Evidence? Who needs evidence when I have my own opinion?
Zzarchov already said that, no need to repeat yourself unless you're having comprehension problems again. We all got it the first time.
Or were you speaking into a mirror just then...
Evidence? Who needs evidence when I have my own opinion?
Zzarchov already said that, no need to repeat yourself unless you're having comprehension problems again. We all got it the first time.
Or were you speaking into a mirror just then...
*sigh* no, but I might as well have been...
Do you have a reason for their rising or are you on the hysterical "carbon" bandwagon?
I'm hardly hysterical....concerned yes.
It's fun here on he bandwagon, they have cookies.
Cookies taste better than evidence I suppose.
Why bother, you've made up your mind.
For someone who says they haven't made up there mind you sure don't think it's Carbon....which it is. My sister is in the field, I had severe doubts about AGW but she set me straight with of all things....real science not some guy who writes a blog pretending to be one.
Seems to me you go after AGW believers and never deniers, we both know what you really think so stop pretending....it's kind of irritating.
You haven't found your answers yet, not my fault, keep searching.
What blogs do you mean? I haven't read any blogs on this topic.
That's right because they have no hard evidence global warming is caused by carbon but they act as though they do - now that is irritating since our idiot elites keep pandering to their hysteria.
I'm not prone to settling on a solution until the reason can be demonstrated.
Correlated data (carbon theory) isn't evidence; it is a coincidence unless a causation can be demonstrated and so far it hasn't. Nor does that explanation explain what is happening on the other planets. It is possible that is a coincidence too but, since we don't know what is heating up our planet, it might very well not be either.
Ignoring your ignorance of what statistics are actually involved with attribution studies, even the correlation works marginally in this case, because it has been shown that carbon dioxide traps heat from escaping a closed system.
Your wrong.
It has been demonstrated that the carbon in the atmosphere couldn't possibly account for all the excess heat. Carbon is a very minor contributer to the problem.
It has been demonstrated that there is a causative effect. More heat trapping gases means more heat trapped.