Death knell for AGW


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Not if you're talking about the globe...the Earth doesn't revolve around Massachusetts. Cripes. I guess you can ignore all those other big red dots if you're willing to turn a blind eye.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Well you seem to ignore all the other science.

The world doesn't rotate around Massachusetts? Tell that to the Liberals here.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Right...I'm the one who ignores science.

You're hilarious smack. I mean you should be doing standup, instead of wasting your talents here.

I'm telling you. You can tell the liberals after you enlighten yourself that the weather you are experiencing is not indicative of the globe.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Right...I'm the one who ignores science.

You're hilarious smack. I mean you should be doing standup, instead of wasting your talents here.

I'm telling you. You can tell the liberals after you enlighten yourself that the weather you are experiencing is not indicative of the globe.

I'm so offended...really. :roll:

This proves my point how emotionally invested you are.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
No, you'd have to be grounded in reality to be offended. It's a nice coping mechanism you conspiracy nuts have.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
...You believe the conspiracy. You think others are conspiring against you...

You really aren't that bright. I feel kind of sad for you.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
...You believe the conspiracy. You think others are conspiring against you...
What is the conspiracy?

You really aren't that bright. I feel kind of sad for you.

Yet your dream has been dying a slow agonizing death for quite some time. That is why you are flipping out on these threads.

NOTHING sends a poster in hysterics more than Tonn in a GW thread.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Yes indeed but there is a cooling trend. I know I am not supposed to think of anything when I see snow falling outside this morning in New England...October 16. I know I am not supposed to think anything when we had one warm month of summer this year.

That is not what the article is saying.
I know what the article said. It mentioned a few record breaking cold snaps. So people leap to the ASSumption everything is cooling. They can't seem to realize that between the record cooling snaps and the record hot snaps, there's an average and the average is climbing.

lol First paragraph says, "Indeed, as the BBC's climate correspondent Paul Hudson reported, the warmest year recorded globally "was not in 2008 or 2007, but 1998." It's true, he continued, "For the last 11 years, we have not observed any increase in global temperatures.""
It's wrong. The last 10 years have had the highest average temps in many decades. Globally, summer 2009 was the 3rd warmest on record, and year to date this is the 5th warmest year on record. And this addresses your article:

RealClimate: A warming pause?

Sorry, but I don't like newspapers to tell me science. I like scientific publications for that. Newsmedia is hardly unbiased and hardly able to understand scientific data and they cherrypick scientists comments to twist into their own views.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Well you seem to ignore all the other science.

The world doesn't rotate around Massachusetts? Tell that to the Liberals here.
We aren't ignoring the other "science" we are simply poking holes in it. The denial bucket can't hold water. All it can hold is ice and the ice is melting.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
NOTHING sends a poster in hysterics more than Tonn in a GW thread.

I agree. You do tend to get hysterical when I show up in one of these threads. You just can't believe that I don't see the Truth you see.



Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I agree. You do tend to get hysterical when I show up in one of these threads. You just can't believe that I don't see the Truth you see.


I am glad you do agree.

Hysterical...get your own material.

I hardly ever participate in these threads particularly when you fly off the handle each and every time someone says...

"I don't agree"

You can't help yourself from being immature which shows that you are emotionally invested in this. You are completely immersed in defending GW. You are obsessed with it. You remind me of the Sea Sheppards in their "STOP WHALING" campaign.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Stop it. Sit down and have a beer, guys. Or else use a little ingenuity in your insults so I can get a laugh now & then.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
I am glad you do agree.

How can I not? Did you read what you wrote?

If I were hysterical, I would probably be typing in capslock to you.

I think I'll take Anna's advice. I shouldn't argue with morons like you smack. You drag me down to your level and beat me every time with your vast experience. I concede.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
How can I not? Did you read what you wrote?

If I were hysterical, I would probably be typing in capslock to you.

