Big Brother in Canada?


New Member
Mar 2, 2005
Whats really sad is the Reverend has the guts to give the Islamic extremists some crediblity by blaming their actions on U.S foreign policy. His hatred his so strong towards the U.S that he completely over-steps the fact that the U.S IS NOT THE ONLY TARGET. In fact there are among 14 different conflicts around the world involving the Islamic extremists and most of them have nothing to do with the I don't see how we are the main problem and I dont see how this give justification to their cause.

Also Reverend, the U.S has not been the only target of Al Qaeda, if you look towards Europe you will find out alot of activity is going on their as well.

Reverend, stop giving the Islamic extremists know full well their tactics are based on a fraudulent view of the world and that not only are they angry towards the U.S, they are angry against the west! You have to get this in your head. Now, not only does U.S foreign policy contribute somewhat to the problem but so does the domestic problems that exists in the middle east and elsewhere.


New Member
Mar 2, 2005
Hmm, okay I see what you guys mean by the links not working. They work in preview mode but not when they are actually posted. Im so used to just posting links in Yahoo clubs I dont take the time to take advantage of the feature in these forums...I suppose I should.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
Whats really sad is the Reverend has the guts to give the Islamic extremists some crediblity by blaming their actions on U.S foreign policy.

Only because they are reacting to US foreign policy. Whether you agree with your country's foreign policies or not, trying to argue against the basic logic of cause and effect shows a definite reluctance to take any responsibility for your action whatsover.

In fact there are among 14 different conflicts around the world involving the Islamic extremists and most of them have nothing to do with the U.S

Actually the United States has at least peripheral involvement with every one of those, either through ties to the governments, supply of weapons and/or aid, or corporate involvement in the economy.

Also Reverend, the U.S has not been the only target of Al Qaeda, if you look towards Europe you will find out alot of activity is going on their as well.

Yup. It's a reaction to their policies too.

Reverend, stop giving the Islamic extremists know full well their tactics are based on a fraudulent view of the world and that not only are they angry towards the U.S, they are angry against the west!

Their tactics and the reasons they give for them are no more fraudulent than yours.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
alienofwar said:
Whats really sad is the Reverend has the guts to give the Islamic extremists some crediblity by blaming their actions on U.S foreign policy. His hatred his so strong towards the U.S that he completely over-steps the fact that the U.S IS NOT THE ONLY TARGET. In fact there are among 14 different conflicts around the world involving the Islamic extremists and most of them have nothing to do with the I don't see how we are the main problem and I dont see how this give justification to their cause.

Also Reverend, the U.S has not been the only target of Al Qaeda, if you look towards Europe you will find out alot of activity is going on their as well.

Reverend, stop giving the Islamic extremists know full well their tactics are based on a fraudulent view of the world and that not only are they angry towards the U.S, they are angry against the west! You have to get this in your head. Now, not only does U.S foreign policy contribute somewhat to the problem but so does the domestic problems that exists in the middle east and elsewhere.

Thanks Alien... good post.

Like I told the Rev.... Al Queda counts on him and people like him to listen to their word and their only. Their speech to the west is meant to divide the western allies AND you have to admit they are doing a great job. They are duping guys like Rev and it is really sad. They are driving a wedge and then when they talk amongst themselves Canada, France, England, the US are are talked about with the same HATED breath.

I was so surprised with the hatred of Muslims on France. I practically see them as supporters of Al Queda at times... but they are villified and they do not even do anything!

There is not too much about Spain as Spain dropped to their knees before Al Queda and begged for mercy. My friend who works for the Govt. over there has said that they are now more emboldedned and are enforcing Shar'ia law when they can on Spanish Muslim Citizens. Boy Spain thought they had trouble with the Basques!


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Re: RE: Big Brother in Canada?

mrmom2 said:
Al ciaeda you mean

And no more Ciestas for the Spainards either.

