Artic report card


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Arctic Report Card 2010

Prevailing science opinion among informed observers is best represented by the recently released Arctic Report Card, an annual update from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The report is based on scientific reports from 69 scientists in eight countries.
Key Points: Region Continues to Warm at Unprecedented Rate
• Greenland is experiencing record-setting high temperatures, ice melt and glacier area loss;
• Summer sea ice continues to decline — the 2009-2010 summer sea ice cover extent was the third lowest since satellite monitoring began in 1979, and sea ice thickness continues to thin. The 2010 minimum is the third lowest recorded since 1979, surpassed only by 2008 and the record low of 2007; and
• Arctic snow cover duration was at a record minimum since record-keeping began in 1966.
• The Arctic is unlikely to return to its former state
According to a McClatchey report, “Jackie Richter-Menge, the chief editor of the report and a research civil engineer at the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory in Hanover, N.H., said the warming trend made any return to previous Arctic conditions increasingly unlikely, at least in the foreseeable future.”
“It’s very likely Arctic climate warming will continue and that we’ll continue to set records in the years to come,” she said.

YouTube - NOAA Releases Arctic Report Card



Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Oh well.... 2009-2010 had the "Third Lowest" on record since 1979?

Obviously there were two years that were lower on that record since 1979 and if things were as bad as these Global Warmongers claimed, you'd think the trend would be that this past year would be the lowest on record, followed by the next year being the lowest and so on..... obviously the sea ice varies up and down and obviously we haven't seen our "First Summer Ice-Free North Pole" ~ So there's really nothing worth worrying about here.... and this is just more crap to keep the Global Warming fiasco in the spotlight for a little while longer.

Let me know when something substantial comes along.

Funny how we never hear of the years in between when the ice was more then average or at least the years where the trend reversed to the point that the 2009-2010 year only ended up as the third lowest.

Filtering the information to serve a biased view as always.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Artic Sea Ice at Lowest Extent Ever

The usual concern for Arctic sea ice crops up in the summertime, when the frightening ice decline results in more open water, and therefore a greater capacity for the dark Arctic Ocean to absorb the 24-hour sun's heat - rather than reflect it back into space, as was the case when most of the Arctic surface was covered with bright, white ice.
But look at the state of Arctic ice now. Even as we approach the usual winter maximum, the ice extent is lower than at any time in recorded history, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado. The Polar Science Center in Seattle reports that ice volume also continues its decline, or should I say, collapse - at unprecedented speed, to unprecedented lows.
Thus, despite the calls from d'oh-headed deniers like Art Horn for a global chill driven by a "super La Nina," we have a year that wraps up tied as the warmest ever and a continuing trend that indicates the coming summer will feature the effects of redoubling climate feedbacks.
We stand in awe of the DenierGang's ability to tie themselves up in logical knots and we await their next falacious analysis with unfailing interest.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The time frame in your graphs is too short geologically speaking to indicate anything. Need something in the 500 year range to be relevant. What was the ice pack 400 or so years ago when they were looking for a northern route to China.


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
-There wasn't people plannin' to Exploit the Arctics resources 400-500 yrs ago.Wasn't possible
-No Industrialization 400-500 years ago either ..

Things have changed..The Climate has Changed..We have affected it/We effect it...The Trend is Warming..

I think a more relevant time period to focus on,for us Earthlings, is the past 50-100 yrs,(Ok... sorry, Ma Pampo. Make that the last 128yrs , and for the next 50-100 generations , still yet to come.

We should do all we can to better our ways.To ensure the best Possible/Most Sustainable Future Now, and as Life and us Earthly Aliens continue to move Postively Forever Forward , into the next, 50-100 generations. Into A Future , still yet, to be decided.......

We're only killing Ourselves , more ultimatetly, our only Home Planet.Not to mention, all that Lives and Breaths here.....

As much as I hope DEEP SPACE is the Eternal Frontier...It would apear , so far, that the Aritc North is the Final Frontier...

Gotta think postive thoughts though..Gotta find Answers/Solutions...

Green/Clean Tech is an Answer /is a Solution..

Peace or Pieces?




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Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Once-in-a-decade heatwave melting the Arctic ... for the third time this year

February 11, 2017 —Records are shattering left and right across the Arctic, much like the ever-dwindling sea ice that once covered the entire Arctic Ocean.

First, the facts. January sea ice area has never been so small. In November, the coverage fell short of average by an area the size of the eastern half of the United States. Northeast Greenland had its warmest February day ever (by almost four degrees). The current heat wave brought Friday’s temperatures near the North Pole to 50 degrees above average, which is like New York City having a January day in the mid-80s.

This kind of unprecedented weather leaves even seasoned researchers scratching their heads.

“We’re still trying to figure out what is happening here,” Mark Serreze, a senior research scientist with the Colorado-based Snow and Ice Data Center, told KUAC. “The sea ice is so low there in part because it’s just been so darn warm in the Arctic this winter.”

Of course, there’s a huge difference between weather and climate. The Earth is a vast and chaotic system, and heat waves as well as cold snaps can happen anywhere. But how often they take place can give insight into general patterns.

But that’s not happening. Sea ice raised eyebrows by halting in October, and then caused alarm by melting in November. Melting, despite the six-month perma-night of an arctic sun that never rises.

“The ridiculously warm temperatures in the Arctic during October and November this year are off the charts over our 68 years of measurements,” Jennifer Francis, a climate scientist at Rutgers University who studies the Arctic, told Climate Central.

Scientists suspect this year’s meager sea ice covering may be contributing to the barrage of heat waves. "As that sea ice moves northward, there’s a huge reservoir of heat over the north Atlantic," atmospheric physics expert Kent Moore of the University of Toronto told the Washington Post. "As we lose the sea ice, it allows essentially this reservoir of warmth to move closer to the pole."

Once-in-a-decade heatwave melting the Arctic ... for the third time this year. Why? -


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Little Ice Age Big Chill Documentary

anyone thinks it's man made
here be some history
this'll be a big disappointment to ya