COVID-19 'Pandemic'

bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
"The federal New Democrats stripped the veteran member of Parliament of her cabinet critic positions after she travelled to Greece to visit her seriously ill grandmother."

Talking about Niki Ashton. What a great original excuse because really her name was Ashtonikis and although the grandmother was confined to hospital she was only able to get accommodation on the islands. Curious what cabinet critic position she held. Just one more set for life scum dog politco.

Canadians are just not getting the sacrifices these people are making on our behalf.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
  • January 04, 2021


Most COVID Patients Treated With Convalescent Plasma Improve

LA Begins Rolling Out Digital COVID Vaccination Verification

Israeli health officials brushed off the idea of the COVID-19 vaccine being connected to 21 residents of a retired home testing positive for the virus later. Since it takes two doses to provide protection against the virus, their chances of catching coronavirus naturally were still possible, they said.
Similar reports are occurring in the U.S.: For example, a doctor in Philadelphia tested positive after taking the vaccine, as did a nurse in San Diego. Other vaccine recipients across the U.S. are reporting similar experiences, but each time health authorities have said it’s not the vaccine causing the problem but, rather, the fact that the shot needs time to work.
In fact, one infectious disease specialist said “it’s not unexpected at all” that people will come down with COVID after getting the shot. “It’s not unexpected at all. If you work through the numbers, this is exactly what we’d expect to happen if someone was exposed,” Dr. Christian Ramers told KGTV 7, San Diego.

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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Take the Metamucil 14 day challenge.

There’s never been a better time to take the Metamucil Two-Week Challenge. Just take Metamucil every day for two weeks and start to feel what lighter feels like by relieving irregularity. Sign-up below and opt in for daily emails. You’ll get a $3 off coupon to help get your challenge started, plus 14 days of tips, tricks and reminders. Must be 18 to register.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

Lockdowns do not work – why are we having another?​

After a year of unprecedented restrictions, Britain’s Covid epidemic is worse than ever.

Lockdowns do not work – why are we having another?



5th January 2021

Boris Johnson has announced that the lockdown will continue in England. I say continue because until last night’s announcement, everyone in England – apart from the 2,000 lucky souls on the Isles of Scilly – was already under either Tier 3 or Tier 4 restrictions. All schools had also been closed over the Christmas break. And yet despite this, Covid cases have still been climbing.

The pressure on the government to do something and announce a ‘full national lockdown’ translates, in reality, into a demand to carry on doing pretty much the same thing as yesterday, but to expect different results.

London’s cases began climbing in November, ie during the last national lockdown. They climbed while London was in Tier 2. They climbed when it was in Tier 3. And they climbed when Tier 4 was invented, replicating the same conditions as the November lockdown. They climbed when the schools were closed for the holidays. Yet the lockdown advocates expect a rebranding of Tier 4 and its extension to less affected parts of the country, alongside a continuation of school closures, to have some magically, radically different effect. ‘Full lockdown now!’, they cry, in the middle of the lockdown.

In the face of the failure of the restrictions, the advocates of lockdown are looking for scapegoats. The Mail on Sunday’s Dan Hodges says that ‘no group of activists has ever been as spectacularly, irredeemably, dangerously wrong as the winter 2020-2021 lockdown sceptics’. Dominic Lawson uses his Times column to compare lockdown sceptics to mass murderer Harold Shipman. Owen Jones, who has spent the year calling for the establishment of a ‘Tory police state’, is now demanding that cancer specialists be banned from television, for the crime of reminding people that illnesses other than Covid kill people, too.

The sound and fury of the lockdowners cannot disguise the fact that it is under the policies they advocate that hospitals are filling up and deaths are rising. There have been more than nine months of restrictions in some form. And yet Britain still seems to be in a worse state than before they came into force.

One thing that lockdown sceptics have consistently called for is better protection for the elderly and others most at risk. Lockdown advocates consistently brush this aside and say it cannot be done. Only lockdown will do. Yet it has taken until last night for the government to change its advice to people in the shielding group. That means that vulnerable people who work in Tesco or on building sites or as security guards have been expected to go to work for the past few weeks, exposing themselves to the virus, as the rest of society was hunkered down in Tiers 3 and 4.

Blanket lockdown rules do not account for the vast differences in risks many of us face. On the contrary, as epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff has argued, they exacerbate the Covid risk to the most vulnerable.

The elderly and vulnerable can be kept safe – but only if there is the will to do it. The German town of Tübingen has implemented radical measures to keep the rates of infection among the elderly low. Just 10 per cent of those infected in Tübingen during Germany’s much deadlier second wave were over 65, compared with 23 per cent nationwide. And while half of all Covid deaths in Germany have taken place in care homes, there have been only two care-home deaths from Covid in Tübingen since the spring. There was not even a single outbreak in care homes between May and December. Some of the policies include regular testing of care-home staff and residents, free taxis for the elderly, exclusive shopping hours for the elderly, free masks for everyone over 65 and free rapid tests in the town centre. Sadly, while policies like this might save lives, they do not satisfy the lockdown lobby’s lust for coercion.
Other lockdown advocates are blaming the public for their failure. The ‘Covidiots’ narrative from the spring has made a triumphant comeback. Professor Hugh Montgomery of UCL said a non-compliant public was to blame for rising Covid cases and that lockdown rulebreakers had ‘blood on their hands’. But if non-compliance is so widespread, in normal circumstances, that would lead people to question the policy. When large numbers of people do not (or, in many instances, cannot) comply with a policy, the conclusion sensible people draw is that the policy is unworkable and that an alternative is needed. But lockdown cannot be allowed to fail – it must be that the people have failed lockdown.

