B.C. pipeline protests continue to halt Ontario trains for 5th day in a row


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
A closer look at some of the key players in the Lower Mainland’s Wet’suwet’en protests

With near-daily protests and blockades disrupting the Lower Mainland, residents are beginning to see some key faces appearing regularly on their TV screens.

While demonstrators have taken pains to reject the label of “protester,” referring to themselves instead as land defenders supporting Indigenous sovereignty, it has become apparent that behind many of the actions is a much smaller group of activists.

In Vancouver, the face of the string of actions — including an occupation of Attorney General David Eby‘s office and several port blockades — is Natalie Knight.

“We are Indigenous people who have lived on this land for a very long time with uninvited settlers on our land,” Knight told Global News at the office occupation.

“It’s an economic disruption,” she said of the port blockade.

“We recognize that the government tends to only understand the language of money, so disrupting capital and the flow of goods is a language that they will understand.”

But Knight, who self-identifies as the organizer of solidarity actions with Wet’suwet’en in Vancouver, isn’t from Canada.

She told Global News Tuesday that she was of Yurok and Navajo ancestry with roots in California and New Mexico, and came to the country eight years ago for school, though did not want to discuss her immigration status.

“I don’t think I need to share my status with you,” she said.

Knight earned a PhD from Simon Fraser University, where she graduated with the Dean’s Convocation medal for her dissertation Dispossessed Indigeneity: Literary Excavations of Internalized Colonialism, described by the school as moving “between the separate fields of Marxism, feminism, settler colonialism, and critical Indigenous studies.”

Perhaps presciently, her doctoral advisor Dr. Deanna Reader lauded Knight as a promising scholar and “one who will make an enormous contribution to public debates and urgent social issues in academia and well beyond.”

In the Fraser Valley, there is another activist group that’s either organized or facilitated a series of rail blockades, including two that forced the cancellation of West Coast Express service.

Formerly the Alliance Against Displacement, the group relaunched in January with a “wider mandate” as the Red Braid Alliance for Decolonial Socialism.

On its website, the group calls itself a “revolutionary working class and Indigenous organization active on lands occupied by British Columbia, Canada.”

The group has been active since 2013, but one of its key organizers, Ivan Drury, has deeper roots — going back to the three-month squat at the old Woodwards building in 2002.

Since then, he’s been the ubiquitous face of the group at tent cities from Nanaimo to Vancouver to Maple Ridge and in the campaign against Burnaby demovictions.

In January, he took the lead on a plan to set up an “anti-RCMP checkpoint” outside B.C. RCMP headquarters in Surrey in response to the force’s actions in Wet’suwet’en territory.

Drury did not respond to requests for comment.

Global News asked the Red Braid Alliance how a group that was founded on housing advocacy became a central actor in a series of civil disobedience actions in the Indigenous sovereignty movement, but they didn’t want to talk.

“We don’t want to talk to you on the record about that right now,” said the organization’s Listen Chen, reached by phone, “because it feels like a distraction from the movement as a whole.”



Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
That's Pipeline money that don't count, we're talkin real money here, taxpayer money coming to the society soon ;)
LOL..........because Real Warriors would rather live off the dole then have well-paying jobs./s The upstart chiefs would rather keep their community dependent upon government hand-outs then have them actually stand proudly on their own feet.

It must so disheartening for the majority of the Wet'suwet'en people to see a handful of old men mired in the past, unwilling to acknowledge the benefits of seeing their people with good jobs and all that would mean for the band, and still clinging to ancient grievances. The burning question that should be asked of the old men is why, when they had the ability years ago, to go to trial in order to try and prove their title to the land - they didn't. Land title will not be settled at these meetings as the Supreme Court has been steadfast in stating that the Wet'suwet'en must come to court to prove title.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
After listening to that Woos person addressing the media in the latest update from the 'talks' today, I recalled this passage from Shakespeare and could not help but think how apt it is in light of the confused, mealy-mouthed words spoken by the man. BTW, work progresses on the line today!

