Cuba loves their socialism so much they are mass protesting in support, huh? They are against it?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
...and yet, thinks covid19 was invented in a wuhan lab by the evil Chinese .
That's pretty funny coming from a subhuman sociopathic commie that believes whatever his masters tell him. I guess facts are meaningless to you subhuman sociopathic commie pond scum. The WHO wants to investigate the origins of Covid but China won't play ball. If ya got nothing to hide, you shouldn't be acting like you got something to hide, I guess the fact that the Wuhan lab is known to work with coronaviruses escaped you entirely. You just don't like it because Trump initially floated the idea and even though there's no real compelling evidence that Covid was a case of zoonotic spillover you're going with the nonsense that it all started from a bat in a wet market in Wuhan. Because THAT is what you Chicom buddies told you while refusing to cooperate with the investigation.

In fact, the WHO's initial report on the origins of the virus was over 300 pages long that reached no conclusions except to say they think it absolutely definitely did NOT come from a lab. Soooo they basically pumped out over 300 pages to state that the country which is the WHO's single largest funder. And no it wasn't INVENTED by the lab it was released by the fucking lab. Give yer head a shake and learn to read.

Fuck yer stupid. Then again that's pretty obvious considering you're a subhuman commie shit pump. By the way, proper names like "Wuhan" are capitalized, dumbass.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Bahahaha CNN headline covering the Cuba demonstrations

CNN loves communism. The leftist pro democrat communists at CNN must really hate having to watch as people fight for their freedoms in Cuba, and for the Cubans in Miami who are fighting and speaking out for them. CNN is just another radical communist arm belonging to the international communist globalists whom are trying very hard to turn America into a communist globalist controlled country just like we see in Cuba today.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Is Joe going to get in trouble with his Socialist Democrats with this statement?

Biden: US Stands With Cuban People in Call for Freedom

The United States stands with the people of Cuba in their call for freedom and relief from the coronavirus pandemic and decades of repression, President Joe Biden said Monday.

Thousands of Cubans joined street protests from Havana to Santiago on Sunday in the biggest anti-government demonstrations on the Communist-run island in decades. They chanted "freedom" and called for President Miguel Diaz-Canel to step down.

"We stand with the Cuban people and their clarion call for freedom and relief from the tragic grip of the pandemic and from the decades of repression and economic suffering to which they have been subjected by Cuba's authoritarian regime," Biden said in a statement.......More

Joe BiDumb is an f'n liar. BiDumb loves Cuban communism and hates American democracy. Even his own DHS secretary nut case has already said that America will not accept anyone fleeing from communist Cuba. America will send them back to Cuba and the gulag if they try to enter America. WTF?

Yet Joe BiDumb has no problem allowing tens of thousands of illegals to cross into America every day at their southern border with Mexico. Go figure, eh?


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
No he didn't - he's sending them back!! Idiot that he is.....

I wonder where our dear comrade leader Fidel Trudeau stands on the plight of the Cuban people who are fighting for their freedom today? Fidel Trudeau must be really scared that Cuba may soon go democratic one day. His Cuban communist daddy will be rolling over in his grave if that surely happens and freedom once again comes to Cuba. Viva Cuban freedom. (y)

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
I wonder where our dear comrade leader Fidel Trudeau stands on the plight of the Cuban people who are fighting for their freedom today? Fidel Trudeau must be really scared that Cuba may soon go democratic one day. His Cuban communist daddy will be rolling over in his grave if that surely happens and freedom once again comes to Cuba. Viva Cuban freedom. (y)
Ya, I haven't heard anything as yet. These people should be allowed into Canada once they've been vetted. We need hard working entrepreneurs so that they can employ those who need jobs. Cubans are notorious for doing well when allowed to prosper. Better Cubans than those who won't provide anything of substance to the Canadian economy.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Ya, I haven't heard anything as yet. These people should be allowed into Canada once they've been vetted. We need hard working entrepreneurs so that they can employ those who need jobs. Cubans are notorious for doing well when allowed to prosper. Better Cubans than those who won't provide anything of substance to the Canadian economy.
In my experience most groups of immigrants bring the entreprenurial skills with them , and many are very successful.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
That's where the vetting comes in. There is more than one way for an immigrant to come here. One is if they have skills that would benefit Canada, another is as a refugee who is escaping from a country in turmoil and who risks getting killed if they stayed. So ya, some do benefit us and others don't. But I would bet that even the latter, given time, will succeed.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
That's where the vetting comes in. There is more than one way for an immigrant to come here. One is if they have skills that would benefit Canada, another is as a refugee who is escaping from a country in turmoil and who risks getting killed if they stayed. So ya, some do benefit us and others don't. But I would bet that even the latter, given time, will succeed.
Some always take the easy way and use illegal means to get ahead being a problem for the whole community .


