Americans are depressed and suicidal because something is wrong with our culture


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Americans are depressed and suicidal because something is wrong with our culture

Don't pathologize the despair that is a rational response to a culture that values people based on ever escalating financial and personal achievements.

In September of 2004, I received the call that every person dreads: my father had dropped dead of a heart attack at the age of 61. It came at a time I was already grappling with other issues, including watching my mother fight breast cancer for the preceding six months, a breakup with a boyfriend and a lack of structure in my life as I was freelancing as a consultant while I tried to determine what I wanted to do next with my career.
I was in an emotional free-fall, so I visited a psychiatrist. He said the antidepressant my general practitioner prescribed to help with my life-long struggle with anxiety wasn't what I needed, so he prescribed a new one. This seemed to only make things worse. Within a few days, I found myself thinking the unthinkable: I want to die.
I couldn’t imagine a life without my father and our hours-long conversations about, well, everything. The pain was debilitating, getting out of bed was an Olympian event, and life was utterly devoid of meaning. I stopped eating and shed 15 pounds in a month. I couldn’t see any reason to be alive.
I’ve thought a lot about this period following the suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, two people who by public appearances seemed to be living their best lives. We also learned this week that suicide rates increased 25% nationally, making it a national crisis.
I decided to share my story after interviewing John Draper, director of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, who happens to be my future brother-in-law. “What people don’t really know is that there is research that shows the media can reduce suicide,” Draper told me. “What creates a contagion effect is when the media focus mostly on the suicide and the way the person killed themselves. If people are more open about talking about coping through suicidal experiences, and the media highlight those stories, the evidence is very clear that this has a very positive effect on getting people through a suicidal crisis.”


Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
No, no, no! Americans are suicidal because of Justin Trudeau and Canadian dairy farmers!

Try to keep up.

Hoof Hearted

House Member
Jul 23, 2016
Part of it is young people are living their whole lives...experiencing everything... before the age of twenty. Then they turn around and ask, "Now I gotta go to work for the next 35 years??"

Technology was supposed to make our lives easier. It's done the complete opposite. In the workplace, instead of doing 5 things employees are doing 20 things half-assed. Pressure everywhere. Nickel and dime at every turn. Our brains aren't getting proper rest. We're all wired up 24/7/365 now.

I bet suicide stats during the Industrial Revolution were probably comparable, but I haven't researched/ googled it...just guessing.
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Nominee Member
Feb 7, 2018
Americans are depressed and suicidal because something is wrong with our culture
Well, it's not rocket science...

Gee, USA Today... I wonder what gave it away for you to have figured this out all on your own ?

- Is it the mass shootings every second day ?
- Gangs taking over entire cities ?
- Tens of thousands of homeless people sleeping on the streets ?
- Veterans with physical and mental health issues unable to get proper housing and medical care ?
- Ghettos in just about every city that looks like 3rd world countries ?
- African-Americans getting slaughtered in the streets by the very people who are supposed to "protect and serve" ?
- The hatred and vitriol that spews back and forth between right-wingers and left-wingers each and every day ?
- Or maybe it's all the pharmaceutical drugs being advertised on tv every 15 minutes like it's candy ?

Just what was it exactly that tipped you off ?



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Every day its something else stupid and disheartening and depressing.

IF ever a stat was logical it is the increasing suicide rate in America.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
There are an estimated 93 million unemployed Americans and of those employed many are deeply in debt. The famous dream seems to have become a nightmare for many Americans


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Is there something wrong with a culture where people commit massacres at schools as a regular sort of thing?

Yes. There is.

What does it teach the young members of that culture?

That massacring children is normal.
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Is the U.S. in a depression? (How John Williams became America’s most important statistician)

Written by Peter Diekmeyer, Sprott Money News
America’s economy has been progressing steadily. First quarter real GDP growth came in 2.2%. The official unemployment rate is 3.8%. Inflation, according to the Fed’s preferred measure is 2%.

But how accurate are those numbers?
“Nonsensical,” says John Williams, founder of Shadow Government Statistics, who has been tracking U.S. government data for more than three decades.
Williams reckons that, using traditional calculation methodologies, true inflation is likely running above 6% and the unemployment rate over 20%.
Most importantly, Williams’ calculations suggest that the US economy has been in a two decade-long depression. His line of reasoning is worth a look.
Underestimating inflation
Williams argues that U.S. statistical agencies overestimate GDP data by underestimating the inflation deflator they use in the calculation.
Manipulating the inflation rate, Williams argues in Public Comment on Inflation Measurement , also enables the US government to pay out pensioners less than they were promised, by fudging cost of living adjustments.
This manipulation has ironically taken place quite openly over decades, as successive Republican and Democratic administrations made “improvements” in the way they calculated the data.

These adjustments (such as hedonic adjustments to inflation calculations, or not counting people who have stopped looking for work as part of the labor force) inevitably cast the government’s numbers in a more favorable light.
However, mainstream media journalists tend to have a poor grasp of mathematics. They were thus unable to grasp the depth of the problem, let alone explain the issues to the public.
Politicians have thus been able to fudge economic data openly. For example, the chart below shows U.S. GDP growth as measured by official sources.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Is there something wrong with a culture that is led by a liar?

Yes. There is.

What does it teach the young members of that culture?

It teaches that lying is normal.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
How could anyone live in America and believe in God?

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Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
When you're older, and travel in the US, you won't be prone to making foolish comments like that. Waldo, you don't want to end up like Cliffy. But he is amusing to watch.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Shush. The only good thing about you is that you will soon be an organ donor.

And Waldo can learn something. Don't be like Cliffy.

Bath time soon, Cliffy. You drooled all over your pants!