Chirac appeals for calm as French suburban riots spread

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
yea the French have a knack for being snooty....

they are not the only ones.......and that is not the concern or the issue. ( maybe what you consider "snooty" is just a different culture and its attributes. Sounds too much like a redneck's description of a society he does not comprehend and could not relate to. :(

there is a reason for this happening.... and even though it is imperative to contain it is equally imperative to do something about the root cause. Anger that festers has a way of getting out of control at the slightest provocation.

Ten Packs

Council Member
Nov 21, 2004
Kamloops BC
Ocean Breeze said:
What in Sam Hill are the French authorities waiting for? They need to institute Martial Law in France ... now. They need military authority to take control over the normal administration of justice. Shoot any violent/armed rioter on site. Firing at police officers and setting fires is unacceptable.

what they DON'T need is any advice from americans..

Well, they sure as Hell need some advice from SOMEBODY!....


Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Ten Packs said:
Ocean Breeze said:
What in Sam Hill are the French authorities waiting for? They need to institute Martial Law in France ... now. They need military authority to take control over the normal administration of justice. Shoot any violent/armed rioter on site. Firing at police officers and setting fires is unacceptable.

what they DON'T need is any advice from americans..

Well, they sure as Hell need some advice from SOMEBODY!....


ya figure??? and why?? Would it not muddy up the situation even more??

Hank C Cheyenne

Electoral Member
Sep 17, 2005
Calgary, Alberta.
Sounds too much like a redneck's description of a society he does not comprehend and could not relate to.

....again Ocean with the attacks... Ocean have you not made an assumption that the US is arrogant or dare I say much worse things....why do you always have to look at it as a left vr right issue. :?

....anyways I wonder what would happen if this rioting had happend in Toronto or a Canadian city....hmmmm... how would we have about the US.....although I beleive if this was going on in the US the military would be sent in to put a stop to it immediately.

...watching the coverage I see all the people who have lost homes and business due to the thugs....this is the real tragedy to me....not the thugs who are painting their people with a brush they don't deserve. The people who are participating in this should be thrown in jail and if they are not yet full citizens they should be deported.....they don't deserve a better life.

Ten Packs

Council Member
Nov 21, 2004
Kamloops BC
ya figure??? and why?? Would it not muddy up the situation even more??

Oh, sure - it's going so well as it is.....

Drop the "I don't care if it's a recipe for the best cake in history - if it's from an American, it has to be crap!" argument, OB -
Outright and off-handed rejections of every word that comes out of the mouth of someONE or some GOVERNMENT just makes you look like a narrow-minded bigot....


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
The situation in France requires military intervention. I don't like troops on the street, but this has gone on too long, and seems to escalate every night.

Impose a curfew. Bring in the military to enforce it. Arrest all violaters. Round'em up. Deport ALL that are not French citizens.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Ocean have you not made an assumption that the US is arrogant

not an assumption.

this situation exploded because of a reason......and that reason has to be addressed too..

...........what is with some folks ?? military is the first line of defense for some.....

what happened to brain power??? Let's see how the French deal with this. They are a passionate lot.......and have years of history to draw from. Meddling in THEIR business without their request is just more bullying and presumptuous tactics.

Of course it is sad to see..........just as it is horrific to see how Katrina was mishandled . Mother nature prevented any serious rioting there.

there is a lot of fecking tension on this planet right is it a surprise that explosions are taking place here and there. ???

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Re: RE: Chirac appeals for calm as French suburban riots spr

Ten Packs said:
ya figure??? and why?? Would it not muddy up the situation even more??

Oh, sure - it's going so well as it is.....

Drop the "I don't care if it's a recipe for the best cake in history - if it's from an American, it has to be crap!" argument, OB -
Outright and off-handed rejections of every word that comes out of the mouth of someONE or some GOVERNMENT just makes you look like a narrow-minded bigot....

and what prompted such hostility at YT (a fellow poster)

............can you answer a simple question about the advice part??

look....... it is a fecking mess. And of course we (being outside of the situation) can see it more clearly than those in the middle where emotions are running high.

The use of more stringent measures might well be necessary..... but it is not up to outsiders to that will inflame the situation even more. Trigger happy people /nations need not apply.-----as then there would really be a problem.

Ten Packs

Council Member
Nov 21, 2004
Kamloops BC
Ya got THAT right, Colpy - There are few things that Trudeau did that I approved of, but at the top of the Short List was the way he dealt with the October Crisis....

"a few bleeding hearts don't like to see soldiers in the street; that's up to them!.... Just watch me."

Ten Packs

Council Member
Nov 21, 2004
Kamloops BC
Re: RE: Chirac appeals for calm as French suburban riots spr

Ocean Breeze said:
and what prompted such hostility at YT (a fellow poster)

............can you answer a simple question about the advice part??

"Hostility???" You take an observation about your stance as "hostility"? Man, you're way too sensitive. Grow a shell.

You made it CLEAR in this thread that the USA should shut the frig up! WHY? Are they incapable of offering any advice? No - and you know it.... you just want to land on them like a ton of bricks, because that feels good.
Don't like your attitude questioned? Geeze Louise, so sorry about that.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Re: RE: Chirac appeals for calm as French suburban riots spr

Ten Packs said:
Ya got THAT right, Colpy - There are few things that Trudeau did that I approved of, but at the top of the Short List was the way he dealt with the October Crisis....

"a few bleeding hearts don't like to see soldiers in the street; that's up to them!.... Just watch me."

yep, he did good. cool as a cucumber too..... :thumbleft: :canada:

but back to the topic.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Re: RE: Chirac appeals for calm as French suburban riots spr

Ten Packs said:
Ocean Breeze said:
and what prompted such hostility at YT (a fellow poster)

............can you answer a simple question about the advice part??

"Hostility???" You take an observation about your stance as "hostility"? Man, you're way too sensitive. Grow a shell.

You made it CLEAR in this thread that the USA should shut the frig up! WHY? Are they incapable of offering any advice? No - and you know it.... you just want to land on them like a ton of bricks, because that feels good.
Don't like your attitude questioned? Geeze Louise, so sorry about that.

no......I stated that France did NOT need any advice from the US. and furthermore ........why would France take any advice from the US when the bush regime treated France like shit when they refused to join in the bush rah rah for invading Iraq. Remember the french fries crap that went around. ??? Lest we forget that was touchie for some time.

If France gets in a bind and seeks assistance (advice)...... another story.