fueled the murder of millions.
Even Judaism and Christianity could never match such a death machine .
This is your 'maraq' and 'timman' mixture of non-sense words. ho ho ho.
God is over His glorious throne on the seven ethereal heavens.
He sent His words to His servants the prophets and people wrote them in the heavenly books.
What're these Bronze Age barbarians? Your ancestors? blood thirsty merchants? Were they your Crusaders or the present Imperialists and Zionists?
Your hallucinations and gullible words truly are the non-sense.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
If we are defective, ask your God what is wrong with his defective soul creating methods.
You have not understood with your ET brain?
We are defective in relation to God. Every creature is defective in relation to the Complete God.
We are restricted and limited in every respect: height, power, vision, hearing, knowing .. etc.
Yet we have been wonderfully created in the way God wanted to create us.
Therefore, God created everything in a perfect way of creation.

Quran 32: 7, which means:
([God] Who created all things well [perfected] and started the creation of man [: Adam] out of mud.)


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Parents want to love their LGBTQ+ kids without prejudice or negative discrimination.
I surprise of something in this respect:
it maybe from mercy point of view that you do not want anyone to transgress on these LGBT .... but why do you want to enhance and spread these bad ways of homosexuality which are abhorred by God in His heavenly books?

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Therefore, God created everything in a perfect way of creation.
Right, yet somehow we are defective, and it’s our fault. You have no clue how foolish your arguments sound. As I said elsewhere, you are completely armoured against reason and evidence by blind faith. Understanding reality will forever elude you.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The defectiveness of the created being is relative to the absolute completeness of God...
The creature is defective while the Creator is absolutely perfect and non-defective.

The created being must be defective or else he will be a god: i.e. the limitedness of the created being regarding his power, his weight, his length, his limited eye-sight, his hearing, his intelligence, his knowledge ... all these are limited and restricted.
E.g. man must eat or else he will die, and if he eats he must pass bowel motion and defecation and urination.

This argument in the Quran is about Christ, and other prophets: proving they were only human beings not gods.
Quran 5: 75, which means:
(The Messiah, son of Mary, was only a messenger, [so many] messengers before him passed away [so why do you glorify him alone, excluding others?]
His mother was a true believer [in the Ten Commandments of her Lord];
[the Messiah and his mother] both ate food [and anyone eats food, has to relieve nature, therefore how could they be gods?]

See [Mohammed] how We make clear the revelations to them; then see how perverted they are [away from the truth!])

While the creation of any creature is marvelous... God created his creatures in a most perfect creation in the way that He wants to create them.

The demonstration of the marvels of the creation of man for example: is the defects in the physiology, genetics, the various infections, and other diseases which happen to man, and will demonstrate the marvel of the creation of man: when we see the genetic defect produces many abnormal forms and we will know the chromosomes and the genes .. etc.

Quran 32: 7, which means:
([God] Who created all things well [perfected.])

It means: perfect in the way God wants it. Therefore, see the marvels of man's creation: how his heart works from his uterine life and during his life in the World till his death, the respiratory system works from birth till death, the alimentary system works till man's death in such perfect way that scientists still studying and not reaching to know every detail in this marvelous creation. The same is true about every creature and his special environment.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
You should read the previous post to know the answer, but that you accept it is not up to me, but up to God Almighty.
If He wants that you be guided, you will be guided, and if not, none can guide you or anyone else.

This is a telling about Noah's answer to his people who later were drowned in the flood:
Quran 11: 28, which means:
([Noah] said: "My people tell me your opinion:
that if I rely on clear [evidence depending on maintained and continuous revelation] from my Lord, [and you deny me, what will your fate be?]
and He has given me [the prophet-hood as] a blessing from Himself,
it has been obscured for you

so will we compel you to [acknowledge] the [blessing: my prophet-hood], while you dislike it?")


Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
You should read the previous post to know the answer, but that you accept it is not up to me, but up to God Almighty.
If He wants that you be guided, you will be guided, and if not, none can guide you or anyone else.

This is a telling about Noah's answer to his people who later were drowned in the flood:
Quran 11: 28, which means:
([Noah] said: "My people tell me your opinion:
that if I rely on clear [evidence depending on maintained and continuous revelation] from my Lord, [and you deny me, what will your fate be?]
and He has given me [the prophet-hood as] a blessing from Himself,
it has been obscured for you

so will we compel you to [acknowledge] the [blessing: my prophet-hood], while you dislike it?")

This one?
Right, yet somehow we are defective, and it’s our fault. You have no clue how foolish your arguments sound. As I said elsewhere, you are completely armoured against reason and evidence by blind faith. Understanding reality will forever elude you.
Or this one that was flogging discount all natural Viagra Keto Gummy Bears that also cure toenail fungus while simultaneously restoring your hearing?
Or some other previous post? You were not very specific.

Anywho, if the Prophet Muhammad doubted his apostle-hood….he should have ordered some of those mail-order discount all natural Viagra Keto Gummy Bears!! That would have been a whole lot more palatable in the sales pitch to future generations than marrying children to imagine that his pee-pee was bigger than it actually was.

I mean, everybody lies about the size of their Johnson. Don’t believe the hype, and just be confident with what you’ve got. It’s how you use it that allows you to have the ladies (or gentlemen, I don’t judge) come back for more, and it beats marrying little girls to feel better about yourself. Develop your “A” game, as it’s not a foot race, so take your time and do it right, with another adult.

Before you know it the ladies (or whatever) will be bragging about your Apostle-hood and the children can safely remain children.