"Death Knell for AGW." This thread was started 6.5 years ago. That's an awfully long knell.
What the heck is a knell anyways? I shall consult the Googloracle.
What the heck is a knell anyways? I shall consult the Googloracle.
If it were just the sun, then the surface temperature of every planet and satellite could be computed via distance from the sun.
The moon and teh earth, although almost the same distance from the sun, do not have the same climate.
Sometimes the patient hangs onto life via artificial means for a long time.
The Gore/Suzuki life support system is just about done and then we can move onto the wake and party it up
You got a dictionary, look up electricity. The difference between the moon and earth are also explained electrically.
You just finished saying that nothing else matters but the sun. Internal consistency fail.
The sun is electrical phenomena. I believe I had mentioned that.
Like most deniers on this site, you're just not making any sense whatsoever. Very irrational bunch, I'm sorry.
I hardly think you're qualified to judge in a sense test. You are an adherent to a theory debunked soundly before the industrial revolution. An AGW gas bag.
DarkBeaver said:The difference between the moon and earth are also explained
Like most deniers on this site, you're just not making any sense whatsoever. Very irrational bunch, I'm sorry.
Sounds to me like you are attempting to prove AGW by questioning an entirely different theory (reality as far as many are concerned).
... Probably better to stick to defending your present theory despite the many successful debunkings that have laid your theory to waste
What about kittens?
I don't have to judge it. The internal inconsistency of your argument is completely and obviously evident to anyone reading it.
and In the span of two posts you completely tanked your own argumnet with no help from me whatsoever.
hockey schtick @hockeyschtick1
New paper: Babies are anthropogenic source of carbon emissions which lead to climate change &'threat to environment' http://feedly.com/k/1tklzZ4
these anthro-lunatics should take a vacation in Liberia.