Canadian Politness? what a myth ehhhhh!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Canadians are like other people: they include the good and the bad.

Generally, what you complain of, are not so evil, such things may be trivial.
The most important is when man transgresses on others: stealing their property, or transgresses by reviling or beating, or murdering.

Therefore the violation of God's commandments is the important and serious thing, and although I have not gone to Canada, I think they may not be different from other people elsewhere and may be better (because Canada is colder :smile: )

By the way: I remembered a tale, which may not be true but it explains something here:
It is told that Imam Ali - salam to him - saw someone coming from a certain city, and he asked him: "How are the people of this city?"
The man said: "They are very good, cooperative and hospitable, etc."
He said: "You are truthful."

Then another man came from the same city, and Imam Ali asked him: "How are the people of this city?"
The man said: "They are very bad, not cooperative, aggressive, cruel ..etc."
Imam Ali said: "You are truthful."

So his companions said: "What is this: both of them are truthful? How can this be? The first man said: they are very good, and the other said: they are very bad, and yet you say to them: both of you are truthful!?
Imam Ali said: "Each one of them told what he met: this one accompanied good people and he said they are good, and the other one accompanied bad people so his impression is that they are bad."
You know Selfsame many think that Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed because of homosexuality. It wasn't that at all according to the old testament . In the "story' of Sodom and Gomorrah the city was destroyed for lack of hospitality. ...good to see you speaking your own mind it's quite refreshing to be honest.


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
You know Selfsame many think that Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed because of homosexuality. It wasn't that at all according to the old testament . In the "story' of Sodom and Gomorrah the city was destroyed for lack of hospitality. ...good to see you speaking your own mind it's quite refreshing to be honest.

The wrong-doing of man will lead to his disbelief; i.e. God misguides the wrong-doer.

About Sodom and Gomorrah and the other two cities (4 cities were destroyed by the earthquake and cleavage) their wrong-doing was their homosexuality; in addition of course to their blasphemy and denying their messenger Lot.

When people round about heard about the acts of the people of Sodom, the travelers were afraid of coming near to those cities, which had been in the route of caravans.
So of course they were not hospitable: because they transgressed on foreigners with their homosexuality.

Quran 29: 28-29, which mean:
{ 28. And Lot; when he said to his people: "You do commit such indecency as no people in all the world [ever] committed before you!"

29. "You do come [sexually] to men [instead of women], and [by such act] you ban the way [of travelers] a; and – in your club – you commit lewdness b !"

But the only answer of his people was their saying [in a way of mocking]: "Bring upon us God's punishment if you [indeed] are telling the truth c."

30. [Therefore, at that time, Lot] said: "My Lord, help me with victory over the lewd people."}

a i.e travelers will not pass by your city, if they hear about such act of yours.

b By indecency and exposure of the shame or private parts.

c About your claim that you are a messenger of God.

The interpretation is by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
God did make them that way, Be careful in your interpretations, God dose have Muslims suffering alot compared to other religions in the last 100 years because of their wickedness.

It's really a wonder why atheists seem to be suffering the least of all, God dose work in mysterious ways.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
The wrong-doing of man will lead to his disbelief; i.e. God misguides the wrong-doer.

About Sodom and Gomorrah and the other two cities (4 cities were destroyed by the earthquake and cleavage) their wrong-doing was their homosexuality; in addition of course to their blasphemy and denying their messenger Lot.

When people round about heard about the acts of the people of Sodom, the travelers were afraid of coming near to those cities, which had been in the route of caravans.
So of course they were not hospitable: because they transgressed on foreigners with their homosexuality.

Quran 29: 28-29, which mean:
{ 28. And Lot; when he said to his people: "You do commit such indecency as no people in all the world [ever] committed before you!"

29. "You do come [sexually] to men [instead of women], and [by such act] you ban the way [of travelers] a; and – in your club – you commit lewdness b !"

But the only answer of his people was their saying [in a way of mocking]: "Bring upon us God's punishment if you [indeed] are telling the truth c."

30. [Therefore, at that time, Lot] said: "My Lord, help me with victory over the lewd people."}

a i.e travelers will not pass by your city, if they hear about such act of yours.

b By indecency and exposure of the shame or private parts.

c About your claim that you are a messenger of God.

The interpretation is by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly.
It's found in Ezekiel Selfsame.


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
It's found in Ezekiel Selfsame.

The Quran came from God; it is the word of God: word by word, as were the Ten Commandments.

The Quran agrees with the Torah: the original Torah in many of its contents, but it differs from the Torah in many points: so it is not the copy of the Torah.

God Who revealed the Torah to Moses, then to the Prophets after him, He is the same that revealed the Quran to confirm the original Torah in its monotheism and to correct the distortions that afflicted it by the hand of Ezra and others.[or_Hebrew_Bible]_of_Ezra_


God did make them that way, Be careful in your interpretations, God dose have Muslims suffering alot compared to other religions in the last 100 years because of their wickedness.

