Attawapiskat gets attention!


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
wynne et al forked over $1 billion in a contract cancellation to get a libtard elected.

flossy and the progs said a billion ain't no thang but that kinda money floating around in just ontario coulda done a lot for reserve instead of dicking us over yet again non?
Once again proof that Canadians need to leave the Ebonics to others. It's almost as pathetic as Chinese folks trying to sing country western music .

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
The system would work if we looked at the mechanics and what is wrong. The Feds aren't doing that, haven't been doing that and even when Harper raised issue they didn't follow through. If we move them, do we move all the other screwed up reserves and where do we move them?

Attiwapiskat and the surrounding reserves are in the middle of a land with plenty of diamond pipes that are being mined by DeBeers, a South African Mining Company.

Considering they are mining those territories I think its fair to say that employment opportunities should be offered to the locals first. It wouldn't hurt them to kick in a little corporate good will either. Lots of corporations invest in surrounding communities. We have Dow Centers, Rogers Stadium, how about DeBeers invests in the communities and do their part and give these folks a future. It has worked in the NWT, it's not 100% perfect, but would sure be a hell of a gesture by a foreign company mining our natural resources.

I really hate the lazy Indian bull****. If you create a slum you create tyrants and slumlords and we created this slum along with many others. We should tear up the Indian act, rewrite it so that there is an independent arms length audit of all moneys that is also non- partisan. No more handing over money blindly. If they can't handle the construction, we send in people to help them.

Most Canadian kids have access to public skating rinks, youth centers, libraries, proper education, but most of all, potable water. These kids do not. We can't move every Northern Reserve, so why would start on that foot. I've watched mini cities erected on the Arctic Tundra, with Gymnasiums, potable water, recreations like pools and libraries.

DeBeers is erecting Gahcho Kue in the NWT.

So its not impossible. If a Chief starts mouthing off, we bring the plan before the people and say here is your school here is your water treatment plant here is your library, etc. See how fast said Chief shuts big mouth.

We should be doing this. Transform it from a slum into a community and empower the people and pretty soon the slumlords will be driven out and we make it abundantly clear that if there is any misappropriation of funding found by an independent auditor funding will cease until the individuals are caught, there will be a review.

Welcome to self government baby.

I know, sounds pie in the sky, but that's what needs to happen. Some Chiefs out there are accountable to their people and have built reserves that melt into the landscape and look as normal as any suburb.

We just need the politicians to step up. It's only complex if we make it complex.

I believe that Petros is right about the employment and investment activities of mining companies (the big ones in particular).

in terms of facilities, water, sanitation, etc, the catch-22 is that the individual Councils are strongly inclined to do the work, organize contractors and whatnot... The bottom-line is that capital is made available for the facilities/infrastructure, etc you mentioned. Attiwapiskat has been around for a lot of years and funding has been applied over this time... The burning question; Why are there no (or very poor) facilities?

I understand that nit-picking these details today does nothing for those kids in Attiwapiskat, however, without solving the root problem, this simply a deferral of what will be the same crisis in the near future.

With all this said, I see only 2 viable options; Allow the Feds to step in and take over the management of Attiwapiskat completely (eliminating the need for a Chief and Council or conversely, move them to a location where these needs are already in place.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
What I'm trying to get at is it the location that needs fixing or is the inhabitants that need fixing? Or maybe a bit of both?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
I believe that it is Chief and Council that need the fixing, but if that is not possible in the short term or there is too many obstacles to get that accomplished, then the best alternative is to move


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Cindy Blackstock, executive director of First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada, said part of what's driving this sense of hopelessness in communities like Attawapiskat is the "chronic inequality" in the services provided.

She noted the disparity in government funding for education, healthcare, and child welfare services between indigenous children living on reserves and non-indigenous children.

In January, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal found that the government spends less on social services for on-reserve children.

She noted that there's also a lack of basic services on many reserves across the country. For example, there's only one source of potable water in Attawapiskat, a community of about 2,000 people, she said.

Add up all these hardships, and over the years, children start to lose hope, she said.

'We don't ask for much': Indigenous affairs minister grilled in Attawapiskat | CTV News


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
e. Attawapiskat by the numbers

Population: 1,800
Houses: 300
Tents: 5
Sheds: approx. 17
Waiting list for housing: 314 applications
Adults living in a household with spouses, kids and parents: 118
People living in De Beers trailers: approx. 90
Cost of maintaining trailers: $100,000 a year
Federal housing allocation for 2011/12: $581,407
Federal stimulus money for housing in 2009/11: $450,000
Federal housing allocation for 2009/10: $564,082
Cost of building a new house: $250,000
Amount needed to meet all housing needs: $84 million
Federal money for renovating five condemned houses: $500,000 (committed in November)
Cost of renovating one condemned house: $50,000-$100,000
Cost of building a new school: $12.5 million
Benefit payments from De Beers July 2008-January 2011: $10.5 million (held in trust fund by community)
Value of De Beers business contracts with Attawapiskat related to mine construction and operation: $325 million
Source: Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, Assembly of First Nations, De Beers Canada


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I believe that Petros is right about the employment and investment activities of mining companies (the big ones in particular).

in terms of facilities, water, sanitation, etc, the catch-22 is that the individual Councils are strongly inclined to do the work, organize contractors and whatnot... The bottom-line is that capital is made available for the facilities/infrastructure, etc you mentioned. Attiwapiskat has been around for a lot of years and funding has been applied over this time... The burning question; Why are there no (or very poor) facilities?

I understand that nit-picking these details today does nothing for those kids in Attiwapiskat, however, without solving the root problem, this simply a deferral of what will be the same crisis in the near future.

With all this said, I see only 2 viable options; Allow the Feds to step in and take over the management of Attiwapiskat completely (eliminating the need for a Chief and Council or conversely, move them to a location where these needs are already in place.

If FN miners can handle the biggest threat to a mine (water) they can take their skills home and easy install sewage and potable systems.


lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
The diamomd mine thing might make sense if it provided full employment - which it doesn't, if the work ethic matched up to employment requirements - which they won't, and a corporation from South Africa can survive in peaceful harmony with an indigenous population. It's a lot more complicated than "get a job..."


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
here's another angle:

there are more proggy feel-good tv commercials begging you to send your money to causes so little maria and her brother or some other such poor-assed generic kids overseas can get flip flops or some medicine or a well or a computer or....

why don't these do-gooders help people in this fukkin' country. FN kids aren't as cute, adorable or seemingly worth the money as these charity cases hocked by so many 800-number 'charities' on the toob? it's ridiculous. they should come before any of these 'over there' dodgy companies.

look, we gave and gave and gave gobs of cash to these bands and they fukked-it away for the most part. either commit to do it right or hit the dusty trail.