Centrist Party of Canada


New Member
Feb 12, 2011
Hi, I just wanted to inform people that we in Canada have a democratic crisis going on and I think the only way to ensure the voter turnout increases in our country is to have an inspiring party lead the way. I have talked with many people about this subject on many other sites and people have expressed a lot of support and they think the party must be a successor party to the old Progressive Conservative party of Canada.

This party would be a moderate conservative party and would also be liberal-conservative in terms of ideology and thus would take the best qualities from the Liberals and the Conservatives. Therefore the party would be between the two major parties. The party would also be a blue liberal and red tory type party mainly but accept people from all over the spectrum. The party would wish to also attract people who are fiscally responsible, progressive, centrist and moderate and people who want a positive party willing to help build a strong Canada.

This party would believe that tax cuts for small business are the best way to stimulate growth and understand that balancing that with social progress is the way to go. Also, the party would also go for having essential programs protected first off and secondary once the deficit and debt are resolved then go after programs which can be handled and won't impact the deficit too much.

As a country, Canada needs a sixth party that is major not to have too many parties but because there is no other party other than the Greens who can seriously challenge the Liberals and Conservatives. The problem with the Greens is they focus too much on the environment as their niche but the problem with them is they are seen as too left wing and maybe even socialist which is not the case. They are in fact a centrist party economically but they want to focus a lot on the environment. We in the Centrist Party of Canada wish to focus on the environment but not make it our main priority. We want to be a legitimate option that can challenge the Liberals and Conservatives and be competitive all over Canada and people all over Canada I am sure want a moderate conservative party which is strong all over the country and is passionate of being a strong opposition compared to other parties which look for opportunities to be strong but aren't. We think this party would be better than the rest since we have plans to focus on priorities and not on gimmicks and useless programs that don't work.

Thank you and I look forward to comments about what I wrote.

Check out centristparty to learn about the party and contact me for further information which is on the site.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
The system the way it is, is not a bad system at all. The problem is people do not get involved
in the political party they most identify with. Actually having the views of left right and center is
good, and these parties fluctuate depending on the inner circle leadership from time to time.
The conservatives are further on the right than I personally like, but there are times when they do
move to the center. The liberals move slightly one way or the other from time to time but by and
large both these two parties meet in centrist ground. As for having a coalition of liberals and
conservatives we have that in BC at the present time and it is a disaster, propelled by arrogance
and incompetence. The leadership is changing but those around the power table are the same
tired faces that were there cowering at the command of their bully leader Gordon Campbell.

The Greens are no serious party at all, they are a conservative dogmatic movement rather than a
legitimate political party. If they were elected they would do so much damage to the economy of
the country it would take twenty five years to recover from one term of this lot. They give the image
they are on the left but nothing could be further from the truth. The trouble with the Greens is, they
don't have to listen they already know everything, and it will be there way or else and that is why they
will be a long time coming to power, and God help us when they do;

The New Democrats are a political party that transformed itself from being a movement out of the
dirty thirties. Again, the New Democrats move from the left to the right of the left of center spectrum.
They are no longer a real left wing party either, they are inconsistent and that is their biggest draw back.
The NDP is always looking for a cause to identify with, they were quite left at one time, then they
moved to the right and even the center, their biggest mistake however came a few years ago when
they embraced Britain's Labour Parties "Third Way" nonsense.

The parties represent the thought of Canadians quite well actually, as we need representation from all
spectrum's of the political map and in a democracy each has the right to appeal for our votes. It is up
to the people to chose, to get involved and do make their contributions to the political system.
If you want a more moderate conservative party, get people involved and move that party back to the
center, if liberals want to slide to the right, they too need to get involved the same as the Greens and
the NDP supporters. There is no need to re-invent the wheel.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
It's not often that you get a politician into the game that is willing to physically beat someone for the benefit of the press and the entertainment of all Canadians
>....or getting a pie in his crooked face .


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
If there's no left and there's no right then there can't be a center. Besides I've read about the Bankers new marketing strategy of cultivating and propping up new and improved centrist insturments.


New Member
Feb 12, 2011
The system the way it is, is not a bad system at all. The problem is people do not get involved
in the political party they most identify with. Actually having the views of left right and center is
good, and these parties fluctuate depending on the inner circle leadership from time to time.
The conservatives are further on the right than I personally like, but there are times when they do
move to the center. The liberals move slightly one way or the other from time to time but by and
large both these two parties meet in centrist ground. As for having a coalition of liberals and
conservatives we have that in BC at the present time and it is a disaster, propelled by arrogance
and incompetence. The leadership is changing but those around the power table are the same
tired faces that were there cowering at the command of their bully leader Gordon Campbell.

The Greens are no serious party at all, they are a conservative dogmatic movement rather than a
legitimate political party. If they were elected they would do so much damage to the economy of
the country it would take twenty five years to recover from one term of this lot. They give the image
they are on the left but nothing could be further from the truth. The trouble with the Greens is, they
don't have to listen they already know everything, and it will be there way or else and that is why they
will be a long time coming to power, and God help us when they do;

The New Democrats are a political party that transformed itself from being a movement out of the
dirty thirties. Again, the New Democrats move from the left to the right of the left of center spectrum.
They are no longer a real left wing party either, they are inconsistent and that is their biggest draw back.
The NDP is always looking for a cause to identify with, they were quite left at one time, then they
moved to the right and even the center, their biggest mistake however came a few years ago when
they embraced Britain's Labour Parties "Third Way" nonsense.

