The Quran came from God; it is the word of God: word by word, as were the Ten Commandments.
The Quran agrees with the Torah: the original Torah in many of its contents, but it differs from the Torah in many points: so it is not the copy of the Torah.
God Who revealed the Torah to Moses, then to the Prophets after him, He is the same that revealed the Quran
to confirm the original Torah in its monotheism and to correct the distortions that afflicted it by the hand of Ezra and others.[or_Hebrew_Bible]_of_Ezra_
The quran is a book of mythology written by a bunch of sick old men.
This indicates your atheism in addition to your Zionism; the worst are you.
So you cannot speak in the name of God and you are a blasphemer.
Well said Jesus Christ about you: "How can you speak goodness and you are evil, sons of vipers: a malicious generation seek after miracles!"
It is true that God has punished Muslims by setting on them Jews and Christians, but God promised that He will dignify Muslims and help them against the Children of Israel in the future, when Muslims will devote themselves to God alone and refrain from their wrong-doing among themselves.
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