I think I'll take Anna's advice. I shouldn't argue with morons like you smack. You drag me down to your level and beat me every time with your vast experience. I concede.

You calling me a moron. Now that is funny.

You are the idiot that can't control his emotions and brought this thread into the gutter. That is what happens to the truthers.

But I do agree that I beat you everytime.

I am glad you let's see if you can keep your trap shut.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
October 17, 2009
Carbon: Passive rider on the Earth/Space Machine

Earth operates a network of molten upwellings from deep seams in the planet's crust which act to shove tectonic plates across the seafloors where these plates bump into continental land outcroppings. There the spreading plates subduct beneath the continental rims and simultaneously thrust mountains upward from sea level. Such crustal movements continue to alter our global topography today. Atmospheric composition is largely unaffected by these tectonic movements except during volcanic eruptions which emit gasses that are subsequently diffused about the globe by wind action.

Space operates a system of radiant inputs to the earth: both continuous cosmic rays from deep space and variable solar rays from our nearby sun. From time to time the sun produces solar winds having magnetic effects that perturb the incoming cosmic rays causing them to vary in intensity. The primary solar rays vary also but to a lesser extent than the solar-perturbed cosmic rays. Atmospheric composition is largely unaffected by these radiant inputs but one component of the atmosphere undergoes reversible change-of-state to an extent that is dependent on the intensity of the incoming cosmic rays. This component is water.

Water evaporates from the earth's surface as a clear vapor. Each water vapor molecule has a diameter of 1.5 angstroms. Incoming solar radiation contains wavelengths ranging from 1000 angstroms to 10,000,000 angstroms. Much of this incoming solar radiation passes over and through the clear water vapor, warming it in transit and continuing downward to the earth where it proceeds to warm the planet's surface. The cosmic rays, erratically constrained by the solar winds, convert some portion of the clear water vapor to liquid droplets ranging in size from 20,000 to 400,000 angstroms. Incoming solar radiation cannot pass readily through these large droplets and instead is scattered and partially redirected back into space. So incoming solar radiation can be either absorbed and transmitted (as with clear water vapor) or scattered and reflected (as with cloud droplets.) When the sun permits the cosmic rays to do their job of forming clouds then the planet will be cooled. When the solar winds withhold enough of the cosmic rays to restrain cloud formation then the planet will be warmed.

Down at the earth's surface water mediates life's processes. In watered terrestrial regions gaseous carbon feeds photosynthesis-powered carbon chain growth as life converts CO2 into solid carbonaceous plant matter, with some reoxidized to CO2 and some buried. In coastal shallows life additionally converts CO2 into the solid CaCO3 component of animal matter, with some redissolved and dissociated and some buried. These active life zones act as CO2 sinks, depleting the local atmospheric CO2 concentrations, and drawing additional CO2 from the diminishing reserves elsewhere in the atmosphere.

The accumulated solidified carbon products are then transported by tectonic movements and are either pushed upward into mountainous formations or dragged downward beneath the surface to be heated and pressure-cooked into pockets of fossil fuels. In either case the life-formed carbon-rich solid matter is carried away from the wet biologically active zones into locations where life processes are arrested and the carbon is forcibly sequestered.

Over time the earth has seen gaseous CO2 levels fall from the original 0.80% to our current 0.04%. Photosynthesis has been busily productive but the relentless tectonic conveyances have carried away and stored life's solidified carbon-containing products, leaving them in limitedly accessible locations awaiting mankind's efforts to disinter some fraction of these vast stores to use as fossil fuels and thus to regenerate CO2. The assertion that neither the mammoth tectonic mechanism nor the immense space radiant mechanism is overawed by either life's maladaptive CO2 burials or by mankind's trifling energy use is surely one of the greater understatements of all time. These primordial earth/space processes acted to warm and to cool the planet and to rearrange its surface features long before life began and they will continue to perform their accustomed activities long after life completes its self-extinguishing sojourn.