But look around and it’s clear lockdown is failing. Lockdown is currently failing in California, which has some of the toughest restrictions in the United States but has become its worst Covid epicentre, ‘setting new records for cases, hospitalisations and deaths almost every day’. Politico reports that ‘locked-down California’ has ‘[run] out of reasons for a surprising surge’.

Lockdown is currently failing in Germany – once held up as a European model of Covid management. The tighter restrictions, which began before Christmas, have ‘had little effect’, according to Deutsche Welle. Deaths have crossed the grim threshold of 1,000 per day. These failures follow multiple examples of failure across the world last year.

By the time this ‘national lockdown’ ends in mid-February, Britons will have lived under Covid restrictions for almost a year. When we emerge from the rubble, perhaps those who advocated these restrictions should take some responsibility instead of scapegoating those who questioned them and demanded an alternative.

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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Because its January.
New Year, new lockdown.

Boris announced the new lockdown live at 8pm last night when I was still at work in a bitterly cold warehouse - feeling like I'm going to get frostbite (it's a tough job at this time of year) - on a freezing winter's night driving my man-up truck.

In the build-up to it people were going round mentioning that Boris is doing a speech at 8pm. One of the Burmese guys who works there, a fellow man-up driver and order picker, came up to me and told me he's thinking he might be furloughed because he's with an agency and that there are rumours going round that agency staff will be furloughed. He said our boss will speak to us after Boris's speech. But he never did. So we still don't know if people are going to be furloughed. Earlier this year they furloughed about two-thirds of the staff for a few months and put the remaining ones, including me, on one 8am to 4pm shift, which tired me out because I'm used to the 2pm to 10pm shift. So we might find out today what's happening. My mum - who used to be pro-lockdown but now is anti-lockdown because the lockdowns are starting to cause her anxiety - told me on the phone when I was walking home from work last night to ask, if they are furloughing people, if they will furlough me. She thinks it'll be some sort of nice paid holiday for me for several weeks. But I'm not too sure the Government can afford to pay furloughed people anymore. If you destroy the economy and put millions out of work and create the biggest recession the country has faced since the Great Frost of 1709, then there simply is no money.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

US on track for one of the worst flu seasons in decades​

By Elizabeth Cohen and John Bonifield, CNN
Updated 5:21 PM EST, Mon January 06, 2020
article video

(CNN)This flu season is shaping up to be one of the worst in decades, according to the United States' top infectious disease doctor.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said while it's impossible to predict how the flu will play out, the season so far is on track to be as severe as the 2017-2018 flu season, which was the deadliest in more than four decades, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
"The initial indicators indicate this is not going to be a good season -- this is going to be a bad season," Fauci said.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015

FDA Admits PCR Tests Give False Results, Prepares Ground For Biden To "Crush" Casedemic​

TUESDAY, JAN 05, 2021 - 4:55
The FDA today joined The WHO and Dr.Fauci in admitting there is a notable risk of false results from the standard PCR-Test used to define whether an individual is a COVID "Case" or not.
This matters significantly as it fits perfectly with the 'fake rescue' plan we have previously described would occur once the Biden admin took office. But before we get to that 'conspiracy', we need a little background on how the world got here...

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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
We've got a meeting at work tomorrow at 1:45. I don't know what's going to happen. Maybe another round of mass furloughings.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015


$1,000,000 Reward for Proof that COVID-19 Exists​
Wanted: Dead or Alive … The elusive COVID-19. They say it exists, but so far, they have not given any proof. It’s never been isolated, and never shown to be real. A bit like Santa Claus.
Anyway, for those who blindly believe the governments that COVID-19 is real … here is the opportunity of a lifetime. HealthGlade is officially offering $1,000,000 to anyone who can prove that COVID-19 exists.
Now I’m talking about real proof. Don’t bother sending a video of some newsreader on a mainstream media TV channel squawking like a parrot that it exists.
You will need to provide actual scientific proof. Proof that it has been isolated, and then proof that the isolated virus is in fact COVID-19, such as a demonstration of the supposed harm it causes. ie. Fulfill Koch’s Postulates.
Once you have foolproof evidence that COVID-19 exists, email it through, along with your personal details, and we will examine it, and happily pay you the money if you have provided irrefutable evidence.
And if you don’t have proof it exists, ask yourself, why do you believe in COVID-19?
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

EVERYTHING We’ve Learned Today 😢 Bumbling Boris Epiphany Of Doom & No Hope 2021 😡

Yesterday he knew nothing. Today it’s game over for 2021...



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
you saw the post of the offer for the million dollar pay out upon proof of the actual virus I guess?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Is anyone else here starting to get genuinely worried, or is it just me?

There is something truly sinister going on and it's very worrying.
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