If it is not written in Shar'ia Law it is not allowed. Nice people huh.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Re: RE: Big Brother in Canada?

mrmom2 said:
Al ciaeda you mean

And no more Ciestas for the Spainards either.

If it is not written in Shar'ia Law it is not allowed. Nice people huh.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Reverend Blair said:
Whats really sad is the Reverend has the guts to give the Islamic extremists some crediblity by blaming their actions on U.S foreign policy.

Only because they are reacting to US foreign policy. Whether you agree with your country's foreign policies or not, trying to argue against the basic logic of cause and effect shows a definite reluctance to take any responsibility for your action whatsover.

In fact there are among 14 different conflicts around the world involving the Islamic extremists and most of them have nothing to do with the U.S

Actually the United States has at least peripheral involvement with every one of those, either through ties to the governments, supply of weapons and/or aid, or corporate involvement in the economy.

Also Reverend, the U.S has not been the only target of Al Qaeda, if you look towards Europe you will find out alot of activity is going on their as well.

Yup. It's a reaction to their policies too.

Reverend, stop giving the Islamic extremists know full well their tactics are based on a fraudulent view of the world and that not only are they angry towards the U.S, they are angry against the west!

Their tactics and the reasons they give for them are no more fraudulent than yours.

So Al Queda really must be a peace loving group who is just reacting. <shaking my head>

Those poor men. :roll:

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
Okay, time to staighten out the untruths being tossed around here. This isn't the Billy O'Reilly Show, boys.

So Al Queda really must be a peace loving group who is just reacting.

I never said that.

If it is not written in Shar'ia Law it is not allowed. Nice people huh.

There is much more to both Sharia Law and Islam than the stuff you choose to take out of contxt and misquote.

Like I told the Rev.... Al Queda counts on him and people like him to listen to their word and their only.

I never said that either. I take what al Qaeda says with a large grain of salt, just like I do with what George Bush says. Cause and effect is very real though. Do you think Osama would have enough followers to be a threat if he couldn't point at US policy and say, "Look what they are doing to you."

Is that all you two are capable of? Taking things out of context and posting op-eds just shows that you don't understand the issues. Your cries of, "With us or against us," show a lack of initiative. Your refusal to even attempt to understand that your boorish and insane hero in the White House is not acting in your best interests or the best interests of the rest of the world shows a real lack of sophistication.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Reverend Blair said:
Whats really sad is the Reverend has the guts to give the Islamic extremists some crediblity by blaming their actions on U.S foreign policy.

Only because they are reacting to US foreign policy. Whether you agree with your country's foreign policies or not, trying to argue against the basic logic of cause and effect shows a definite reluctance to take any responsibility for your action whatsover.

In fact there are among 14 different conflicts around the world involving the Islamic extremists and most of them have nothing to do with the U.S

Actually the United States has at least peripheral involvement with every one of those, either through ties to the governments, supply of weapons and/or aid, or corporate involvement in the economy.

Also Reverend, the U.S has not been the only target of Al Qaeda, if you look towards Europe you will find out alot of activity is going on their as well.

Yup. It's a reaction to their policies too.

Reverend, stop giving the Islamic extremists know full well their tactics are based on a fraudulent view of the world and that not only are they angry towards the U.S, they are angry against the west!

Their tactics and the reasons they give for them are no more fraudulent than yours.

You never said Al Queda is just reacting? Are you reading what you post?

Look up at what you wrote and tell me! Let's get real here.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Reverend Blair said:
Okay, time to staighten out the untruths being tossed around here. This isn't the Billy O'Reilly Show, boys.

So Al Queda really must be a peace loving group who is just reacting.

I never said that.

If it is not written in Shar'ia Law it is not allowed. Nice people huh.

There is much more to both Sharia Law and Islam than the stuff you choose to take out of contxt and misquote.

Like I told the Rev.... Al Queda counts on him and people like him to listen to their word and their only.

