Climate-Denier Scientist Caught Accepting Bribes from Koch Brothers


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
I've noticed you can't prove Mr Booker wrong.

Hmm, I linked you investigations that affirmed the results. I noticed Booker did not disprove the results of investigations into the records.

Furthermore, as evidence that the records are accurate measurements of reality, the trends of station data are equivalent to satellite derived measurements. You're just fundamentally ignorant of what analysis entails.

See this is why people like you are called deniers, and not skeptics. A skeptic changes their position based on evidence. You choose to bury your head in the sand.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
please provide a/your source for your labelled "true data".

We'll find out what data is true and what isn't when that team looking into suspicious Warmist data, in which they appear to have changed data showing global cooling into global "warming", reports back with their finds.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
And we also see four of the five the Great Lakes freezing over.

It is an unusual event for three of the lakes to freeze over, which only happens once every 6 to 8 years. Four or more freezing is a most unusual event.

Also unusual is the fact that Saudi Arabia has just found itself under a blanket of snow. This even is so rare that the mad Muslim leaders have come out calling the building of snowmen to be "anti-Islamic." They don't seem to know what's hit them.

Is Global Warming causing four of the five Great Lakes to freeze over and for snow to fall in Saudi Arabia?

and looking at individual weather events throughout the world that fit your agenda does not prove your theory. Also, to think that Global warming means no cold anomalies in the world, is simplistic at the least, or shows ones ignorance.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
You choose to bury your head in the sand.

You choose to believe everything the Warmist scientists tell you even after the University of East Anglia incident.

The difference between me and you is that you believe data which the Warmist "scientists" have almost certainly changed from showing global cooling - the true data of what is happening - into showing global warming - false data - to suit their own Warmist agenda. And I don't.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Hmm, I linked you investigations that affirmed the results. I noticed Booker did not disprove the results of investigations into the records.

Furthermore, as evidence that the records are accurate measurements of reality, the trends of station data are equivalent to satellite derived measurements. You're just fundamentally ignorant of what analysis entails.

See this is why people like you are called deniers, and not skeptics. A skeptic changes their position based on evidence. You choose to bury your head in the sand.

member Blackleaf has repeatedly quoted that same "fake-journalist" Booker series of articles. I actually bothered to respond to him with the following vid from Kevin Cowtan that debunks the "Homewood" nonsense that Booker parrots. Of course member Blackleaf completely ignored it! Again, that video:

the video member Blackleaf ignored


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Furthermore, as evidence that the records are accurate measurements of reality, the trends of station data are equivalent to satellite derived measurements. You're just fundamentally ignorant of what analysis entails.

Here's some good analysis of the Warmist data.

It still seems as though everything the Warmists tell us is not really true. You Warmists are conning us....

Climategate, the sequel: How we are STILL being tricked with flawed data on global warming

Something very odd has been going on with the temperature data relied on by the world's scientists, writes Christopher Booker

'The Earth’s recent temperatures rank in the lowest 3 per cent of all those recorded since the end of the last ice age'
Photo: ALAMY

By Christopher Booker
24 Jan 2015
The Telegraph

Although it has been emerging for seven years or more, one of the most extraordinary scandals of our time has never hit the headlines. Yet another little example of it lately caught my eye when, in the wake of those excited claims that 2014 was “the hottest year on record”, I saw the headline on a climate blog: “Massive tampering with temperatures in South America”. The evidence on Notalotofpeopleknowthat, uncovered by Paul Homewood, was indeed striking.

Puzzled by those “2014 hottest ever” claims, which were led by the most quoted of all the five official global temperature records – Nasa’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (Giss) – Homewood examined a place in the world where Giss was showing temperatures to have risen faster than almost anywhere else: a large chunk of South America stretching from Brazil to Paraguay.

Noting that weather stations there were thin on the ground, he decided to focus on three rural stations covering a huge area of Paraguay. Giss showed it as having recorded, between 1950 and 2014, a particularly steep temperature rise of more than 1.5C: twice the accepted global increase for the whole of the 20th century.

But when Homewood was then able to check Giss’s figures against the original data from which they were derived, he found that they had been altered. Far from the new graph showing any rise, it showed temperatures in fact having declined over those 65 years by a full degree. When he did the same for the other two stations, he found the same. In each case, the original data showed not a rise but a decline.

Homewood had in fact uncovered yet another example of the thousands of pieces of evidence coming to light in recent years that show that something very odd has been going on with the temperature data relied on by the world's scientists. And in particular by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which has driven the greatest and most costly scare in history: the belief that the world is in the grip of an unprecedented warming.

How have we come to be told that global temperatures have suddenly taken a great leap upwards to their highest level in 1,000 years? In fact, it has been no greater than their upward leaps between 1860 and 1880, and 1910 and 1940, as part of that gradual natural warming since the world emerged from its centuries-long “Little Ice Age” around 200 years ago.

This belief has rested entirely on five official data records. Three of these are based on measurements taken on the Earth’s surface, versions of which are then compiled by Giss, by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and by the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit working with the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction, part of the UK Met Office. The other two records are derived from measurements made by satellites, and then compiled by Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) in California and the University of Alabama, Huntsville (UAH).

The adjusted graph from the Goddard Institute for Space Studies

In recent years, these two very different ways of measuring global temperature have increasingly been showing quite different results. The surface-based record has shown a temperature trend rising up to 2014 as “the hottest years since records began”. RSS and UAH have, meanwhile, for 18 years been recording no rise in the trend, with 2014 ranking as low as only the sixth warmest since 1997.

One surprise is that the three surface records, all run by passionate believers in man-made warming, in fact derive most of their land surface data from a single source. This is the Global Historical Climate Network (GHCN), managed by the US National Climate Data Center under NOAA, which in turn comes under the US Department of Commerce.

But two aspects of this system for measuring surface temperatures have long been worrying a growing array of statisticians, meteorologists and expert science bloggers. One is that the supposedly worldwide network of stations from which GHCN draws its data is flawed. Up to 80 per cent or more of the Earth’s surface is not reliably covered at all. Furthermore, around 1990, the number of stations more than halved, from 12,000 to less than 6,000 – and most of those remaining are concentrated in urban areas or places where studies have shown that, thanks to the “urban heat island effect”, readings can be up to 2 degrees higher than in those rural areas where thousands of stations were lost.

Below, the raw data in graph form

To fill in the huge gaps, those compiling the records have resorted to computerised “infilling”, whereby the higher temperatures recorded by the remaining stations are projected out to vast surrounding areas (Giss allows single stations to give a reading covering 1.6 million square miles). This alone contributed to the sharp temperature rise shown in the years after 1990.

But still more worrying has been the evidence that even this data has then been subjected to continual “adjustments”, invariably in only one direction. Earlier temperatures are adjusted downwards, more recent temperatures upwards, thus giving the impression that they have risen much more sharply than was shown by the original data.

An early glaring instance of this was spotted by Steve McIntyre, the statistician who exposed the computer trickery behind that famous “hockey stick” graph, beloved by the IPCC, which purported to show that, contrary to previous evidence, 1998 had been the hottest year for 1,000 years. It was McIntyre who, in 2007, uncovered the wholesale retrospective adjustments made to US surface records between 1920 and 1999 compiled by Giss (then run by the outspoken climate activist James Hansen). These reversed an overall cooling trend into an 80-year upward trend. Even Hansen had previously accepted that the “dust bowl” 1930s was the hottest US decade of the entire 20th century.

Assiduous researchers have since unearthed countless similar examples across the world, from the US and Russia to Australia and New Zealand. In Australia, an 80-year cooling of 1 degree per century was turned into a warming trend of 2.3 degrees. In New Zealand, there was a major academic row when “unadjusted” data showing no trend between 1850 and 1998 was shown to have been “adjusted” to give a warming trend of 0.9 degrees per century. This falsified new version was naturally cited in an IPCC report (see “New Zealand NIWA temperature train wreck” on the Watts Up With That science blog, WUWT, which has played a leading role in exposing such fiddling of the figures).

By far the most comprehensive account of this wholesale corruption of proper science is a paper written for the Science and Public Policy Institute, “Surface Temperature Records: Policy-Driven Deception?”, by two veteran US meteorologists, Joseph D’Aleo and WUWT’s Anthony Watts (and if warmists are tempted to comment below this article online, it would be welcome if they could address their criticisms to the evidence, rather than just resorting to personal attacks on the scientists who, after actually examining the evidence, have come to a view different from their own).

One of the more provocative points arising from the debate over those claims that 2014 was “the hottest year evah” came from the Canadian academic Dr Timothy Ball when, in a recent post on WUWT, he used the evidence of ice-core data to argue that the Earth’s recent temperatures rank in the lowest 3 per cent of all those recorded since the end of the last ice age, 10,000 years ago.

In reality, the implications of such distortions of the data go much further than just representing one of the most bizarre aberrations in the history of science. The fact that our politicians have fallen for all this scary chicanery has given Britain the most suicidally crazy energy policy (useless windmills and all) of any country in the world.

But at least, if they’re hoping to see that “universal climate treaty” signed in Paris next December, we can be pretty sure that it is no more going to happen than that 2014 was the hottest year in history.

Climategate, the sequel: How we are STILL being tricked with flawed data on global warming - Telegraph


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
member Blackleaf has repeatedly quoted that same "fake-journalist" Booker series of articles. I actually bothered to respond to him with the following vid from Kevin Cowtan that debunks the "Homewood" nonsense that Booker parrots. Of course member Blackleaf completely ignored it! Again, that video:

the video member Blackleaf ignored

And you expect me to believe what a Warmist like Mr Cowtan tells me? Don't be such a silly man.

You may believe that Mr Cowtan's video has proven Mr Booker wrong. But here's one journalist who thinks Mr Cowtan's video is wrong and inaccurate:

‘Breathtaking’ adjustments to Arctic temperature record. Is there any ‘global warming’ we can trust?


by James Delingpole
7 Feb 2015

Here’s a video that you absolutely must see.

Not, I hasten to warn you, because it’s exciting, well-produced or informative; rather, because of the fascinating light it sheds on the debate about global warming in general and also, in particular, on the ongoing controversy about whether organisations like NASA and NOAA are playing fast and loose with the world’s temperature data sets.

According to the video’s creator and star, Dr Kevin Cowtan, the latter suggestion is a nonsense. Using charts of South American and global temperatures, he painstakingly refutes suggestions by Christopher Booker and also (though tragically I don’t get a mention) by me that there is anything suspect, let alone corrupt or fraudulent, in the adjustments that NASA and NOAA have been making to the raw temperature data from weather stations around the world.

If you stumbled on it by accident on YouTube I think you’d be quite persuaded. Cowtan’s tone is soft and reasonable; the science, as he presents it, seems to stack up: a) there are perfectly valid reasons for these adjustments, to do with homogenising the raw data when it looks out of kilter with neighbouring but possibly more accurate weather stations, and with the changing nature of measuring equipment and b) the adjustments are, in any case, minor – altering the raw data by no more than 3 per cent.

When you Google “Dr Kevin Cowtan” he appears reassuringly neutral in this affair. He works in the Department of Chemistry at the University of York, his current speciality being X-ray crystallography. A proper scientist, then, with no dog in this fight. Or so it looks until you scroll down a bit and see that his other area of research is “climate science.”
My climate science research focuses primarily on problems which are relevant to the public understanding of climate science. With my colleague Robert Way I have been investigating biases in historical temperature record from weather stations. Our primary work concerns temperature change over the past two decades. The main temperature record providers show a slowdown in the rate of warming over this period, however when biases in the temperature record are taken into account, we find that part of the slowdown disappears.

I am also involved in climate science communication, and am contributing to a massive online course run by the University of Queensland. I can offer undergraduate projects in this area for students who are interested to develop science communication skills.

So, not a neutral party after all then, but someone who depends for part of his livelihood on the lavish funding available in academe for those who promote the climate “consensus.”
Perhaps, in the interests of full disclosure, he might have mentioned this detail on his YouTube biography. But I mean that only as a very mild and largely inconsequential criticism.
What matters is not what Cowtan does for a living (“the motive fallacy”) but whether or not he has got his facts right.

And according to this counterblast from Dave Burton – a US computer programmer, sea level specialist and IPCC expert reviewer on AR5 – he hasn’t.

Burton’s key point is this: where Cowtan claims that all NOAA’s adjustments have done is increased warming by a modest 3 per cent, in actuality they have increased it by 35 per cent. So, far from Cowtan’s assessment that these adjustments are “inconsequentially tiny”, they are in fact quite massively distorting.

Might it be that they reached such wildly different conclusions by using different data? Er, no. Burton reached his conclusions by creating a spreadsheet with decadal data digitized from the exact graph used in Cowtan’s video.

Now I appreciate that in the context of the broader climate debate this might seem a trivial dispute. But I’ve been at this game long enough to be able to assure you that these faux rebuttals like the one offered by Cowtan are absolutely integral to the ongoing survival of the alarmist ‘consensus.’

As far as the warmist propaganda machine is concerned it really doesn’t matter two hoots whether or not Cowtan has got his facts right. What matters is that whenever the inconvenient subject of doctored temperature data crops up again, the alarmists have their ready-made get out. From a proper actual scientist. So he must know – right?

You can be sure that, if it hasn’t already, Cowtan’s dodgy rebuttal video will soon be linked to by the usual warmist sockpuppeteers in the comment threads below every relevant article. What none of them will mention, of course, is the Burton counter-rebuttal to the Cowtan rebuttal. Integrity has never been these people’s strong point. It’s winning the propaganda war that counts.

Meanwhile, in the real world, the case for a fraud trial against the climate data record gatekeepers seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

Paul Homewood, the blogger who noticed the discrepancies with the Paraguay temperature records, has now turned his attention to the Arctic region. His conclusion after studying the charts before and after is that the scale and geographic range of these adjustments is “breathtaking.”

In nearly every Arctic station from Greenland in the West to Siberia in the East, the data has been adjusted to make the warm period in the 1930s look cooler than it actually was. This, of course, has the effect of making the Twentieth Century warming look much more dramatic than the raw data would suggest.

Will this scandalous apparent evidence-tampering ever get much coverage in the mainstream media? It certainly ought to. Think about it: if Homewood (and Anthony Watts and Steven Goddard, et al) are correct, then what it essentially means is that the entire global warming scare has been sold to us on a false prospectus.

But it won’t, of course, because the mainstream media – in large part, at least – remains wedded to the Man Made Global Warming orthodoxy and therefore only really likes to run stories that prove how totally wrong, evil, and swivel-eyed climate change deniers are.
For example, this story in Nature, which sought to explain away one of the most embarrassing problems the warmist camp has been suffering of late: the abject failure of their fancy computer models to have predicted the planet’s failure to warm since 1998.

According to the lead author of this widely reported study, one Jochem Marotzke of the Max Planck Institute, it dealt a fatal blow to the sceptics’ case that the warmists’ computer models were a waste of space.

Unfortunately for Marotzke, his case has now, in turn, been demolished in this article by Nic Lewis.

Professor Gordon Hughes, one of the statisticians who reviewed and confirmed Lewis’s findings has commented thus:
“The statistical methods used in the [Marotzke] paper are so bad as to merit use in a class on how not to do applied statistics. All this paper demonstrates is that climate scientists should take some basic courses in statistics and Nature should get some competent referees.”
Damning indeed.

But here’s a prediction. The rebuttal won’t receive nearly the coverage that Marotzke’s original inept paper did.

'Breathtaking' adjustments to Arctic temperature record. Is there any 'global warming' we can trust? - Breitbart
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House Member
Oct 19, 2009
And you expect me to believe what a Warmist like Mr Cowtan tells me? Don't be such a silly man.

back when the idiot, non-scientist, denier blogger extraordinaire, Tony Willard Watts, was on his (failed) campaign to disprove the surface temperature record datasets, when he had the balls to literally accuse NOAA of fraud, several similar type critiques (as Cowtan shows in the video) were done in regards to "denier questioned station data". There are foundations to why adjustments are made to the raw data... in fact, these adjustments have been documented and presented in the form of formal peer-reviewed papers. I look forward to you bringing forward critical refutation of those related papers. I've also presented, several times now, comparisons of raw data to so-called homogenized data... little to any difference is shown between the two... and in fact, the adjusted data is actually "cooler" than the raw data.

I asked you to provide a/the source for your labelled "true data". I'll ask again. Don't, yet again, post another cycle of those fake-journalist Booker articles..... name your source for the "true data". Your underlying premise is to suggest that world-wide distinctly separate reputable organizations are all conspiring to "fudge/manipulate" data... you sir, along with being a denier, you are a conspiracy nutter!

But here's one journalist who thinks Mr Cowtan's video is wrong and inaccurate:

your stable of go-to British tabloid hacks is intact! Booker... Delingpole!!! Who else ya got?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
When GreenPeace idiots get Cancer, is getting Cameco sourced isotopes for radiation therapy cconsidered a bribe?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
back when the idiot, non-scientist, denier blogger extraordinaire, Tony Willard Watts, was on his (failed) campaign to disprove the surface temperature record datasets, when he had the balls to literally accuse NOAA of fraud, several similar type critiques (as Cowtan shows in the video) were done in regards to "denier questioned station data". There are foundations to why adjustments are made to the raw data... in fact, these adjustments have been documented and presented in the form of formal peer-reviewed papers. I look forward to you bringing forward critical refutation of those related papers. I've also presented, several times now, comparisons of raw data to so-called homogenized data... little to any difference is shown between the two... and in fact, the adjusted data is actually "cooler" than the raw data.

I asked you to provide a/the source for your labelled "true data". I'll ask again. Don't, yet again, post another cycle of those fake-journalist Booker articles..... name your source for the "true data". Your underlying premise is to suggest that world-wide distinctly separate reputable organizations are all conspiring to "fudge/manipulate" data... you sir, along with being a denier, you are a conspiracy nutter!

your stable of go-to British tabloid hacks is intact! Booker... Delingpole!!! Who else ya got?

Stop mentioning the Cowtan video. His video has been shown to be wildly inaccurate. Your attempts to prove Mr Booker wrong by posting the Cowtan video have failed big time.

I can't wait to the time when Warmist scientists are up in court for massively defrauding much of the public and government. When the Warmist religion is finally finished with - and it is starting to crumble as we speak - the Western world can finally get back to some sanity and, centuries from now, people will be laughing at this weird period of the last 30 years or so and wondering how some people were so gullible. They'll look back at the belief in Global Warming the way we now look back to those people in the 17th Century who believed the old lady who lived next door was a witch whose pet dog was a familiar. They'll see it - as we now see the 17th century Witch Craze - as a rather quaint belief with no basis in science which caused caused huge upheaval in society for no good reason.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
The difference between me and you

I'll stop you right there. There are many differences between you and I. You prefer editorials and blog science. I read papers. I'm a scientist, and you're, well I have no idea what you do for a living, but I'm highly skeptical that you're a scientist.

I give you data, and your response isn't to read it, or ask questions, but to dig in and repeat your statements as if nothing had been shown to you. You're a garden variety denier.

Lots of differences. Mostly though, I go where the data leads me.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Stop mentioning the Cowtan video. His video has been shown to be wildly inaccurate. Your attempts to prove Mr Booker wrong by posting the Cowtan video have failed big time.

so says your tabloid "journalist" Delingpole and the 'computer programmer' he draws reference from. If you actually follow the topic it seems your 'computer programmer' relents and agrees that post-1950 there is little adjustment of consequence between the raw and the homogenized data... that, as it turns out, his "analysis" is suggestive that the prior 70 years (prior to 1950) are in question... in question to him! Of course, there are glaring fails in his analysis, most notably in that his result is not based on a linear regression and is pointedly subject to the choice of starting and end points. One glaring example shows that his claim of a 35% adjustment level lowers by 23% simply by shifting the start point by a single year.

I will ask you again: you talked of "true data"... please provide a/the source of your labeled "true data".


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
back when the idiot, non-scientist, denier blogger extraordinaire, Tony Willard Watts, was on his (failed) campaign to disprove the surface temperature record datasets, when he had the balls to literally accuse NOAA of fraud, several similar type critiques (as Cowtan shows in the video) were done in regards to "denier questioned station data". There are foundations to why adjustments are made to the raw data... in fact, these adjustments have been documented and presented in the form of formal peer-reviewed papers. I look forward to you bringing forward critical refutation of those related papers. I've also presented, several times now, comparisons of raw data to so-called homogenized data... little to any difference is shown between the two... and in fact, the adjusted data is actually "cooler" than the raw data.

I asked you to provide a/the source for your labelled "true data". I'll ask again. Don't, yet again, post another cycle of those fake-journalist Booker articles..... name your source for the "true data". Your underlying premise is to suggest that world-wide distinctly separate reputable organizations are all conspiring to "fudge/manipulate" data... you sir, along with being a denier, you are a conspiracy nutter!

your stable of go-to British tabloid hacks is intact! Booker... Delingpole!!! Who else ya got?

Too bad another one of your sources got outed as a fraud and liar. Must be tough having your religious leaders being taken apart one by one.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Too bad another one of your sources got outed as a fraud and liar. Must be tough having your religious leaders being taken apart one by one.

you know nothing of what you presume to bark about... you never have... you never will. Trust in your coveted British tabloid fake-journalists. It seems member 'Blackleaf' is having trouble providing a/the source to his described "true data"... can ya help the guy out there, hey taxi? Where's the/your true data, oh denying one? Just how big is your grand world-wide conspiracy web?