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
That's where the vetting comes in. There is more than one way for an immigrant to come here. One is if they have skills that would benefit Canada, another is as a refugee who is escaping from a country in turmoil and who risks getting killed if they stayed. So ya, some do benefit us and others don't. But I would bet that even the latter, given time, will succeed.
And many have come to Canada and have decided to live a life of crime in Canada as a criminal or a terrorist. These new so-called wonderful immigrants and legal and illegal refugees must be forced to sign a pledge that they will never commit a crime or a terrorism attack in Canada even after they have become a Canadian. If they do, they must be sent back from whence they came right away. That way, we can separate and keep the good from the bad. Works for me.
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Just stop immigration. My part of this island is getting far too populated.
It will be very hard to stop this massive immigration going on in Canada today especially with this communist idiot crime mistake of canuckistan running this sad and pathetic country. The idiot is planning on bringing in another one million more immigrants in the next three years. Of course the majority 80% of them will be coming from non white countries. White Canada will surely be doomed if this pro globalist great reset buffoon wins the next election. White people can kiss their asses goodbye. Guaranteed. We need a moratorium on immigration for at least 7 years. Canada is full. There is no more room. Enough already. Works for me. ;)

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
It will be very hard to stop this massive immigration going on in Canada today especially with this communist idiot crime mistake of canuckistan running this sad and pathetic country. The idiot is planning on bringing in another one million more immigrants in the next three years. Of course the majority 80% of them will be coming from non white countries. White Canada will surely be doomed if this pro globalist great reset buffoon wins the next election. White people can kiss their asses goodbye. Guaranteed. We need a moratorium on immigration for at least 7 years. Canada is full. There is no more room. Enough already. Works for me. ;)
Well, I don't agree with you regarding immigration but you are entitled to your opinion & I respect that. However, we do need immigration - CONTROLLED immigration so that we know who is coming and what they have to offer our country. The numbers allowed should only be the amount that our immigration officials can handle (and it's usually around 150,000 +/-) a year. Either that or we need to up our birth rates people - come on, make love not war LOL.

They also need to revamp the information given to immigrants who come here so that the documentation clearly indicates what it means to become a Canadian and that any and all hatreds remain back where they came from. Harper made that crystal clear by revamping the information but when Trudeau came into power, he removed that same information. I suspect he somehow found it offensive - how I'm not sure. But it tells me that Trudeau could care a less about who or what type of individual comes into the country, including those with barbaric beliefs. These individuals should have no place in Canada but it seems our government doesn't give a crap.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Well, I don't agree with you regarding immigration but you are entitled to your opinion & I respect that. However, we do need immigration - CONTROLLED immigration so that we know who is coming and what they have to offer our country. The numbers allowed should only be the amount that our immigration officials can handle (and it's usually around 150,000 +/-) a year. Either that or we need to up our birth rates people - come on, make love not war LOL.

They also need to revamp the information given to immigrants who come here so that the documentation clearly indicates what it means to become a Canadian and that any and all hatreds remain back where they came from. Harper made that crystal clear by revamping the information but when Trudeau came into power, he removed that same information. I suspect he somehow found it offensive - how I'm not sure. But it tells me that Trudeau could care a less about who or what type of individual comes into the country, including those with barbaric beliefs. These individuals should have no place in Canada but it seems our government doesn't give a crap.

Our Canadian government has become nothing more than an anti-white traitorous government to Canada and the Canadian people. This massive third world immigration that is going on today, and for decades now, is a deliberate act and attempt to make white people become a minority in their own white homeland in decades to come. When 80 - 85% of all of the new immigrants and refugees being allowed and brought into Canada are all non-white, the writing can be seen clearly on the wall. White people are doomed. White people needs to stand up and stop this third world immigration madness madness before their children or grandchildren will all find themselves living in a country that is not their country anymore. The warning is there. :rolleyes:


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
Napalm Death - Nazi Punks Fuck Off (Dead Kennedys cover) (Official Audio) - YouTube
That's pretty funny coming from a subhuman sociopathic commie that believes whatever his masters tell him. I guess facts are meaningless to you subhuman sociopathic commie pond scum. The WHO wants to investigate the origins of Covid but China won't play ball. If ya got nothing to hide, you shouldn't be acting like you got something to hide, I guess the fact that the Wuhan lab is known to work with coronaviruses escaped you entirely. You just don't like it because Trump initially floated the idea and even though there's no real compelling evidence that Covid was a case of zoonotic spillover you're going with the nonsense that it all started from a bat in a wet market in Wuhan. Because THAT is what you Chicom buddies told you while refusing to cooperate with the investigation.

In fact, the WHO's initial report on the origins of the virus was over 300 pages long that reached no conclusions except to say they think it absolutely definitely did NOT come from a lab. Soooo they basically pumped out over 300 pages to state that the country which is the WHO's single largest funder. And no it wasn't INVENTED by the lab it was released by the fucking lab. Give yer head a shake and learn to read.

Fuck yer stupid. Then again that's pretty obvious considering you're a subhuman commie shit pump. By the way, proper names like "Wuhan" are capitalized, dumbass.
damn how much nazi rhetoric can you fit in a couple broken paragraphs
i bet you poop your diaper when nazi isn't capitalized especially


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
Probably because it is a fact. Like the fact that commies are lazy and lack intelligence. It amazes me that you can even turn a computer on, much less type something resembling a coherent sentence.
damn i remember writing something this cool when i was 11 years old
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