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death, Out, out brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
It appears that the main topics at the discussions are about land title and the hold-out chiefs who didn't participate in the Coastal Gaslink talks. It bears repeating that the hold-outs had plenty of opportunity after the Delgamuukw decision came down from the Supreme Court of Canada, to take their case back to the courts as they failed in their first attempt to gain title. Why they chose not to do so has yet be to answered. The government can't force them to court. It is incumbent upon them to do so.
As for their lack of participation in the Coastal Gaslink talks, again no answer is forthcoming as to why they chose to sit on the sidelines until the deal was done.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
They met for a sum total of 3 hours yesterday and according to one member at the meeting, the only thing accomplished was 'introductions.' Sigh

The protesting Chiefs don't know what they want.... it's like a dog that chases cars, the dog don't know what to do the one time it catches one

As per Hereditary Chief Captain Morgans request, I will be providing details to the Feds today in order for our chunk of cash to be deposited in our Swiss bank accounts. :smile:

I got to thinking about this Hereditary Chief Mowich, seeing how we can't trust those colonizing bastard whitey gvt people, we need to change the demand to big duffel bags of cash delivered individually to our group


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
The protesting Chiefs don't know what they want.... it's like a dog that chases cars, the dog don't know what to do the one time it catches one.

Land title - that only a court case will settle - so that's going nowhere, and the shut-down of Coastal Gaslink. That is what I managed to figure out from what Woos was saying, Cap. I was amiss stating that the company is back at work today apparently work will commence again tomorrow.

I don't know if you have caught any of the live reports on the talks, Cap but if you don't want to end up pulling your hair out or falling out of your chair laughing - don't bother. Bennett wouldn't know a complete comprehensible sentence if one jumped up and bit her. It is almost excruciating to watch her struggling to put the old liberal virtue-signaling spin on the talks and judging by all the grasping for words frequently interspersed with long bouts of uh, uh, uh and eh, eh, eh.....she's having a hard time not choking on it.

So now the 'draft document' that is the result of the talks will be shared with all............and that damn well better mean ALL Wet'suwet'en people. They are saying it will take up to 2 weeks for any answer. In the meantime, the hold-outs are still vocally opposing the line and still nattering on about land title. From where I sit, I can't see that much has been accomplished save for some smoothing of ruffled feathers and the admittance of the Matriarchal Hereditary Chiefs to the talks - the one positive so far. Hope springs though and I might just be surprised by the outcome..............two weeks from now. Elsewhere in the country, protests continue to spring up and the hold-outs continue to stand with them.

I got to thinking about this Hereditary Chief Mowich, seeing how we can't trust those colonizing bastard whitey gvt people, we need to change the demand to big duffel bags of cash delivered individually to our group
I do apologize, Cap but I take exception to the duffel bags. If we've learned anything from 'whitey' it is that they do have superior product capability and we should take advantage of it at every turn. High end luggage is the way to go. You know the bullet proof kind that you can put on a leash. Our Nations deserve no less.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I do apologize, Cap but I take exception to the duffel bags. If we've learned anything from 'whitey' it is that they do have superior product capability and we should take advantage of it at every turn. High end luggage is the way to go. You know the bullet proof kind that you can put on a leash. Our Nations deserve no less.
Aluminum canoes and gortex mukluks made the "Indian way". That is the future.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
When do we get to read the transcripts of the meeting?
It's all guesswork by journalists at the moment, pete..........they 'think' the general public might be privy to the contents once the Wet'suwet'en band have had two weeks to read it. I would suggest they could photocopy it but that might not fall within traditional practices.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
It's undoubtedly going to set precedent but will it be something equitable for every FN in Canada?
Will have to wait and see what 'precedents' might be set that are not already in place, pete - and an answer to your question.