It's really a wonder why atheists seem to be suffering the least of all, God dose work in mysterious ways.

This indicates your atheism in addition to your Zionism; the worst are you.
So you cannot speak in the name of God and you are a blasphemer.

Well said Jesus Christ about you: "How can you speak goodness and you are evil, sons of vipers: a malicious generation seek after miracles!"

It is true that God has punished Muslims by setting on them Jews and Christians, but God promised that He will dignify Muslims and help them against the Children of Israel in the future, when Muslims will devote themselves to God alone and refrain from their wrong-doing among themselves.

صفحة جديدة 1


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
The Quran came from God; it is the word of God: word by word, as were the Ten Commandments.

The Quran agrees with the Torah: the original Torah in many of its contents, but it differs from the Torah in many points: so it is not the copy of the Torah.

God Who revealed the Torah to Moses, then to the Prophets after him, He is the same that revealed the Quran to confirm the original Torah in its monotheism and to correct the distortions that afflicted it by the hand of Ezra and others.[or_Hebrew_Bible]_of_Ezra_


This indicates your atheism in addition to your Zionism; the worst are you.
So you cannot speak in the name of God and you are a blasphemer.

Well said Jesus Christ about you: "How can you speak goodness and you are evil, sons of vipers: a malicious generation seek after miracles!"

It is true that God has punished Muslims by setting on them Jews and Christians, but God promised that He will dignify Muslims and help them against the Children of Israel in the future, when Muslims will devote themselves to God alone and refrain from their wrong-doing among themselves.

صفحة جديدة 1
Hate to break it to you Selfsame, but you're talking about fairy tales. Who wrote Exodus selfsame?


Electoral Member
Mar 22, 2016
Where have you come from Newincanada?

Toronto has it's own particular flavour. Canadian, but each province has it's own flavour.

Be careful of Montreal too. They're a bit...different from the rest of us.


Yes,he has to be careful with Montrealers,they drive like as'holes and if they start cussing at you in French,run!


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
The Quran came from God; it is the word of God: word by word, as were the Ten Commandments.

The Quran agrees with the Torah: the original Torah in many of its contents, but it differs from the Torah in many points: so it is not the copy of the Torah.

God Who revealed the Torah to Moses, then to the Prophets after him, He is the same that revealed the Quran to confirm the original Torah in its monotheism and to correct the distortions that afflicted it by the hand of Ezra and others.[or_Hebrew_Bible]_of_Ezra_


This indicates your atheism in addition to your Zionism; the worst are you.
So you cannot speak in the name of God and you are a blasphemer.

Well said Jesus Christ about you: "How can you speak goodness and you are evil, sons of vipers: a malicious generation seek after miracles!"

It is true that God has punished Muslims by setting on them Jews and Christians, but God promised that He will dignify Muslims and help them against the Children of Israel in the future, when Muslims will devote themselves to God alone and refrain from their wrong-doing among themselves.

صفحة جديدة 1

Well your wickedness among yourself hasn't changed, and your justified wickedness to others is not the will of God. All Your prayers will fall on deaf ears because God sees you haven't learnt the lesson he seeks for you to learn. Your wickedness has not changed.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The community that usually has been very hostile towards kids have grown and now encourage them. It's been a positive experience for all

It's to bad my wife's health has always been difficult, because it feels like I'm only starting to get really good at parenting now that we have 3. :lol:
And having a 12 year old really makes things easier :lol:

You did good Gerryh. 7 kids sounds like a great accomplishment.

Seven kids is what happens when you have a grade three education and no knowledge of birth control or any concern for the planet.

The Quran came from God; it is the word of God: word by word, as were the Ten Commandments.

The Quran agrees with the Torah: the original Torah in many of its contents, but it differs from the Torah in many points: so it is not the copy of the Torah.

God Who revealed the Torah to Moses, then to the Prophets after him, He is the same that revealed the Quran to confirm the original Torah in its monotheism and to correct the distortions that afflicted it by the hand of Ezra and others.[or_Hebrew_Bible]_of_Ezra_

The quran is a book of mythology written by a bunch of sick old men.

This indicates your atheism in addition to your Zionism; the worst are you.
So you cannot speak in the name of God and you are a blasphemer.

Well said Jesus Christ about you: "How can you speak goodness and you are evil, sons of vipers: a malicious generation seek after miracles!"

It is true that God has punished Muslims by setting on them Jews and Christians, but God promised that He will dignify Muslims and help them against the Children of Israel in the future, when Muslims will devote themselves to God alone and refrain from their wrong-doing among themselves.

صفحة جديدة 1

The quran is a book of mythology written by a bunch of sick old men then perverted by more sick uneducated old men to use as an excuse for their perversions.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
this n00b trolled members into 55 replies?

CC, I am disappoint.