I never said that either. I take what al Qaeda says with a large grain of salt, just like I do with what George Bush says. Cause and effect is very real though. Do you think Osama would have enough followers to be a threat if he couldn't point at US policy and say, "Look what they are doing to you."

Is that all you two are capable of? Taking things out of context and posting op-eds just shows that you don't understand the issues. Your cries of, "With us or against us," show a lack of initiative. Your refusal to even attempt to understand that your boorish and insane hero in the White House is not acting in your best interests or the best interests of the rest of the world shows a real lack of sophistication.

One... I never misquoted Shar'ia Law. I cut and pasted. That is also true about the propaganda. What they said about Canada and China was right there.

You can accuse me of taking things out of context, although I do not believe I am.

Shar'ia Law is a brutal form of Islam. Even Muslim Scholars have said that this is almost Cult like. This form of Islam is new. When Islam came on the world stage after Christianity, Shar'ia Law was not part of the deal. This law is so extreme that even the Iranian Mullahs had a problem with the Taliban because the Taliban was trying to spread Shar'ia Law into Iran. The Iranians attempted to stop the flow but the Taliban were unmoved. They condemn their own Islamic brothers in the sense that if you do not follow Shar'ia Law you are not a true muslim.

And women's rights? Forget about it... just forget about it. Ladies, you just don't have any.

THAT is Al Queda.

Where do they get these guys from. And they are men... all of them. Please do not be confused Al Queda with Palestinean Terrorist... Hezbollah will strap a bomb on anyone willing to blow themselves up. They get them from poor arab towns and madrasses. They do blame the US, Israel, and their own Govts. The US has been trying to get the Arabic Govts. to change their human rights policies to stem recruitment.

This democracy movement just may do it.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
You never said Al Queda is just reacting? Are you reading what you post?

Read what I said. I've never claimed that they were peaceful, or even justified. They are reacting though. Cause and effect, little buddy. Now drop the purposeful obtuseness.

One... I never misquoted Shar'ia Law. I cut and pasted.

You cut and pasted what best suited your purposes from a web-site that affirmed your mistaken beliefs. The undercurrent of prejudice in what you put forth makes me want to puke, EagleSmack.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Reverend Blair said:
You never said Al Queda is just reacting? Are you reading what you post?

Read what I said. I've never claimed that they were peaceful, or even justified. They are reacting though. Cause and effect, little buddy. Now drop the purposeful obtuseness.

One... I never misquoted Shar'ia Law. I cut and pasted.

You cut and pasted what best suited your purposes from a web-site that affirmed your mistaken beliefs. The undercurrent of prejudice in what you put forth makes me want to puke, EagleSmack.

Rev.... these are their beliefs! How many times must I say this. This is an English Version of what Shar'ia Law is. The website is from the group itself!

This is not propaganda... it is real!

Hey folks... read for yourself... here is the link!

Good and scary stuff!


New Member
Mar 2, 2005
Reverend I understand the cause and effect scenerio you are speaking of...but this cannot distract you from the nature of Al Qaeda, you can't forget who you are dealing with and quickly blame their actions on the U.S. You quote:

"Only because they are reacting to US foreign policy."

So basically your ignoring their nature and blaming their reaction on U.S foreign policy? It's not that simple!!

Here is a context taken from Encarta encyclopedia, this states their mission:

"Al-Qaeda seeks to incite a global jihad (holy war) to overthrow regimes with predominantly Arab or Muslim populations that al-Qaeda considers corrupt and anti-Islamic. It wants to replace these regimes with a single Muslim nation or empire strictly governed according to sharia (Islamic law). Al-Qaeda sees the United States and other Western countries as blocking this goal because they are allied with many of the countries al-Qaeda considers corrupt."

Okay, so how is the U.S the only country responsible for their behaviour again? Also, their mission shows that they have a religious motive, not just a reaction to foreign policy. Also, as crearly stated from above it is obvious they see the U.S standing in their way of a strictly Sharia society. It's not just U.S policy once again, its the fact these regimes rule by a different nature and that Al Qaeda disaproves of that.

