Anyone else have an Ereader?


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
As I understand it, an iPad is an e-reader, or at least that is one of it's functions so you don't need an extra device. The only advantage of having an e-reader that I can see is that they are small, lightweight, and easy to fit in a pocket, much like a paper book. I often take mine along when I go someplace that involves a lot of waiting such as the hospital or Doctors office. I see lots of people playing with their cell phones, texting, playing games, etc. That's not my thing though.

I get that the e-readers are smaller, but I like the multi-function aspect of the iPad. It's handy for internet browsing, email, watching a downloaded movie and games to pass the time as well as for e-books.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
I love my Kobo. I can adjust the lighting on it based on my surroundings and easily download all my books from the library. Then I delete the ones I've read and re-load with new ones. Terrific!


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
I read a lot of novels so I get most of them from our library, I simply can't afford to buy them all new. Until my recent eye surgeries, I was unable to read small print so I was pretty much restricted to the Large Print section of the Library and that section is rather small. The librarians told me that our Provincial Library system could provide eBooks that I could download and read on the computer or I could synchronize them to an eReader, or tablet. I downloaded a few but found that I couldn't read for long on the computer, the eye strain of the screen back lighting was too much for me. I found out that the black and white screens on eReaders were not back lighted and most have means of increasing text size. That sounded like the answer to me and soon thereafter, I got one for Christmas.

What have been your experiences with eReaders?

None; but, I inherited a big magnifier which goes over the head (lanyard), and props up on the gut. During the first phases of wet AMD, it helped a lot. Don't use it so much now, but for small print, it comes in handy.

For measurements in 64ths or 32nds, it's a necessity.

These are probably still available at your friendly optometrist.

I can't read on the computer very long. The bright and dark contrast is too stark. Can be adjusted a bit, but, books are preferred.

So; books.: Google Better World Books. cheap, used, and free shipping . fast shipping Average price is about $6.00.

Like yourself, I can't afford a I read slower.....;-)

Hope this helps.

8OWoops: old thread.



Electoral Member
Dec 18, 2012
Like yourself, I can't afford a I read slower.
I did that many years ago when we were in the Yukon in a new town with no library, and we could afford to keep buying at the pace I read them. Now I am sorry, I do trivia games every day and seconds count as well as correct answers and so I read slow! That was before there were yard sales, now I buy 99.9% of my books at the yard sales and they cost me anywhere from 25 cents to a buck. Half the books I buy have never been opened.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
I purchased the Samsung Galaxy 7" tablet. About the same size as an iPad mini. The advantage of buying a small tablet and not a specific reader is that you can get Apps from numerous booksellers, instead of being tied only to Amazon or B&N. I love mine.


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
I have a Kindle and really like it. I also have a Blackberry Playbook with the Kobo app. I find reading on a tablet tiring with the backlight causing eye strain after some time.
The Kindle's 'e paper' is really very much like reading a book and the controls are very simple, just click a button to turn the page.
Tablets require touch screen interface with the reader and I find that a little more laborious.
I'm sure it won't be long before there is an app for tablets which mimics 'e paper' and eliminates that eye strain.


Electoral Member
Apr 25, 2013
North Bay, ON
I have a Kobo Touch and use it for most of my non-paper reading, but I can also read my Kobo books on my iPod (4th gen) and my Blackberry Playbook. I find that pretty versatile.

The Kobo and the iPod also read epub (free) book format. I haven't tried epub's on the Playbook.


Electoral Member
Apr 25, 2013
North Bay, ON
Send me a PM in which you identify your Canadian Content forum nickname (if it doesn't automatically do so) and I'll pass along a site to you that will blow your mind for free ebooks. They're in "epub" format so they can be read on the Kobo, and also on iPod with the KOBO app, or Playbook with an epub app, or on your computer with Adobe Digital Editions (free program). I don't know about other ereaders.

Check my profile if you think I'm going to spam you or something.

I had this site passed along to me last week and it's just too damn good not to share with those of you who like reading and ereaders. I have no interest in this except to share the site with our members.


Electoral Member
Apr 25, 2013
North Bay, ON
I got the original......and the stutter;-)

Try Caliber for ebook management

Thanks! I was tempted to say that I'd already tried Calibre - which I did a couple of years ago - but I decided to give it another shot. It's excellent! I don't know if it's improved since I last tried it, but Calibre is so good that I changed over all my files to it.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Thanks! I was tempted to say that I'd already tried Calibre - which I did a couple of years ago - but I decided to give it another shot. It's excellent! I don't know if it's improved since I last tried it, but Calibre is so good that I changed over all my files to it.
If you have a reader with an external memory slot......Read post #7 for an easier way to load books....It works with Kobo anyways.:smile: