Exactly, that's what I was saying. It's nothing new, it's a very old legal concept.
I didn't say it wasn't the case, I'm saying it shouldn't be.
Regardless of what the law dictates, explain to me in your own words how someone has a right to someone else's property.
Explain to me how my father owes me his car if he passes away.
Explain to me how my mother would owe me her house if she passed away.
"Despite any law or statute to the contrary, if a Testator dies leaving a will that does not, in the court’s opinion, make adequate provision for the proper maintenance and support of the Testator’s spouse or children, the court may, in its discretion, in an action by or on behalf of the spouse or children, order that the provision that it thinks adequate, just and equitable in the circumstances be made out of the Testator’s estate for the spouse or children."
^ If none of their children or other family members are "Dependent" on the person who passed away, if they have their own homes, their own jobs, their own families, their own lives and are doing just fine without constantly asking mommy and daddy for money and help...... where's the argument for
"Maintenance and Support for the Spouse or Children?"
In situations where the parent dies early and the children are still minors, sure I get that it should be distributed and equally used for the children in support and maintenance..... but if their children are no longer dependent on the parent who passed away...... all it is is a selfish and greedy money grab, while bitch slapping someone's last requests.
And if it's all up to the courts to determine what's fair and how things should be given out to everybody...... as I asked before..... what's the point in a Will and what's the point in wasting the time to write one out??
For the fun of it?
90% of the time there's always going to be at least one ass hat who doesn't like how things were distributed and will fight it in court to get more..... and as I see it.... if you're a grown, independent adult living all on your own, there is no "Maintenance or Support" for you that needs to be compensated for.....
..... usually by that time it's you, the child, who needs to help maintain and support your parents.
Basically all I want is one clear explanation of what sorts of Maintenance or Support one would need to be compensated for to justify the courts tossing away someone's dying last wishes and making it up as they see fit.
And just saying "Because it's the law" doesn't cut it...... Just because something is the law, doesn't make it right..... there has to be something that justifies it being "Right" and that law existing in the first place.