Craig said he regrets pleading guilty


Jan 6, 2007
We are? I'll have to ask some other men that I know if they are doing this....

You're right... I should have qualified it to 'male predators', but there is a distinct difference between the sexes there (mind you I didn't qualify my statements about the ways women molest either, yet you never commented on that).

Where my kids go to school, they are not allowed to go to the washrooms alone, because men have snuck in and molested children in school bathrooms within the city. Women are attacked every day by perfect strangers, children are kidnapped, raped, and killed. EXTREMELY few of those violent predatory crimes are perpetrated by women. The predatory crimes perpetrated by women occur much more slowly and subtly, thus the high rate of them being ignored or not believed.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
EagleSmack said:
Not nearly as much and as harsh as men do. I am sure that it happens but these bathroom meetings, rest stops, truck stops... full of sexual predators and perverts who could care less about kids.

Whatever they do, it's bad enough. There's no telling how badly a child can be damaged by anyone regardless of gender. The key is that we need to protect our children from all harm, regardless of its source.


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
You know, I made a smart minded somewhat well thought out comment earlier, and it stands. But now all I can say in '+++'. That isn't really a bad thing, just ask Scott Thompson. I did encounter some '+++s' in a public bathroom in my home town. When they made a pass at me, (very subtle ) I told them they better get lost cuz when I finished wiping my bum I would knock their blocks off. I then went to the store security, as a 18 year old stoned dude and reported the incident. Now at 18 I seemed to handle the situation in a mature manner befit of someone who did not want to screw another boy. How did someone with the skill set to become an elected public servent make a mistake like that???????

+++, LOL.:lol:
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Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
If he was a Democrat it would be no big deal but he was a Republican who was out to get gays at all costs.

Obviously this guy was set up to the point that he plead guilty not because he was it was more for the fear of perceived as being gay.

The Republican party is scrambling for a leader that has a good chance of winning and they still don’t have a good candidate for the job.


New Member
Oct 3, 2007
Senator Craig Is Bent and Crooked

When are NEO-CONS going to realize that the politicians, regardless of party affiliation, who scream most loudly about family values are those who most likely do not possess them??!!

Newt Gingrinch has admitted to cheating on one of his THREE wives to date, though there have been allegations he's cheated on ALL three (and doesn't three marriages kind of go against the whole family values thing in the first place?). Ted Haggard not only had a "massage" from another man, he also wanted to go down the crystal meth path (because that's SOOOO family). Not to mention the good ol' boys involved in the Congressional Page debacle (as if Lewinsky-gate taught them nothing at all), and that guy from Louisiana doing the horizontal mambo with a sex-trade worker (everyone says he has suffered no consequence because he is a Democrat, but I bet you it is because at least he had the "DECENCY" to have his dalliance be with somoene of the OPPOSITE SEX... Oops! Can you say double standard? I knew you could!).

Maybe, just maybe, it is time for NEO-CONS to notice that whenever God is brought up, it is only when it has to do with: abortion, euthanasia, stem-cell research, sex education, harm reduction, AIDS prevention, condom distribution, and same-sex marriage. Why is it with these people that God seems to just take a vacation when it comes to, oh let's say, outsourcing military jobs to Blackwater (because the rules for killing innocent civilians don't apply to "contractors"), feeding the poor (because God and Jesus never stood for that, right?), making sure that children receive health care (just once on the abortion debate I'd like to hear a politician explain why it is they are MORE concerned by the lives of children yet to be than they are with the lives of children who are ALREADY here... oh yeah, because it costs nothing!), helping people with addictions on the road to recovery, making room in society for those who are marginalized, etc.?

Surprisingly, nobody made mention of Senator Craig's infamous "intent to resign"... and his announcement a while later than in fact he would NOT follow through on his "intent" (surprise! surprise!).

Senator Craig seems to not only have skill at playing with himself, but playing with words too!

...and to all the parents who used to let their children go to the bathroom alone but care about their children so much that NOW they are fearful because of Senator Craig's tap dance:

1) I guess kidnapping wasn't much of an issue for you, now was it? You should NEVER let your kids go to a public bathroom alone in the first place (just like the parents of the children who had sleepovers at Michael Jackson's ranch AFTER the first round of allegations came to pass should have NEVER agreed to that but yet they STILL did, and THEN they cried foul... I always wondered why it was that the parents were never charged with neglect in that case!).
2) Senator Craig's tap dance does not make him a sexual "predator". There IS a difference in size between a man's foot and that of a young child... and I am sure their footwear choices are much different (I don't know of too many six-year-olds who think penny loafers are THE cool fashion choice). If Craig were a predator, he'd have been specifically looking for a foot that seemed to belong to a child before tapping. No, Craig is not a predator, he's merely a horny hypocrite.


