Catholic Discussion


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
So, sanctus how high up are you in the Catholic church. Was position or level would you be considered.

I am not a stocker! Just wondering if your near the bottom or near the top in the levels in the church.


New Member
Feb 9, 2007
Does anybody still follow the practices of Lent in their homes? Giving up something as a sacrifice? Fasting. Not eating meat on Fridays?

We do, just wondering if anybody else does as well.



Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
That being, would you ever strive for Cardinal? Or, accept a bump in your level of service to the church?

Or are you content serving the church as a priest and have no goal on going further?

Sorry.. just interested to get a little background in your religious experience.. I have only been on this forum for about 2-3 weeks!

Edit: lieexpsr, sanctus serves the church in his own way, it says nothing about his opinion of the church, by him stating he has no goals to serve the church past the level of priest-hood.

Every aide to the church is valued.


Electoral Member
Jan 19, 2007
Thanx Padre...

I know many will quickly dismiss this, but I do not find it all that hard to believe. As you know Padre, in my faith(as it were), we believe that we posess the spirits of certain animal totems, within us. They guide us and direct our actions. This I can easily prove. Take a look at my attitude and then read about the Bear totem and how the Bear behaves.

It is that far a stretch, to think that not all spirits that enter us, have or best ntentions in mind.

I agree. I wonder how many actual cases there are for demonic possession though? Do you have any personal stories on this event?


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
That being, would you ever strive for Cardinal? Or, accept a bump in your level of service to the church?

Or are you content serving the church as a priest and have no goal on going further?

Sorry.. just interested to get a little background in your religious experience.. I have only been on this forum for about 2-3 weeks!

Edit: lieexpsr, sanctus serves the church in his own way, it says nothing about his opinion of the church, by him stating he has no goals to serve the church past the level of priest-hood.

Every aide to the church is valued.

What God wills. But Cardinal is probably not in my future. The Church needs workers, and there is much work to do:)


Electoral Member
Feb 9, 2007
I assure you Bear will take great umbrage at being referred to as my "follower":) Share away, I am on this site as a citizen, I have no followers. If I did, I'd be a very wealthy man.

I was not referring to anyone in particular and especially not to CDNBear. And thank you for your reasonable position. It's definiely to your credit!


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
I know you're intentions and that they are pure. The fact is, we are unable to decide this issue in the Church. Christ created the priesthood, and in doing so He choose only men. Some have said He was controlled by the social mores of His time. I don't think so, for in many, many ways He went against the grain. Had our Lord wished women in the priesthood, He'd have appointed them to the Apostles.


Gotta love you - you bounced right past my pointed query.....and yes my intentions are pure and not designed to catch you or corner you but again.....

Was the primary role of the Church at the time B.C. that of a human female - impregnated what was to be God's son on earth? Whether Jesus (of the earth) went on to appoint male apostles completely
ignores that significant role Mary played and her importance in the connection between humanity and that which was most sacred.... the Christ Child.

No man impregnated Mary as I understand the story is told - therefore again I state - woman at this point in the historical teachings had the most important role of the future Christian following and ultimately the Christian Churches ....

And yet the Roman Catholic Church (and others) seek to identify males as the primary emissaries of the Word of God.

I have to wonder at the denial.... the omission of the true beauty of the choice that the Christ Child was born as a human... from a human female....

If all the history is fact and not tales for us to imagine to be fact over the centuries.... I do have to wonder....but with purity in my wondering Sanctus...


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
I sort am still split on this...

I feel by agreeing to women's role in the church, I am not be equal to women..


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006

I have to wonder at the denial.... the omission of the true beauty of the choice that the Christ Child was born as a human... from a human female....

If all the history is fact and not tales for us to imagine to be fact over the centuries.... I do have to wonder....but with purity in my wondering Sanctus...

I can't speak for other sects that left the Church, but for the Catholic Church Mary is very important in our theology and our faith as Catholics. Not only is she regarded as sinless, she is considered the Mother of God and of the Church.

Beyond that though, the one aspect of Marian theology is the Gospels, where she clearly and always deflects interest from her to her son Jesus. That becomes a basis for belief all unto itself.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
What is religion?

What is religion? First of all to find out what is religion we must negate what it is not. What it is not; then it is. It's like seeing what is not love. Love is not hate, love is not jealousy, love is not ambition, love is not violence. When you negate all that, the other is, which is compassion. In the same way if you negate what is not religion then you find out what is true religion; that is, what is the truly religious mind. Belief is not religion, and the authority which the churches, the organized religions assume, is not religion. In that there is all the sense of obedience, conformity, acceptance, the hierarchical approach to life. The division between the Protestant, the Catholic, the Hindu, the Moslem, that's not religion. When you negate all that, which means you are no longer a Hindu, no longer a Catholic, no longer belonging to any sectarian outlook, then your mind questions, asks what is true religion? This is free from their ritual, without their masters, without their Saviour; all that is not religion. When the mind discards that, intelligently, because it has seen that it's not religion, then it can ask what is religion. Religion is not what I think, but religion is the sense of comprehension of the totality of existence, in which there is no division between you and me. Then if there is that quality of goodness which is virtue, real virtue not the phony virtue of society, but real virtue, then the mind can go beyond and find out, through meditation, through a deep, quiet silence, if there is such a thing as reality. Therefore a religious mind is a mind that is constantly aware, sensitive, attentive, so that it goes beyond itself into a dimension where there is no time at all.


Electoral Member
Dec 18, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
The traditional Lenten Fast. Fast according to Church rules all days of Lent except Sundays and Solemnities. Two meals a day, dinner and supper. Meat or fish at dinner only. Abstain on Friday. (Also Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday as part of a seperate rule of life.) Non-fat Milk and juices as needed to prevent weakness.


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
Celibacy, and people highly involved in church cannot marry

Originally Posted by westmanguy

Celibacy, and people highly involved in church cannot marry

Ok, why can't a preist, or nun, be married, and be in a partnership with another person. I have heard that, its, that they need to be devoted fully ot the church, and not with a partner, but with these problems with molestation by priests.. why can't they marry?


Electoral Member
Dec 18, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Originally Posted by westmanguy

Celibacy, and people highly involved in church cannot marry

Ok, why can't a preist, or nun, be married, and be in a partnership with another person. I have heard that, its, that they need to be devoted fully ot the church, and not with a partner, but with these problems with molestation by priests.. why can't they marry?
There are already married clergy in many of the Eastern Churches in union with Rome.There are married also priests in some of the Catholic dioceses in the Latin Rite.

But the first case is much more conspicuous. There are several thousand married priests in the Eastern rites and the Vatican fears - for some time now - that they will infect the Western Church: if they are legitimately married, as to people asking why cannot Latin rite priests be married as well?