Any article that describes the Canadian Alliance as a moderate centrist party should definitely be taken with a grain of salt.
Canadian Alliance was very much modeled after the Republican Party in USA. That was the golden age of the Republican Party. Republicans controlled the Presidency, the Supreme Court, the House and the Senate (and also had the majority of governorships and a majority of state legislatures). Carl Rowe was confidently talking of building a permanent Republican majority.
When something works, it usually produces imitators. So it was quite reasonable for the Alliance Party to pattern itself after the Republican Party. And Republican Party was (and still is) very much a party of the right, not of the centre right.
As I recall Alliance had many of the same planks that were present in Republican Party platform (opposition to abortion, to gay rights, a plank promising American style referendums on absolutely everything etc.).
But the kind of Bible thumping patriotism, social conservatism that sells so well in USA does not seem to transfer all that well into Canada (or any other country for that matter).
Eventually Harper sensibly decided that the way to win power is to move to centre right.