Canadian Immigration


New Member
Jan 16, 2006
RE: Immigration

Excellent posts, points and thoughts by all, the one point that has not been mentioned was if there is such a need for immigrants to fill all these jobs why do we have such a high rate of unemployment and welfare here in Canada


New Member
Jan 14, 2006
Arlington, Texas
Re: Immigration

There is nothing wrong with immigration in Canada.

O.K. obviously the posters above are concerned that their job may be taken away.

<snip - offencive post. Cosmo>

If you don't like Canada so much leave and don't let the door hit you in the Ass. Canada is a Multicultural country of many ethnic diversities, religions and cultures.

This is why Canada is so Loved around the World.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Re: Immigration

SpecialK said:
There is nothing wrong with immigration in Canada.

O.K. obviously the posters above are concerned that their job may be taken away.

<snipped by Cosmo>

If you don't like Canada so much leave and don't let the door hit you in the Ass. Canada is a Multicultural country of many ethnic diversities, religions and cultures.

This is why Canada is so Loved around the World.

And that's why you live in Texas, eh?


New Member
Jan 14, 2006
Arlington, Texas
Re: Immigration

No. I live in Texas because this is where my wifes family is from.

...and yes I miss Canada very, very much. Calgary, Alberta Rocks!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
RE: Immigration

Multiculturalism is an invention of politicians. Look at the census from the early 90s. It spells it our rather plainly.


House Member
Nov 10, 2005
RE: Immigration

I don't see what's so bad about multi-culturalism. In reality, it's not any different from the melting pot. I could spend my whole life in southern California and never speak a word of English.

the caracal kid

the clan of the claw
Nov 28, 2005
Re: RE: Immigration

bruju said:
Excellent posts, points and thoughts by all, the one point that has not been mentioned was if there is such a need for immigrants to fill all these jobs why do we have such a high rate of unemployment and welfare here in Canada

two main reasons:
1) demand exceeding expectations. somehow the need for various professions was underestimated and to fill the shortage immigration of such professionals is faster (assuming their credentials are recognized) than training more people (which takes years).

2) a part of controling the growth rate, intrest rates (inflation),etc is having an available pool of workers for industry to draw from. If there is a lack of supply, wages rise (due to increased demand) thus forcing inflation to rise. Part of the economic models used in our system IS for there to be the unemployed. This is due to a few faulty presumptions in how our economy is designed and run.


New Member
Jan 16, 2006
RE: Immigration

So most immigrants landing in Canada are Doctors, Specialists, rocket scientists, and so forth.
I am one hindered percent behind immigration (da that's how we got here) and I'm not even blond.
My point is why are we not educating Canadians for all these jobs instead of making it possible only for the well to do to achieve these goals.It seems that we make it less difficult for people to immigrate to Canada than we do to train the people that live here to fill these jobs.
Education cost are so high that our children cannot afford to get the education to qualify for these highly trained jobs.
I personally welcome all immigrants to the land of opportunity but first lets help those here reach that opportunity.
And comments from above are just what are expected from conservative rightists.
Little Alberta wants to dictate to Ontario how to vote, they condemn every thing Ont. dose except donate to them that is.
(it is better to have a hen tomorrow than an egg today)

the caracal kid

the clan of the claw
Nov 28, 2005
RE: Immigration

i agree bruju,

we should do everything we can to allow canadians to achieve through education.

more spaces in universities requires more funding. the flipside is that too many people trained in an area results in devaluation of the profession, resulting in lower wages and people not working in their trained field, which is also a loss.

Education is an open international market, and is for the most part allowed to run free. People are able to access career demand expectations from places like stats-can to determine what the best course of action is for them, but nothing is a guarentee. Especially these days where constant-learning and career changes are more of the norm. This nature to allow the market to run its course reveals what kind of a society we really are. We are not nearly as socialist as those to the right paint us to be.


New Member
Jan 16, 2006
RE: Immigration

Maybe not today but look back a few years
Not to many ( remember the drought half a dozen years back no hay in Alberta) Eastern farmer gave free to the hard pressed farmers out west hay shipped at the expense of the Canadian tax payers
How about how mad cow from Alta. screwed the rest of Canadian farmers.Through no fault of there's farmers from Sask., Man., Ont. and Que. Suffered the effects of it and I never once heard anyone complain about Alberta causing this hardship on them like Alberta does at every drop of the hat
Untill 1968 Alberta was like the rest of the western provences dependent on guess who.
Today with your wealth you want to run this country, you may contribute to the coffers some today but On. carries the load
(It is better to have a chichen tomorrow than an egg today)

the caracal kid

the clan of the claw
Nov 28, 2005
Albera is a strange land. I refer to it as the rogue territory of canada where the miserable weather breeds malcontents. Alberta has a serious identity crisis or something, it is always playing itself off BC or Ontario trying to act like it is as "big" or "adequate" as these provinces. I really do not understand it myself other than to say Alberta just envys the rest of canada. (if you go to ALberta you can visit their attempt at a mini-TO, for example). Somewhere along the way, Alberta forgot to not confuse the greatness of a city with the size of a city (or as the case may be, a province)


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005
St. John's
Re: RE: Immigration

Untill 1968 Alberta was like the rest of the western provences dependent on guess who.
Today with your wealth you want to run this country, you may contribute to the coffers some today but On. carries the load
(It is better to have a chichen tomorrow than an egg today


And don't forget the ungodly amount of salted fish Newfoundland shipped to starving farmers in the West during the Depression, before we were even part of Canada... Haves and Have Not's fluctuate with time. Wealth and power are never guarantees for anyone.


New Member
Jan 16, 2006
Remember Canada
Ontario has always been the provider, the father of this country.The mother that nertured this land and it's people
( It's better to have a chichen tomorrow than an egg today)

the caracal kid

the clan of the claw
Nov 28, 2005
this recent round of Alberta's blustering is a fine example of how people are more connected and concerned with one another when conditions force people to work togeter. Excess leads to greed and division. It is amazing how quickly people can forget the past, and quander their future.