In my prior post I mentioned that the hold-out chiefs still support the protests. Thinking about that afterwards and seeing yet more of them spring up, I doubt that even if the hold-outs asked them to stand down it would matter one whit. Their cause has been hi-jacked by all the other anti-everything on earth bunch and they could care less what a few old men have to say. After all the Wet'suwet'en were just the springboard they needed to launch their own campaigns and can now be cast aside.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Land title - that only a court case will settle - so that's going nowhere, and the shut-down of Coastal Gaslink. That is what I managed to figure out from what Woos was saying, Cap. I was amiss stating that the company is back at work today apparently work will commence again tomorrow.

The only thing that the Feds can offer land title wise is the existing deal that FNs outside BC have... Anything more and the entirelty of Canada's FN communities will have to be given terms on par with the BC group

I don't know if you have caught any of the live reports on the talks, Cap but if you don't want to end up pulling your hair out or falling out of your chair laughing - don't bother. Bennett wouldn't know a complete comprehensible sentence if one jumped up and bit her. It is almost excruciating to watch her struggling to put the old liberal virtue-signaling spin on the talks and judging by all the grasping for words frequently interspersed with long bouts of uh, uh, uh and eh, eh, eh.....she's having a hard time not choking on it.

The Libs have, yet again, painted themselves in a corner.

Bennett doesn't know what to say because Der Leader has no clue as to what to do.

If they had a spine, they would give clear and fair warning to ALL protest groups in across the nation and if no compliance, go in with force, clear the camps, arrest and charge all AND have the Court apply appropriate judgement and penalty - no exceptions.

... but seeing how the Libs are without any spines, this won't happen

I do apologize, Cap but I take exception to the duffel bags. If we've learned anything from 'whitey' it is that they do have superior product capability and we should take advantage of it at every turn. High end luggage is the way to go. You know the bullet proof kind that you can put on a leash. Our Nations deserve no less.

Damned fine idea... I gotta get you a raise, your ideas are excellent!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Will have to wait and see what 'precedents' might be set that are not already in place, pete - and an answer to your question.
In my prior post I mentioned that the hold-out chiefs still support the protests. Thinking about that afterwards and seeing yet more of them spring up, I doubt that even if the hold-outs asked them to stand down it would matter one whit. Their cause has been hi-jacked by all the other anti-everything on earth bunch and they could care less what a few old men have to say. After all the Wet'suwet'en were just the springboard they needed to launch their own campaigns and can now be cast aside.
I'm quite sure there was some heavy reality doled out by the "Canadians" involving liabilities and legalities. It would sure suck if the Office of the Wetsuweten were held liable for economic damages.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
It's all guesswork by journalists at the moment, pete..........they 'think' the general public might be privy to the contents once the Wet'suwet'en band have had two weeks to read it. I would suggest they could photocopy it but that might not fall within traditional practices.
Two weeks to read a document about a meeting that they where at? Holy Christ! I read a novel a week on average and have for the last 40 years. I think those that'll end up paying for the promises being made (the Canadian Tax payers) should have the opportunity to read this document and have input on it (& I doubt it'll take the average person two weeks to read it) before any $$$ or promises of more $$$ are committed to.
I'm quite sure there was some heavy reality doled out by the "Canadians" involving liabilities and legalities. It would sure suck if the Office of the Wetsuweten were held liable for economic damages.
Lets Freak'n hope so. That & a demand upon the Mohawk Peacekeepers to turn over those that lit the flaming tires on the railbed and the various other rail track fires amount other things. If the Mohawks claim that's a separate issue than what's currently being discussed, then whats the deal with the ongoing blockades that won't come down until the We'blanket'su'an take their two weeks to read this handful of pages and decide what to do about it?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
They are building a protest village

I read their wishlist. No naloxone but tent steaks (deep ones) and wifi.
Traditional Hereditary WiFi? I Googled this list and I've found part of it:

Dry Goods:chocolate &chocolate chips, flour of any kind, chickpea/channa flour oatmeal, steel cut oats any ricebut brown, corn meal brown sugar, icing sugar dried seaweed dried noodles (especially rice noodles, no instant ramen)nutritional yeast, dried legumes (not mixed)split peas, quinoa pasta (gluten and gf)Bragg's soy sauce, kikkoman soy sauce, vinegar -rice, balsamic, & apple cider Oils -sesame, avocado ,coconut,olive, peanut butter, nut butter, jam, syrup, maple syrup, honey, canned milk, soy, rice, almond milk in tetra pack Nuts (No sunflower seeds, peanuts) sesame seeds, flax seed, vanilla extract.

Meats:wild meat (especially canned or dried)wild fish (especially canned or dried)any canned or preserved fish, clams, sausage, poultry, ground meat, pepperoni, tofu

Vegetables and Fruit:Anything long storing, Greens. Fresh herbs,Garlic,ginger,Fresh turmeric, dried or canned veg and fruit (NO Rhubarb), For updated fresh produce needs, please call camp.

Dairy:Cheese (especially hard cheese)

Tools &Misc:Sharp knives Educational books sharp axes chainsaws ratchet set blades for power saws/skill saw (7.5)screwdriver set large pots cast iron snow goggles snow pants and winter coats warm winter gloves warm work gloves kitchen aprons butcher paper ziplock bags stovetop pressure canner, makeup, makeup brushes, art supplies, large blocks of paper, rope, barbwire....

As a newly Minted Hereditary Chief (Rider House, Anti-Rhubarb Klan....& I like Rhubarb but that's my Girlfriend's condition), I request FIVE of all of the above (especially hard cheese), and some duffle bags of money in multiple currencies in non sequential bills 'cuz I gots to keep up with the Woos of the world don't'cha know!!!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Traditional Hereditary WiFi? I Googled this list and I've found part of it:

Dry Goods:chocolate &chocolate chips, flour of any kind, chickpea/channa flour oatmeal, steel cut oats any ricebut brown, corn meal brown sugar, icing sugar dried seaweed dried noodles (especially rice noodles, no instant ramen)nutritional yeast, dried legumes (not mixed)split peas, quinoa pasta (gluten and gf)Bragg's soy sauce, kikkoman soy sauce, vinegar -rice, balsamic, & apple cider Oils -sesame, avocado ,coconut,olive, peanut butter, nut butter, jam, syrup, maple syrup, honey, canned milk, soy, rice, almond milk in tetra pack Nuts (No sunflower seeds, peanuts) sesame seeds, flax seed, vanilla extract.
Meats:wild meat (especially canned or dried)wild fish (especially canned or dried)any canned or preserved fish, clams, sausage, poultry, ground meat, pepperoni, tofu
Vegetables and Fruit:Anything long storing, Greens. Fresh herbs,Garlic,ginger,Fresh turmeric, dried or canned veg and fruit (NO Rhubarb), For updated fresh produce needs, please call camp.

Dairy:Cheese (especially hard cheese)
Tools &Misc:Sharp knives Educational books sharp axes chainsaws ratchet set blades for power saws/skill saw (7.5)screwdriver set large pots cast iron snow goggles snow pants and winter coats warm winter gloves warm work gloves kitchen aprons butcher paper ziplock bags stovetop pressure canner, makeup, makeup brushes, art supplies, large blocks of paper, rope, barbwire....
As a newly Minted Hereditary Chief (Rider House, Anti-Rhubarb Klan....& I like Rhubarb but that's my Girlfriend's condition), I request FIVE of all of the above (especially hard cheese), and some duffle bags of money in multiple currencies in non sequential bills 'cuz I gots to keep up with the Woos of the world don't'cha know!!!
Different list. Its Tyendinaga wishlist.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Oh dear. They're exercising their wit again.
They're trying to see humour in a ridiculous situation as opposed to lighting up tires and tossing them on the rail road ties. They're almost done for the night too 'cuz they're going to get up in the morning and go to their place of employment to pull in some more Canadian Pesos to buy their own hard cheese.
Last edited:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit