I do understand what you are saying. What Winnipegger was eluding to, which I believe is needed, was that no Aboriginal leaders are publicly saying "our people are over-represented in our prisons. Stop turning to crime, and better yourselves". I would like to hear things like that. There are so many jobs available, especially in Alberta. If I were one of many Aboriginals in Winnipeg or Saskatoon, I would go west, as the Pet Shop Boys sang. Why so many insist on whining and committing crime is very, very sad. Recent reports I have just read indicate more Aboriginals in Winnipeg are participating in the workforce, and finishing school/going on to post-secondary/training, etc; this is good, and this type of headline needs to be splashed all over the news more. Too many Aboriginal youth have no good role models, which is the only explanation as to why they are joining gangs, etc. The cycle has to stop. Aboriginal youth need to stop having children, and focus on careers, etc, then have children.
The thing is, I think so many of the things you have stated ARE happening...but that isn't getting the attention like all the negative stuff is. I've worked along side aboriginal folks who have worked DAMN hard, been very dedicated, and have done well. Sure, there are kids getting into gangs, you bet. I think things have been getting better for aboriginal youth, but I think alot of it has to do with connecting with traditional ways, revitalizing culture, giving these folks an identity....and there are alot of people working on making this happen. I think it's doing good. But, unfortunatly, again, we only here the bad stuff. I found it even discouraging how when winnipeger presented articles from crime stoppers, if a native person was involved, they were described as aboriginal. If the person was white, there was no race description involved. I think that gives a very negative impression.
I think one thing to is that folks think all the damage was done 100 years or so ago, and can't figure out why things are still the way they are. It hasn't been that long since the last bording school was shut down. Deals are still being broken with native groups. Racism still exists. Segregation still exists. It's hard to move forward when these factors are at play. It will take a few generation, I believe, until the past can be put in the past...the cycle of destruction caused by destructive action TOWARDS aboriginals has to be broken.
The thing about crime stats as well is it doesn't take into account a lot of factors. How many white kids are getting away with stuff because they are white and blend in better...they aren't seen as criminals...or are given lighter sentences, while aboriginal youth are more likely to be sent to prison...for WHATEVER reason. This could be an issue and could be part of why crime stats look so unfavourably towards native folks. Most of my run ins with dicks, jerks and hoodlums who would love to do me or my property or someone elses property harm have been white. I have never encountered an aboriginal person who wants to do me any harm. Why? I have lived or stayed in areas with high numbers of aboriginal folks and never had an issue. Who do I have problems with? White assholes in bars, on whyte ave, on the street, on the LRT, on the bus, whereever. But the insistance that native folks are the ones to blame also kills self esteem in a hurry. If you are always looked at as someone who is guilty, even when you are not, well, that ain't a healthy environment....and it almost asks for trouble. Why not do something wrong if everyone looks down on you as doing something wrong anyway?