Connacher oilsands project resumes


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Well petros, it seems as if you've been running around without wearing your hockey helmet again.

So, who's behind the cooling trend?... That'd be good ole Mother Nature.

The damning evidence?.. Well, that'd be graphs (such as the one I recently responded to) that clearly showed that the trend was cooling.

As far as your bizarre comment about the oil companies trying to reduce consumption.. I have no idea what you're talking about.. Chances are that you have no idea as well.

So there we go, alright.. Your ridiculous questions are answered (again).
What cooling trend? Who charted this fantasy cooling trend? Quote it. Post it. Give a URL if you can.

So who is behind pushing the "false science" of human use of fossil fuels linked to CO2 linked to global warming and climate change? What is their agenda? What are they trying to gain by all this? Money? Power? Just for ****s and giggles?

You claim there is a vast conspiracy of scientists, business, governments and media pushing an agenda of humans, CO2 and global tragedy down your throat so tell us all once and for all who and why.

As for my so called bizarre comment about the oil companies trying to reduce consumption..

So they didn't shut down the oilsands because the cost of energy to produce a barrel of oil out weighed market value of oil?

It's obvious why you didn't have any idea about what I was talking about is because you are a complete and total idiot.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
... How come you haven't mentioned that this resource was initially discovered as an ecological disaster? Much of that bitumen has been at surface for centuries (first discovered in the mid 1700's) and has been leaking into the Athabasca and aquifers for that time.

You try to portray this as entirely man-made.
Nature made tailing ponds and strip mined?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I never realized that electric buses did not require lubricants... Go figure, eh?
All originally grown. What did you think they used for lube on spindles and axles for thousands of years? WD40?

I won't call you stupid or an idiot this time but I will say this; Everyone else is smarter than you are.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Yeah, that was the real fall of the Roman empire, they couldn't build enough oil wells to grease all those

I'd even bet money that people opposed whaling before it was well known that they can't be sustainably harvested to meet the lubrication needs of the human race too...

Captain Morgan has earned this fail whale: