Chretien: Canada in tough spot over Kosovo


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
It was a simple question, are you not capable of answering it?
Does it matter?

I'm of lower genetics, but seem to understand and accept international law better then most of the folks around here. The fact that the two are monumentally different, the fact that both would be in breach of International Law, makes no difference to you or anyone else set on believing their opinion, somehow trumps facts and makes it ok.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Harper got the call from headquarters in Washingmachine DC and stepped up to the plate like a good fascist pig to suck the bankers like they want.
Although the usual gratuitous pejoratives and left tard rhetoric, make it difficult, I would have to say I agree.


House Member
Oct 8, 2007
Harper got the call from headquarters in Washingmachine DC and stepped up to the plate like a good fascist pig to suck the bankers like they want.
:lol::lol::lol:Beaver... you are priceless!! No, you are worth your weight in gold!


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Does it matter?

I'm of lower genetics, but seem to understand and accept international law better then most of the folks around here. The fact that the two are monumentally different, the fact that both would be in breach of International Law, makes no difference to you or anyone else set on believing their opinion, somehow trumps facts and makes it ok.

It's a simple question without motive and can be answered with a yes or no.

Why is this so hard for you to get?


House Member
Oct 8, 2007
March 18, 2008 at 8:45 PM EDT
OTTAWA — Canada recognized Kosovo yesterday after a month on the sidelines of the internationally divisive debate, eliciting the anger of Serbia, which warned that a precedent has been set for a unilateral declaration of independence in Quebec.
The Harper government, however, said its decision was well thought out and in no way opens the door to Canada's breakup.
"You cannot compare this with Quebec," said Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier, pointing to the war and the ethnic cleansing that followed Yugoslavia's disintegration in the early 1990s.
MNA Daniel Turp of the separatist Parti Québécois said the case of Kosovo, which is the seventh country to emerge out of Yugoslavia, sets a precedent because it was achieved "despite the objections of the country which it left."
"That's the interesting lesson in this," Mr. Turp added.
But Liberal foreign affairs critic Bob Rae agreed with the Harper government that it's an "insult to the intelligence" to tout Kosovo as a precedent-setting case.
"There is absolutely no parallel between the situation in Kosovo and the situation in Canada," he said.
Well, time will have to prove who's right and who's wrong! If the Quebecers really push the issue they might very well succeed, because they will have allies cheering them on.

I think the importance for the Harper government is to be in step with its allies.
What bothers me is, why can we not be neutral, why must we side with the usual crowd? Are we so unsure of ourselves out there in the chicken yard?


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
It's just like Cretien said, if we recognize Kososvo the situation here will become delicate and just like I thought the Parti Québécoisis already using this as a precedent for their own agenda which could come into play the next time they get a majority government. Any idiot can see this as being a problem but from time to time beer gets in the way of reasonable judgment.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
It's a simple question without motive and can be answered with a yes or no.

Why is this so hard for you to get?
I answered it, if you can't understand that, move on to less complex issues.

Well, time will have to prove who's right and who's wrong! If the Quebecers really push the issue they might very well succeed, because they will have allies cheering them on.

I think the importance for the Harper government is to be in step with its allies.
What bothers me is, why can we not be neutral, why must we side with the usual crowd? Are we so unsure of ourselves out there in the chicken yard?
DB pretty much summed it up, pressure from other G8 Nations, is likely the root cause.

It's just like Cretien said, if we recognize Kososvo the situation here will become delicate and just like I thought the Parti Québécoisis already using this as a precedent for their own agenda which could come into play the next time they get a majority government. Any idiot can see this as being a problem but from time to time beer gets in the way of reasonable judgment.
Then put the bottle down. Only you can admit your an alcoholic, only you can change you. And I don't think anyone here thinks you're an idiot. Stop being so hard on yourself, take one day at a time.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
No I didn't.
Then please prove how the Treaty of Westphalia 1648, the Helsinki Final Act of 1975, The UN Charter (United Nations incorporated the principles of territorial integrity and state sovereignty into the United Nations Charter) and UN resolution 1244, are not applicable to the situation in Kosovo.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Then please prove how the Treaty of Westphalia 1648, the Helsinki Final Act of 1975, The UN Charter (United Nations incorporated the principles of territorial integrity and state sovereignty into the United Nations Charter) and UN resolution 1244, are not applicable to the situation in Kosovo.

I never said they weren't.

All I said was that what Cretien said is true that by setting a precedent, which this is, it could put us in a delicate situation if Quebec were to unilaterally delcare independance.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I never said they weren't.

All I said was that what Cretien said is true that by setting a precedent, which this is, it could put us in a delicate situation if Quebec were to unilaterally delcare independance.
Actually it doesn''ld need to understand the facts of the two situations, to see that, so I won't hold my breath that you'll be getting that anytime soon.



Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Actually it doesn''ld need to understand the facts of the two situations, to see that, so I won't hold my breath that you'll be getting that anytime soon.

I think it does and more importantly so do the seperatists.

If you go back to the article I posted it also thinks this to be true.

Sorry, but calling me dumb dosen't make me wrong.
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Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I think it does and more importantly so do the seperatists.

If you go back to the article I posted it also thinks this to be true.

Sorry, but calling dumb dosen't make me wrong.

I love ideologues that live and die by Op/Ed pieces!!!

There is nothing in that article that supports the assertion, but hey, if you want to base your whole view of the world on Op/Ed pieces, so be it.

Don't let the 'genetically inferior' tell ya how to be misinformed...


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007

I love ideologues that live and die by Op/Ed pieces!!!

There is nothing in that article that supports the assertion, but hey, if you want to base your whole view of the world on Op/Ed pieces, so be it.

Don't let the 'genetically inferior' tell ya how to be misinformed...

That would be true if it was an ideology. Even Cretien goes against his own party on this one by saying it makes our own situation delicate and is the very same reason countries like Spain have not yet recognised Kosovo. You can run away from it all you want but it still dosen't make it untrue.

Having said this, of course, if Cretien were PM today he to would be recognising Kosovo as a seperate state.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
That would be true if it was an ideology. Even Cretien goes against his own party on this one by saying it makes our own situation delicate and is the very same reason countries like Spain have not yet recognised Kosovo. You can run away from it all you want but it still dosen't make it untrue.

Having said this, of course, if Cretien were PM today he to would be recognising Kosovo as a seperate state.
I wasn't talking about Cretin.;-)
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