Electoral Member
Nov 23, 2006
You sure are observant and really have the US elected legislators pinned correctly. Look at the list of serious stuff they are involved in. Moral turpitude is but one example. How about the Bribery charges against the Congressman from Louisiana where all the evidence was found in both his DC office and his lLouisiana home? The Congress really got upset too. They stopped all of that from ever progressing in any court. Now that guy is in Europe on the US taxpayer nickel with both blonde secretary's. His better half is probably at home thinking he is on a world peace mission or some thing noble like that. Look at the record the Kennedy's, Bush 2, Cheney and others have left! None will be held accountable for their discretions at all. This is certainly a great system of unequal justice isn't it? All Larry Craig has to do is retire on the taxpayers nickel and he could troll the mens rooms all day long and even afford a limo and a chauffer too.


Electoral Member
Nov 23, 2006
Senator Craig is now appealing the most recent Minnesota Court decision too. I keep hearing all who question him if he is gay. He answers in the negative. That is the wrong question to ask in my opinion. He should be asked if he is bi-sexual and if the old addage about stumps and cows applied at his ranch. Or for that matter how about ewes? In Idaho the good old boy network is really at work too and you see it in action right now with the nomination to the Idaho Hall of Fame (er, good old boys).


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Idaho Hall of Fame given to a man who solicits sex in a toilet stall? Priceless. Does he get a golden potato or something for his induction to the Hall of Fame? I hesitate to think what he would do with said potato though...


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Do any of you men have any idea how terrifying it is to consider letting my son, my 6 year old son, use a men's rest room? Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people, that I have to worry that my son is going to see or hear something like this, or worse, be molested, just because he needed to pee? What is with men? You don't hear about women being arrested for picking eachother up in bathrooms!

Hey Karrie; he's only 6. Take him into the ladies with you. Right into a cubicle and close the door. You gals got doors on your cubicles too eh?? My wife had to do that a few times when me lads was little, and got no complaints from the other ladies in the BR. Who would give a damn if they did complain. Better than having your kid assaulted.

They came home and said,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"hey dad, guess what??"...........8O:lol::lol:



Jan 6, 2007
Hey Karrie; he's only 6. Take him into the ladies with you. Right into a cubicle and close the door. You gals got doors on your cubicles too eh?? My wife had to do that a few times when me lads was little, and got no complaints from the other ladies in the BR. Who would give a damn if they did complain. Better than having your kid assaulted.

They came home and said,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"hey dad, guess what??"...........8O:lol::lol:


It's what I do... but damn it Nug, I shouldn't HAVE to, ya know?


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
If you can pass the following exam you can be a senator.



Electoral Member
Nov 23, 2006
Craig's appearance on the new Matt lauer show last night on NBC did nothing to convince me he is innocent of these charges. He even admitted he didn't tell a soul including his family. They were taken by surprise when the story broke. He did tell then just hiours before the story appeared in the media. He is stll riding a losing horse in the race as far as I'm concerned and he isn't going to be a favorite of the Idaho voters in the next election either.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
And now Republican Craig has been nominated for the Idaho Hall of Fame!!

Now, had he been a Democrat ......

If he was a Democrat he'd fit right in with Barney Frank and Gerry Studs! He would be praised and would not even be questioned.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
... Instead, he's a closeted Republican who fits in with Glenn Murphy, Jr, Mark Foley, Bob Allen, and other self-righteous hypocrites who proclaim themselves to be great, moral Christians who are divinely ordained by God to stand atop a pedestal and to sit in judgment of everyone else while hiding their true nature.


Electoral Member
Nov 23, 2006
Remember the old Robin Williams quip, "God gave man a brain and a penis. Too bad he didn't give him enough blood to operate the two at the same time." Larry is on the run right now and laying low. But he will get his come uppance at a later date. I'll bet he confines his amourous approaches to the heifers and the ewes on the Craig ranch for now. That is his old learning experiences from childhood.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006

Gives one pause though doesn't it when we have this (yet another) example of the American clarity of thought as mirrored through their choices of people to lead their nation...


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
If we can agree that it's reasonable to acknowledge that human beings are weak and unreliable, prone to ambivalence regarding values and duty, is it reasonable to expect that any politician is capable of measuring up to that higher standard we seek? Isn't it more likely that the politicians whom we elect to office are in fact every bit as vulnerable to indecision mistake and poor judgment as the people doing the "electing"?

A mistake is a mistake, a lie is a choice.