I am linking back to the same source for a reason Rev.
Lack of initiative?
You keep going back to the fact that Al Queda and other Muslim Extremist are attacking the US and it's allies for one reason... US Policies in the Middle East.
Cause and effect...one of the baasics of logic and reason.
I am trying to point out to you that they themselves are saying that the sole purpose is the spread of Islam.
That has exactly as much credence as the pictures of cartoon trucks that Powell took to the UN.
You portray them as Reactionaries.
I do. By the way, being a reactionary is not a good thing.
However, you do not want to believe that because it squashes your theory on the reasons behind the war on terror.
Actually my theory, as you call it in that derisive way that only luddites and creationists can manage, is based on evidence stretching back for decades, things that people in the Bush administration have said, actions on both sides, and on and on and on.
While your side is changing their story every ten seconds trying to cover up the fact that you murder people for money, my story has been the same since Reagan was in power...it just keeps getting longer. So you can sit there and try to defend, deny, and lie, but the fact remains that you have no facts to deal with.
You want to blame the US because you really don't like the US.
Not true. I don't like imperialism because killing people for money is wrong.
Very true, because killing people for money is wrong.
So you make this topic about my rhetoric when I am simply saying
"OK ... don't believe me... Listen to what they have to say"
Yeah, and I should listen to what George Bush is saying too. :roll: We don't even have turnip trucks around here so I'm pretty sure I didn't just fall off of one.
And you know that what these muslim terrorist are saying does not back up your arguments.
Depends which quotes I choose, doesn't it? You choose all of yours very carefully yet you claim some sort of victory when somebody offers up any link that isn't fully supporting, with exception or digression, of their viewpoint. You have no use for information because you live on the poison of propaganda.
They back up mine.... and you know you can't have that now can you.
I've already shown in one thread how completely inadequate you are at any sort of research. You've shown yourself to be incapable of even using Google to look up basic historical facts. Now you are offering a single site again and again to support a position that no serious political analyst or historian on earth believes.