China warns the US.....

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: China warns the US...

They actually buy a bit now. The really cool thing is that they buy a lot of it in the form of pre-fab houses, so we get the value-added jobs out of it.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Re: RE: China warns the US...

no1important said:
I see the Chinese President will be visiting Canada (and US)next week.

Ottawa — The President of China, Hu Jintao, will make a state visit to Canada next week.

Mr. Hu will be feted by Prime Minister Paul Martin at a state dinner in Ottawa on Sept. 8.

“I look forward to welcoming President Hu to Canada to continue our ongoing dialogue as our two countries prepare to mark 35 years of diplomatic relations,” Mr. Martin said in a release announcing the visit.

I wonder if they would like to buy some lumber??

Make sure you bow down nice and low before your new masters. :lol:


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
Eagle thats not our masters there yours :lol: They hold the fate of your dollar in their hands in other words the own you :p

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
US regime fears China's military build-up

*** The US regime is complaining about China's massive military build-up, expressing "suspicion about how China intends to use its growing military might". The US is more heavily armed than any other nation on the planet or indeed in human history, and forces other nations to disarm. The US regime has openly discussed the possibility of pre-emptive nuclear strike against China, and recently waged a "pre-emptive" war on Iraq. The US regime only has its self to blame if potential enemies are arming themselves. Yet behind the insanity of modern global politics, deep down, we all know that there will be no winner in the next world war. ***

Rumsfeld: China Sowing Suspicion Over Army

BEIJING (AP) - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld on Tuesday accused China of understating the scope of its defense spending, and he said this is sowing suspicion about how China intends to use its growing military might.

Rumsfeld arrived in the Chinese capital for his first visit since he became President Bush's defense chief in 2001. He was scheduled to meet Wednesday with President Hu Jintao, who also is chairman of the Central Military Commission, which runs the Chinese military.

In an interview aboard his plane en route from Washington, Rumsfeld questioned China's motives in underreporting its defense spending. He mentioned no figures, but the Pentagon said last summer that China may be spending $90 billion on defense this year - three times the announced total.

``I think it's interesting that other countries wonder why they would be increasing their defense effort at the pace they are and yet not acknowledging it,'' Rumsfeld said. ``That is as interesting as the fact that it's increasing at the pace it is.''

Rumsfeld said the U.S. government welcomes China's emergence as an economic power, but he said that development has created ``somewhat of a tension'' for its communist leaders as they attempt to cope with new influences and ideas that inevitably enter the country along with foreign investment.

``China is an important country in the region; it's a country that's increasingly important in the world,'' he said.

Rumsfeld was also scheduled to meet Wednesday with the Chinese minister of defense, Gen. Cao Gangchuan, and to speak at the Central Party School, the Communist Party's top training center for mid-career members and its main ideological think tank. Hu was the school's president before he became the Communist Party general secretary.

Among the other topics expected to arise during Rumsfeld's visit: tensions over Taiwan, the self-governing island that China insists on reuniting with the mainland, and U.S. encouragement for China to use its influence with North Korea in six-party negotiations to end North Korea's nuclear ambitions.

Bush administration suspicions about Chinese military motives were spelled out in a report to Congress in July. In it, the Pentagon asserted that China is assembling considerable military might.

``Analysis of Chinese military acquisitions also suggests the PLA (People's Liberation Army) is generating military capabilities that go beyond a Taiwan scenario,'' the report said.

In his remarks to reporters traveling with him from Washington, Rumsfeld said he would not have waited so long to accept China's repeated invitations to visit if not for the April 2001 collision of a Chinese fighter jet and a Navy EP-3 surveillance plane over international waters. The incident infuriated Rumsfeld, who responded by breaking off U.S. military contacts with China for a time.

The Chinese pilot died, and the Navy plane was so badly damaged that it made an emergency landing on China's Hainan Island. The U.S. crew of 24 was detained for 11 days. China refused to allow U.S. officials to fix the Navy plane and fly it off the island; eventually it was shipped home in pieces.

Rumsfeld said he looked forward to his Beijing meetings to learn more about Chinese leaders' vision of the future, particularly with regard to their military expansion and their willingness to share information.

China agreed to allow Rumsfeld to visit the headquarters of the strategic rocket forces at Qinghe, making him the first U.S. official ever to see the complex, according to Pentagon officials.

The Chinese, however, denied Rumsfeld's request to visit the Western Hills command center, an underground facility that serves as a national military command post. No foreigner is believed to have been inside Western Hills.

Rumsfeld told reporters on Monday that he was not disappointed that he would not see Western Hills. Of his hosts' decision not to permit the visit, he said, ``It tells something about them.''

Rumsfeld's visit, only the third by a U.S. defense secretary in the past decade and the first since 2000, is intended in part as a precursor to a trip that Bush is planning for November.

The second stop on Rumsfeld's Asia tour will be South Korea, where there are signs of trouble in an alliance that has kept thousands of U.S. troops stationed on the Korean Peninsula for decades. Rumsfeld made clear in his remarks to reporters that he favors a readjustment of roles and responsibilities.

``It's been 50-plus years since the war ended,'' he said, referring to the 1950-53 Korean War in which the United States fought on the side of the south and China intervened to support the north.

``It is time for the Republic of Korea to assume a larger role and responsibility'' for its own defense, he said.

this military fascination /obsession of the USR.....could be their implosion. Seems that they are scared of anyone having any kind of military capacity......and feel threatened . Yet who is reputed to spend the most on military weapons, training, ????? The "military" is the US middle name. As is aggression. Yet they are so easily threatened........... Could it be that they are aware on a subconscious level that they have pissed off too many nation now??? and are the objects of much anger. (a situation they created for themselves)


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
Does Ocean Breeze believe China's Manifest Destiny includes keeping Tibet and having a 6 year old under house arrest who is connected to the Dalai Lama ?

Does Ocean Breeze believe it is China's Manifest Destiny to resume control of Taiwan ?

Sometimes the world knows well the knee jerk reactions of Amerika, but is certainly not aware of their own knee jerk, predictable reactions.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Re: RE: China warns the US.....

jimmoyer said:
Does Ocean Breeze believe China's Manifest Destiny includes keeping Tibet and having a 6 year old under house arrest who is connected to the Dalai Lama ?

Does Ocean Breeze believe it is China's Manifest Destiny to resume control of Taiwan ?

Sometimes the world knows well the knee jerk reactions of Amerika, but is certainly not aware of their own knee jerk, predictable reactions.

Not a "believer" or a fortune teller of anyone's destiny. ....but thanks for asking.. :wink:

so why is the US running so scared now??? Maybe that is the issue that should be addressed. It is scared of terrorists, Of Iran ( if one believes anything they say)...... of Syria, Of N.Korea, Of China....

Something amiss in this picture.


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
RE: China warns the US...

Does Ocean Breeze believe China's Manifest Destiny includes keeping Tibet and having a 6 year old under house arrest who is connected to the Dalai Lama ?

Does Ocean Breeze believe it is China's Manifest Destiny to resume control of Taiwan ?

Why hasn't big tough "W" gone in and fixed this problem?

Because they only go in where they think they can win, key word being think as Iraq and Afghanistan are really giving them a run for their money.....


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
Your response was glib as well.

Those are simple questions.

Don't pirouette for me.

Do you believe China's Manifest Destiny includes keeping Tibet and having a 6 year old under house arrest who is connected to the Dalai Lama ?

Do you believe it is China's Manifest Destiny to resume control of Taiwan ?

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
Does you believe China's Manifest Destiny includes keeping Tibet and having a 6 year old under house arrest who is connected to the Dalai Lama ?

No. Does the USA's include killing 100,000 civilians?

Do you believe it is China's Manifest Destiny to resume control of Taiwan ?

No. Do you believe it is the USA's destiny to ignore international law, subvert multinational organistations, and push faith based initiatives on developing nations?


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
RE: China warns the US...

How so Jimmy? Because you do not have an answer? Why answer a question with more questions?

Tawain and Tibet are still a part of China, as it stands now. But if Tawain or Tibet want to leave they should work out something. As much as China is trying to improve they do move awfully slow.

No they should not have a 6 year old under house arrest.

BTW- Why doesn't the "self proclaimed bastian of freedom and democracy"go and free Tibet or Tawain? Maybe they know they will lose? Answer that Jimmy not skirt around question.


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
Good answers Rev.

What will your international law do about it?

Document your 100,000 civilians.

And does Amerika need to sit, heel and back off.
You bet it does.

In fact I hope our next President begins his inaugural address with an apology to the world. And I hope the context of that apology includes an understanding that economic and environment negotiations between the nations acknowlege also a complicit hypocrisy owned by all.

But trust me, the world will watch Tibet and Taiwan and do nothing.

Honor in that ?


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
Taiwan is not a part of China right now.
Tibet is.

Just to keep some clarity.

And the US won't invade because it cannot win, and does not have the resources to even do it, and yes there is hypocrisy in that.

Straight answer.

But we might rattle the saber to maybe make China blink and they will certainly rattle the saber back on insisting they have rights to keep Tibet and insisting they have the right to take Taiwan.

But your answer seems to imply it is no big deal for China to take Taiwan.

That may well ultimately be the right answer.

I'm just chewing over that for the moment.


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
RE: China warns the US...

Taiwan is not a part of China right now.
Tibet is.

Just to keep some clarity.

Wrong! They both are still a part of China.

According to China Taiwan is a part of China and most nations recognize Taiwan as a part of China. However, within Taiwan itself, there is a controversy over whether Taiwan should remain the Republic of China (ROC), become unified with the People's Republic of China (PRC), or become a new Republic of Taiwan.


I suggest you go read it.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
But trust me, the world will watch Tibet and Taiwan and do nothing.

like it is passively watching the US create chaos , havoc and destruction in Iraq??? As it watches the US continue to intimidate other nations???

You know.......sometimes the call is : Do doing "something" might make things a hell of a lot worse. Something that the US knows nothing its simpleton thinking of must do something...... even if it is the stupidest thing of the century..

(just another bit of phrasology that bush has used to brainwash many in the us. the thingy about doing something.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: China warns the US...

Perhaps you haven't noticed that every time a Chinese leader comes to the west, there are protests because of Tibet. Perhaps you haven't read (and they sure as feck won't talk about it on TV) about fair trade that ties trade deals to human rights?

In other words, don't sit there and tell me that we're too soft on China, Jimmy. They get the same criticism as the US. The thing is that they aren't dropping DU bombs on anybody for oil right now.

You Republican apologists sure hate that 100,000 dead civilians thing, dont you, Jimmy? It was a scientific survey using a method that has been shown to very accurate in other places. it was developed and carried out by an experienced statistician. It was peer reviewed. 100,000 is the most accurate estimate that can be made under the circumstances, and is considered to be the most accurate estimate of dead Iraqi civilians by everybody but the United States and their toadies.

If the US government had made any sort of honest attempt to count the number of civilians who died because of the illegal invasion of Iraq, perhaps you could counter with a real number. You have refused to make such an attempt though and, since both circumstances and Iraqi culture make hospital and press reports unreliable, we will continue to use 100,000 number.

In other words, if you don't like it then you have to prove it wrong. Scientifically.


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
Peer reviewed ?

What a crock.

If I don't like the 100,000 stat, you do ?

What irony.

And about China owning Taiwan ?

Well waddaya know. I am certainly well acquainted with the history, but you'll have a harder time convincing the Taiwanese that they no longer rule themselves, but actually bow to a different master.