The parties represent the thought of Canadians quite well actually, as we need representation from all
spectrum's of the political map and in a democracy each has the right to appeal for our votes. It is up
to the people to chose, to get involved and do make their contributions to the political system.
If you want a more moderate conservative party, get people involved and move that party back to the
center, if liberals want to slide to the right, they too need to get involved the same as the Greens and
the NDP supporters. There is no need to re-invent the wheel.

Well in response to your lengthy answer I have to say Canada does need another party in the centre since the Conservatives have shown they are not fiscally responsible and they are not socially conscious. They are completely in bed with the social conservatives and we would have wings of the party which are socially progressive, socially conservative and we would be neoliberal and fiscally responsible and we would concentrate much more on the debt and deficit since the Conservatives are concentrating on getting themselves a majority. We need a party which has a long term plan and takes all areas into consideration such as health care, education, the environment, the debt and deficit and social program affordability. Those are things that progressive conservatives cared a lot about and would be a priority of this party.

The Greens I agree are a party that would damage the economy with their tough environmental agenda. We need a moderate approach to it and it must be done in a way that takes all sections of the economy in consideration but would not be like the Conservatives which have no plan and choose to do nothing on the subject. The party as a whole would want to take the best ideas from the Liberals and Conservatives to build an even better party and give choices for people all over the spectrum as well.

I feel this party is needed since Canada is also creeping towards conservatism and moderate conservatism is something that currently does not exist in Canada with the Canadian Alliance having taken over the Progressive Conservative party and leaving no trace of it in the new Conservative party. That is evident and I feel it could be a strong movement since the party would want to focus on being blue liberal and red tory. That is something that is needed and I have to disagree with you in that Canada is fine politically in that the voter turnout has been continuously dropping.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
I love the labels people put on things. Yes the Conservatives under the domination of
the Reform Party are a strange looking lot and they do some very strange things. Here
is a party preaching restraint while the have the biggest deficit in the history of the nation.
The Liberals even calling for restraint sound funny these days, they once had Paul Martin
who actually did that and the Liberals turned on him then the people turned on him.
The NDP don't know what the hell they want and the Greens are crazy people.
I don't think we can get anymore centrist than that.
Secondly if we get anymore political parties we will look some what like Italy, And you
know what they say about Italy. If you have two Italians you have a political party over
there, and Italy being the example has no real left right or center, they have middle
of the road anarchy. Leave things the way they are it is centrist enough.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Based on spending habits the conservative party must be lefties in disguise.

I think when half the country is out of work and infrastructure is in bad need of repair/replacement, there is only one way you can go. It can be done much more cheaply when everyone is hungry.


New Member
Feb 12, 2011
I would appreciate it if you people labeling either the Liberals or Conservatives fascists would please leave my forum. This story is about how people would feel about a centrist party between the two major parties in this country. Please I don't want this story to be tainted by garbage comments. Thank you and I would prefer if you people would like to talk about this party. Thank you!

Based on spending habits the conservative party must be lefties in disguise.

I will agree with you that the Conservatives are spending like drunken sailors but labeling people left wing for spending too much is not true. The NDP governments in Canada have a good record of being the best governments for balancing the books especially Tommy Douglas' governments.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I would appreciate it if you people labeling either the Liberals or Conservatives fascists would please leave my forum. This story is about how people would feel about a centrist party between the two major parties in this country. Please I don't want this story to be tainted by garbage comments. Thank you and I would prefer if you people would like to talk about this party. Thank you!

And just who the Hell are you and whose horse did you ride in on?


New Member
Feb 12, 2011
I love the labels people put on things. Yes the Conservatives under the domination of
the Reform Party are a strange looking lot and they do some very strange things. Here
is a party preaching restraint while the have the biggest deficit in the history of the nation.
The Liberals even calling for restraint sound funny these days, they once had Paul Martin
who actually did that and the Liberals turned on him then the people turned on him.
The NDP don't know what the hell they want and the Greens are crazy people.
I don't think we can get anymore centrist than that.
Secondly if we get anymore political parties we will look some what like Italy, And you
know what they say about Italy. If you have two Italians you have a political party over
there, and Italy being the example has no real left right or center, they have middle
of the road anarchy. Leave things the way they are it is centrist enough.

Funny that you mention that but the truth is I am Italian but I think that Canada needs a sixth party for this reason to improve decorum in the House of Commons and saying like you said earlier about making my movement part of another party is not a smart idea. I think there needs to be a moderate party between the two major parties for the simple reason to offer another choice which is not a niche but a legitimate choice. I have gotten a lot of feedback about the party and I am looking for people who want to be a part of it.

Also, liberal conservatism is an ideology and a philosophy in this country that is not part of the Canadian landscape anymore. In fact it is just neoliberals and neoconservatives, but there has to be a party that is neoliberal and liberal-conservative. The liberals are social liberal, neoliberal and liberal. i feel there needs to be that middle ground between the parties to also make for a competitive party outside the urban areas. i picked a strong law and order party that wants to balance rehab and educational programs but still be tough on crime. it can work both ways and it would be competitive in western canada. also, i made the party also traditionally conservative for those atlantic canadian voters who want health and education as major priorities and kept as essential programs. by having all these factors and making the party be almost identical to the progressive conservatives it leaves something for all canadians and it is a conservative option that can be competitive all over canada.

also, unlike the toxic "liberal" name in western canada this name would be welcome everywhere.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
centristparty I will agree with you that the Conservatives are spending like drunken sailors but labeling people left wing for spending too much is not true. The NDP governments in Canada have a good record of being the best governments for balancing the books especially Tommy Douglas' governments.[/QUOTE said:
Before you go blabbing off maybe you should check out the history of the N.D.P. from about 1995- 1999 in B.C. and read up on Glen Clark and Elizabeth Cull- their books kind of went off balance in about 10 days following the election. :lol: