Canada’s Green Shift Could Displace Three-Quarters Of Oil Workers


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Two bits from the cheap seats: There are plenty of non-polluting uses for oil, but by far the biggest share of what comes out if the ground ends up getting burnt and that’s where the trouble comes from. The science behind GHG emissions and climate change is undeniable for all but the most stubborn holdouts, as the world moves toward drastically reducing the use of fossil fules as an energy source demand will drop, and as its product is among the more expensive to produce, Canada’s oil sands producers will feel the pinch first. The writing is already on the wall. Oilsands producers have been selling out for a few years now, with the remaining big boys gobbling up what they leave behind. If you take a close look at what these big boys have been up to it’s not hard to see their moves as an effort to squeeze every last drop out of this particular resource while they still can. Steady pressure from low oil prices and environmental concerns have push the timeline to realize a return on investment so far into an unsure future that we will likely not see any new projects, Fort Hills was the last big one and it is hanging on by its finger nails, bleeding funds from Suncor’s more profitable operations just to stay afloat. Trades are being hammered for lower wages, union outfits are being shown the door in favour of cheaper labour. Plant operations are being streamlined to increase efficiencies and lower expenses. Reclamation of mined out areas has slowed to the point where what remains is merely window dressing to placate environmentalists, you can bet that down thew road somewhere this will be left for the taxpayer to deal with.

The oilsands is on the downhill side of the curve, and all the Kenneys and O’Tooles on the planet cannot breathe life back into an industry that investors are running away from. Politics aside, follow the money to see what’s really happening. The gravy days are gone and they won’t be back.
Yes the science is undeniable. Yet you are still a globull warming truther. What is it about leftys dogma and their denial of science?
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Liberal Feminist

Time Out
May 14, 2021
Pretty soon she will have everyone she disagrees with on ignore, and only be talking with herself when she comes to CC. 😂😂

I've debated filtering out the sewage from the Con aggressives here, I've seen people in here with great discourse.

But there's about 8 of you that are deeply Con to the point of Qanon.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Canada’s Green Shift Could Displace Three-Quarters Of Oil Workers

Flossy is never more happy to see Canadians unemployed and hurting. If you ask me he is a low-down dirty rotten skunk.
Skunks are nice friendly creatures. Don't diss them by comparing them to flossy. He is more like a lawyer, lower than a snake's belly in a wheel rut.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I've debated filtering out the sewage from the Con aggressives here, I've seen people in here with great discourse.

But there's about 8 of you that are deeply Con to the point of Qanon.
Trying to discuss anything like you is like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon knocks all the pieces over, shits on the board and struts off thinking it won.

Liberal Feminist

Time Out
May 14, 2021
Trying to discuss anything like you is like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon knocks all the pieces over, shits on the board and struts off thinking it won.
Yes, yes steal that from other people Tax it doesn't make you as smart as the person that coined it.

In fact you're just throwing a tantrum.

It's far more an accurate quote towards the right wing.
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Liberal Feminist

Time Out
May 14, 2021
You have a real problem with facts. You should sue your teachers for your pisspoor education.
Blah, blah. blah.

You're hyper aggressively Con and right wing why should I entertain your bullshit any further?

There are a lot of folks on here that don't follow your beliefs but there's about 8 of you that have this site specific clique of online bullies that make non conservatives posting very put off the site by your dogpiling.

I think there will still be decent conversations here without some of you on my feed.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
That depends on which “they” you are talking about, scientists themselves or government.

The 70s. When Keynesian Economic Theory was replaced with Neo-Liberalism. Some real interesting reading there. Start with Milton Friedman’s essay “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits”, a call to arms for free market capitalism published in the New York Times on September 13, 1970. The day we gave the keys to the henhouse to the foxes.
So you slept through to whole SO2 (acid rain) cuts thing?

You aren't one of "put the SO2 back to cool the earth" types?

Everywhere you look you see destruction?
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Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Why would I do that? It’s excellent money and that’s getting rare up here. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those cap-the-wells and leave it in the ground fanatics, I’m as much to blame for this as anyone. I drive a gas burner, I fly in airplanes, I heat my house with natural gas. The difference between you and me is that I can see what’s coming and I accept that it has to be done. We have no one to blame but ourselves and when the hammer comes down I will accept my share of responsibility. I just wish that collectively, we had been a little smarter a long time ago.
When do you see this major transition happening?

Now do the Agri. and trucking community that produce and deliver your food.
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Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
There are a lot of folks on here that don't follow your beliefs but there's about 8 of you that have this site specific clique of online bullies that make non conservatives posting very put off the site by your dogpiling.

Welcome to the new reality. Where people parade their ignorance like it’s some sort of enlightenment. A parting gift from the Trump administration.

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
So you slept through to whole SO2 (acid rain) cuts thing?

You aren't one of "put the SO2 back to cool the earth" types?

Everywhere you look you see destruction?
The acid rain issue still exists.

Are you unable to see the destruction already upon us? Or maybe you just choose not to look.

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
It's happening in the media in reality it is not and won't for many, many years until there is a true energy source that can compete and dominate O&G.
This is a problem that’s been two hundred years in the making, we’re not talking any quick fix here. Changes will keep pace with advances in technology. As new options become available the older ones will be actively discouraged through regulation or taxation.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
This is a problem that’s been two hundred years in the making, we’re not talking any quick fix here. Changes will keep pace with advances in technology. As new options become available the older ones will be actively discouraged through regulation or taxation.
Name 1 example that dominates O&G in all industries