Since controversies abound in this matter you may consult: Goethe Universitat-Cloud ITN; Journal of Geophysical Research-Vol.110-Nir J Shariv; and the CERN Cloud Project. Expect to witness increasingly rational parsing of the relative importance of all the change agents intrinsic to this geophysical system. But however continuing research evolves we can already confidently state that the baseless claims of the CO2 is a pollutant crowd are insupportable on their face in light of the indisputable evidence of life having flourished throughout a 95% decline in atmospheric CO2 concentrations as documented in the scientific record. Disaffected humans will just have to find something else with which to flagellate themselves and their betters. We can take comfort however in the knowledge that their need is great, their determination unabashed and their perverse imaginations sufficient to the task.

James R. Fencil

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
October 17, 2009
Carbon: Passive rider on the Earth/Space Machine

Earth operates a network of molten upwellings from deep seams in the planet's crust which act to shove tectonic plates across the seafloors where these plates bump into continental land outcroppings. There the spreading plates subduct beneath the continental rims and simultaneously thrust mountains upward from sea level. Such crustal movements continue to alter our global topography today. Atmospheric composition is largely unaffected by these tectonic movements except during volcanic eruptions which emit gasses that are subsequently diffused about the globe by wind action.

Space operates a system of radiant inputs to the earth: both continuous cosmic rays from deep space and variable solar rays from our nearby sun. From time to time the sun produces solar winds having magnetic effects that perturb the incoming cosmic rays causing them to vary in intensity. The primary solar rays vary also but to a lesser extent than the solar-perturbed cosmic rays. Atmospheric composition is largely unaffected by these radiant inputs but one component of the atmosphere undergoes reversible change-of-state to an extent that is dependent on the intensity of the incoming cosmic rays. This component is water.

Water evaporates from the earth's surface as a clear vapor. Each water vapor molecule has a diameter of 1.5 angstroms. Incoming solar radiation contains wavelengths ranging from 1000 angstroms to 10,000,000 angstroms. Much of this incoming solar radiation passes over and through the clear water vapor, warming it in transit and continuing downward to the earth where it proceeds to warm the planet's surface. The cosmic rays, erratically constrained by the solar winds, convert some portion of the clear water vapor to liquid droplets ranging in size from 20,000 to 400,000 angstroms. Incoming solar radiation cannot pass readily through these large droplets and instead is scattered and partially redirected back into space. So incoming solar radiation can be either absorbed and transmitted (as with clear water vapor) or scattered and reflected (as with cloud droplets.) When the sun permits the cosmic rays to do their job of forming clouds then the planet will be cooled. When the solar winds withhold enough of the cosmic rays to restrain cloud formation then the planet will be warmed.

Down at the earth's surface water mediates life's processes. In watered terrestrial regions gaseous carbon feeds photosynthesis-powered carbon chain growth as life converts CO2 into solid carbonaceous plant matter, with some reoxidized to CO2 and some buried. In coastal shallows life additionally converts CO2 into the solid CaCO3 component of animal matter, with some redissolved and dissociated and some buried. These active life zones act as CO2 sinks, depleting the local atmospheric CO2 concentrations, and drawing additional CO2 from the diminishing reserves elsewhere in the atmosphere.

The accumulated solidified carbon products are then transported by tectonic movements and are either pushed upward into mountainous formations or dragged downward beneath the surface to be heated and pressure-cooked into pockets of fossil fuels. In either case the life-formed carbon-rich solid matter is carried away from the wet biologically active zones into locations where life processes are arrested and the carbon is forcibly sequestered.