"A 1998 fatwa, issued in the name of “The World Islamic Front for Jihad Against the Jews and Crusaders,” declared that “the ruling to kill the Americans and their allies—civilian or military—is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it.” Bin Laden regards the U.S. military presence as a continuation of the Crusades, a series of wars during the Middle Ages in which Western Christians sought to capture the Holy Land from Muslims."

Okay, so not only is it mostly religious motives but also anti-semite and deeply engraved in past historical events which have long passed. We all know that the Isralei's have no where to go and that the U.S is not continuing the crusades from when they took place a thousand years ago. Hmm, so Reverend justifies 9/11 for these misconceptions that Al Qaeda holds?

"During 2002, for example, terrorist incidents linked to al-Qaeda occurred in places as diverse as Tunisia, Pakistan, Jordan, Indonesia, Kuwait, the Philippines, Yemen, and Kenya. Its targets have included Australian, German, and Israeli tourists, and French engineers and a French oil tanker"

According to Reverend "they are only reacting to U.S foreign policy". Hmmm, wait, which one of these countries or people are part of the U.S again? Wait, France targeted? Aren't they the ones most opposed to U.S foreign policy? I think Al Qaeda must of targeted the wrong country. Geez.

"Actually the United States has at least peripheral involvement with every one of those, either through ties to the governments, supply of weapons and/or aid, or corporate involvement in the economy."

Wait, Kosovo, India/Pakistan, Russia and Indonesia have these Islamic conflicts because of the U.S? Is this what your saying? Your kidding me. Are you saying that the U.S caused all thse conflicts?

"Yup. It's a reaction to their policies too."

What?? no no, your not keeping an eye on world news. Here for example:

"The Dutch government has stepped up measures against alleged Islamic extremists, amid calls for Queen Beatrix to unite the people.
It comes as ethnic tensions mounted after a siege in The Hague on Wednesday in which four police officers were hurt by a grenade and two suspects arrested.

The Dutch parliament has begun a debate over the murder of a film-maker last week by a suspected Muslim radical.

It set off a series of retaliatory attacks on Islamic and Christian sites."

Wait wait wait...what does this have to do with U.S foreign policy again??

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Big Brother in Canada

The attacks on the US were reaction to US foreign policy. I'm sure you aren't as dim and inept as you are pretending to're likely even capable of wiping your own ass.

Your refusal to accept any responsibility for the actions of your own country is laughable, little buddy.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I know you keep saying that but again you are trying to defend an indefensible position.

Look at this quote from Bin Laden....

"I am one of the servants of Allah. We do our duty of fighting for the sake of the religion of Allah. It is also our duty to send a call to all the people of the world to enjoy this great light and to embrace Islam and experience the happiness in Islam. Our primary mission is nothing but the furthering of this religion. ... Let not the West be taken in by those who say that Muslims choose nothing but slaughtering. Their brothers in East Europe, in Turkey and in Albania have been guided by Allah to submit to Islam and to experience the bliss of Islam. Unlike those, the European and the American people and some of the Arabs are under the influence of Jewish media. ..." Bin Laden 1998

Look at what his "Primary Mission" is.

Look what he wants us all to submit to.

Look at what their duty is.

You reasoning is so narrow minded. It is what you want to believe. If the USA was non-existent, this man would still be out there spreading his form of Islam.

Submit to him... or perish. That is what they preach.


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
RE: Big Brother in Canada

You reasoning is so narrow minded. It is what you want to believe. If the USA was non-existent, this man would still be out there spreading his form of Islam.

He still is. And whats the diference between him and "W" spreading his form of "Christianity"?

"W" and his cronies do not understand how people live and function in the Arab world. Maybe if America stopped trying to force their morals on them, there may not be as many problems in the middle east as there are now.