Over time the earth has seen gaseous CO2 levels fall from the original 0.80% to our current 0.04%. Photosynthesis has been busily productive but the relentless tectonic conveyances have carried away and stored life's solidified carbon-containing products, leaving them in limitedly accessible locations awaiting mankind's efforts to disinter some fraction of these vast stores to use as fossil fuels and thus to regenerate CO2. The assertion that neither the mammoth tectonic mechanism nor the immense space radiant mechanism is overawed by either life's maladaptive CO2 burials or by mankind's trifling energy use is surely one of the greater understatements of all time. These primordial earth/space processes acted to warm and to cool the planet and to rearrange its surface features long before life began and they will continue to perform their accustomed activities long after life completes its self-extinguishing sojourn.

Since controversies abound in this matter you may consult: Goethe Universitat-Cloud ITN; Journal of Geophysical Research-Vol.110-Nir J Shariv; and the CERN Cloud Project. Expect to witness increasingly rational parsing of the relative importance of all the change agents intrinsic to this geophysical system. But however continuing research evolves we can already confidently state that the baseless claims of the CO2 is a pollutant crowd are insupportable on their face in light of the indisputable evidence of life having flourished throughout a 95% decline in atmospheric CO2 concentrations as documented in the scientific record. Disaffected humans will just have to find something else with which to flagellate themselves and their betters. We can take comfort however in the knowledge that their need is great, their determination unabashed and their perverse imaginations sufficient to the task.

James R. Fencil
I read the first couple lines and skipped to the end to see if there was a summary of sorts. I found this bit:
..........But however continuing research evolves we can already confidently state that the baseless claims of the CO2 is a pollutant crowd are insupportable on their face in light of the indisputable evidence of life having flourished throughout a 95% decline in atmospheric CO2 concentrations as documented in the scientific record. Disaffected humans will just have to find something else with which to flagellate themselves and their betters. We can take comfort however in the knowledge that their need is great, their determination unabashed and their perverse imaginations sufficient to the task.
Excuse me, but I think in order to be a pollutant, something has to have been increased beyond acceptable standards, not reduced by 95%.

James R. Fencil is the technical director of printing for a Midwestern corporation , and an alumni scholar at the U. of C. Graham School in Chicago.
The Graham School of U. of Chicago is a general studies school.
They issue certificates in the following:
Humanities, Arts, and Sciences

Business and Professional

Meaning no disrespect to the guy, but he looks like he's a printer, not a scientist.
Last edited:


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
You calling me a moron. Now that is funny.

You are the idiot that can't control his emotions and brought this thread into the gutter. That is what happens to the truthers.

But I do agree that I beat you everytime.

I am glad you let's see if you can keep your trap shut.

He tells you that you get the last word and you use it to insult him pettishly instead of reiterating whatever point you thought you had about this thread?

You are a small person EagleSmack. Being ignorant with somebody until they throw their hands up in frustration and refuse to try to enlighten you anymore isn't the same as beating someone. In fact it just makes you look like what you are: ignorant and petty.

So you had an incredibly cold year where you are? I once rolled six ten times in a row on a die. So what? Maybe it makes you suspicious that the die is loaded, so yes you should pay attention to it, but it means absolutely nothing on its own. Nobody is telling you not to pay attention to it, just that it means nothing. We aren't the magician standing behind you waving our hands and asking if you can feel our finger.

You're just thick when it comes to understanding something which requires basic statistics. Answer this simple question: why is your personal experience with the temperature in your small area so much more important than the mountains of evidence accumulated accross the globe?


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
We are still evolving, we will outlive GW. "Despite evidence that human evolution still functions, biologists concede that it's anyone's guess where it will take us from here. Artificial selection in the form of genetic medicine could push natural selection into obsolescence, but a lethal pandemic or other cataclysm could suddenly make natural selection central to the future of the species. Whatever happens, Jones says, it is worth remembering that Darwin's beautiful theory has suffered a long history of abuse. The bastard science of eugenics, he says, will haunt humanity as long as people are tempted to confuse evolution with improvement. "Uniquely in the living world, what makes humans what we are is in our minds, in our society, and not in our evolution," he says."

Human Evolution: Are Humans Still Evolving? - Yahoo! News